Scrooge is a very rude and rich man. He doesn’t know the true meaning of Christmas or “business”, but after a few ghostly appearances, he is transformed and has a new perspective on things. Scrooge doesn’t believe in celebrating the holiday of Christmas because it requires him to spend money when he wants to keep his money to himself. Ebenezer Scrooge doesn’t understand the true meaning of business. He believes it only is consisting of money. Through Scrooge’s development, Dickens shows that people should make charity their business because people are way more important than money.
Scrooge’s definition of man’s business is about gaining money. This impacts his life because no one likes Scrooge because he only worries about money. For an example,
Scrooge is a rude, dismal man who hates mankind, and Christmas. During Christmastime there is a lot of charity and for being such a wealthy man that Scrooge is, he hates to give money to charity. He also thinks that Christmas is waste of time, and it could be used for
Scrooge just wants to live alone and make money. Money is the only thing he cares about. But, there is one day he hates the most and that day is Christmas day. There is a night in which the spirit of his dead best friend and work partner visits him. The Grinch is a creepy, angry, green creature who loves to hate.
Ebenezer Scrooge is a cold, miserable, old man who believes that Christmas is only a reason for people to miss work and for unmoving individuals to expect gifts. He doesn't have faith in the majority of the positivity and philanthropy that the season advances, and he verifies everybody knows it.
In stave I scrooge thinks that the definition of man’s “business” is money. I know this because when Scrooge was talking to Marley he said “but you were always a good man of business.”(23) This shows that Scrooge thinks that business is not helping other people but, it is making money. To further support this claim on page 10 when Scrooge
The writer of A Christmas Carol ,Charles Dickens, made this book to tell people that there is more in life than money. In the beginning the main character Scrooge thinks that business is money, but on the other hand a the end of the novel he grows more care giveing about people. In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens shows that one's business in life is growing more kind throughout his development in the text.
Scrooge first views business as an actually business that brings in money. As it states on page 23, “‘But you were always a good man of business, Jacob,’ faltered Scrooge, who now began to apply this to himself.” This shows me how Scrooge believed that you were a good person if you were a good person of business. Scrooge believed this because he saw business as money, since he and Marley had plenty, he believed they would be fine after they died. His intake on the meaning of “business” impacts his life completely, Scrooge is dismal, selfish, and greedy. Scrooge’s
Scrooge was a very disgraceful man to everyone he saw or spoke to. He was very wealthy and didn’t like to share the wealthy to people that needed it more than he did. He was very selfish and everything was about him he treated other people like they didn’t exist and he was the only person in the world. Scrooge didn’t like Christmas and almost everyone that did. Marley his best friend and dead business partner came up from the dead and was a part of changing his mind.
Scrooge doesn't give money to the poor or to the men who came by his shop. Scrooge is a mad and selfish man because he thinks that money comes before everything. He is also a lonely person because he let his soon to become wife break off the marriage because he had another idol besides her, money. He is a hateful person because he thinks he has the right to be mad at his nephew
In 'A Christmas Carol', Dickens represents Scrooge as a 'squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner' who is against Christmas and happiness and values money, yet given a chance to redeem his fate. Marley's Ghost has come to warn Scrooge to change
In the story “A Christmas Carol” Scrooge hates Christmas, and all he thinks about is money. This is because on Christmas eve, years ago Scrooges friend Marley passed away. Ever since then Scrooge has been all sad and self centered. But throughout the story Scrooge transforms into a better, nicer person.
Through Scrooge’s development, Dickens shows that people should make welfare their business because all the important moments in life is when you make someone’s life better. Scrooge’s definition of man’s “business” in Stave 1 is making money. In the text on page 5 it says, “ What right do you have to be dismal? What reason have you to be morose? Your rich enough.” Scrooge’s nephew told Scrooge to stop being selfish and dine with them on Christmas day but Scrooge was being mean and didn’t listen. Another
In stave one Scrooge’s definition of a man’s business is money. This impacts his life because people do not like him, and think of him as a grumpy and lonely old man. He doesn’t care about anything but himself. For example, In A Christmas Carol, Scrooge was having a conversation with the gentlemen, and he states “It’s enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to interfere with other people’s”.(10) This supports the topic that Scrooge thinks that money is his business in life because it shows that Scrooge thinks his business is all about his work. For example this is when the gentlemen and Scrooge was having a conversation about loaning the
The story “A Christmas Carol” is the story of a man, Ebenezer Scrooge, who despises Christmas and everything it stands for. The story has various cause and effect scenarios in which Scrooge eventually sees the error of his ways and comes to terms with the fact that whatever made him hate Christmas to begin with is not worth hating now. Scrooge was a very cruel man throughout a majority of the story, but as the story went on, things began to change. For starters, his reason for not liking the Christmas season was due to the fact that his friend/business partner, Jacob Marley, had died on that day seven years prior, amongst other things.
Everyone should be treated the same way right? People think that you don’t need to respect another person, religion, and where they are from. Everyone should be respected because you never know when something might happen. Through Scrooge’s experiences and character development, Dickens shows the reader that he believes that the business is to treat others the same way you want to be treated. You may never know when something might happen in return. Scrooge’s definition of business at the beginning of the text and its impact is to only see himself progress and get more money for his own purpose Before we was poor,. ”We could improve our widely fortune, you were another man.” It shows he loses his wife to him loving money more than her. He
Ebenezer Scrooge is a miserable and greedy old man, who focuses mainly on his business and continues with his greedy ways on Christmas Eve. He is always grumpy and yells at his employees, and most of all at Bob Cratchit. Scrooge’s desire is to be by himself on Christmas Eve, and rejects his nephew Fred’s, invitation for dinner. One night, the ghost of Jacob Marley, a former colleague of Scrooge, who has passed away seven years ago, visits the old man. Marley reminds Scrooge of his cruel lifestyle and encourages him to change it before it is too late. He tells Scrooge that three spirits will visit him. When Scrooge falls asleep, The Ghost of Christmas Past visits him first. The Ghost shows him scenes from the past the reveal Scrooges’ live; from a lonesome young boy to a man who has allowed greed to overcome his life, a man who does not know love and compassion. Scrooge is touched by what he has seen and even allows emotions to overcome his stone-cold heart. Secondly, the Ghost of Christmas Present visits Scrooge. The Ghost takes Scrooge to several Christmas celebrations, including the party at Fred’s house. Also the Ghost takes Scrooge to the Crachit’s house, and warns him that unless the future is changed the crippled young son of Bob, Tiny Tim will die. The ghost warns Scrooge to be carful of his ignorance. Lastly the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come visits Scrooge. The old man becomes aware that several people discuses the death of someone. At last, he learns that this is