
Ecg Blood Test

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Blood tests, a physical examination and information about your medical history will be taken by your primary care physician. Diagnostic tests will be suggested if he/she has any concerns. One of the diagnostic tests that your physician may order is something called an electrocardiogram. Electrical signals are recorded in this electrocardiogram as they travel through your heart. Recommendations of Holter monitoring made be made in some cases. This ECG is when a portable monitor is worn twenty four hours. A previous heart attack or one that is happening can be revealed through an ECG. Another diagnostic test is called an echocardiogram. This test is when images of your heart are produced using sound waves. A stress test is another diagnostic test to look at your heart …show more content…

These two procedures are called angioplasty and bypass surgery. The prognosis differs from patient to patient. When CHD is found early in its stages, it more than likely will have the best outcome. Eric smokes, drinks, and spends time away from his family so he probably does not eat well when he is away from home. There are many things that I would say to Eric regarding his lifestyle and CAD. One would be that he has to quit smoking. Eric should know that he is les likely to get coronary artery disease if he quits smoking. He should also take into consideration of peoples chances of coronary artery disease being greater just by being around second hand smoke. This means that the people he loves has a greater chance of getting coronary artery disease because of the smoke they are around. Who would want that? Something to really think about. When you quit smoking, it lowers your risk for coronary artery disease by half when you have past the first year. And here is even a more important fact and reason for you to quit smoking. Death due to heart disease is exactly as if you never even picked up a cigarette of not smoking for fifteen

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