
Ebola Virus Research Paper

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Viruses are infectious organic agents. These Viruses are by far, the smallest organisms to exist, these are smaller than even bacteria, which are much smaller than a human cell. A virion is about one, one hundredth the size of a bacterium. There are about 5000 different known viruses, since their first discovery by Dmitri Invanovsky's discovery in 1892. These viruses are the causes of many illnesses, most commonly, the common cold. Some viruses are especially deadly such as the E.Coli or the Ebola virus. Most viruses are not very harmful, because either, they were made for a different kind of organism, or humans have used vaccines as a preventative measure against the viruses.

These virus infect many living things. These …show more content…

These viruses can be transmitted by air, water, animals, insects, food, or bodily excretions. The most common way is by bodily excretions, specifically, sneezing. Sneezes are especially common. These sneezes often happen because the excretions would be breathed in and the viruses in them would invade the cells in the throat, which would cause a sore throat. These viruses would then travel all over the body and would invade many other kinds of cells. These cells would be invaded very quickly, and the viruses would replicate dramatically. This is why after a sneeze, the person who breathed in the sneeze would become so sick, so quickly. Insects or animals would transmit viruses, by making an cut, or an insect would bite a human, the viruses on the insect or animal would transmit into the human body, causing damage to the …show more content…

The virus is considered living, because there is DNA, and it would be active when it would touch a cell. Also, viruses are able to replicate very effectively. These viruses can be reproduced extremely quickly.

Viruses are also considered dead. The reasons are that the viruses are without a lot of the important things to be considered living. For example, they do not have a metabolism, also, they cannot do anything until they find a host cell.

There is a lot of new research on viruses. Viruses are used as a new way to battle against cancer. These viruses are used to find cells that have cancer like properties. These viruses would invade all cells, but they would only have an effect on cancer cells. When these viruses find cancer cells, they would be able to make many more copies of the viruses. These viruses would then leave the cell and would kill that cell. These viruses would be definitely effective cures to cancer when fully developed, as they would be very good at eradicating cells infected by

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