------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 - Economy of Pakistan ------------------------------------------------- Economic Development ------------------------------------------------- Definition of Economic Development Economic development is a process of economic transition involving structural transformation of an economy through industrialization, raising gross national product and per capital income. According to Lewis, Economic development means increase in output per head. According to Micheal Todaro, Economic development must be conceived of as a multi-dimensional process involving major changes in social structures, people 's attitudes, national institutions, acceleration of economic growth and …show more content…
It also contributes to the provision of a greater quantity of social goods and services such as health and education, thereby improving real standard of living of the people. Govt. can stimulate growth process by increasing current spending in the economy through tax cuts by Fiscal policy and by increasing money supply and reducing interest rates by adopting Monetary policy. ------------------------------------------------- Economic Factors Needed For Economic Development 1. Natural Resources Natural resources are one of the three main factors of production the other two are labor and capital. Natural resources include area of land, forests, rivers, climate and mines. If a country is rich in better quality of all natural resources, it will develop economically at a fast speed. 2. Capital Formation It is the process of adding net physical capital stock of an economy. Capital formation creates productive potential for future production. Capital formation has three stages namely * savings * financial institutions and capital market for mobilization of savings * act of investment in machinery and buildings. 3. Specialization Output is greater as a result of specialization. Specialization enables an economy to use its scarce resources more efficiently, thereby producing larger volume of goods and services. It increases the rate of economic development of a country. 4. Technology Inventions and innovations reduce manufacturing and
The most important economic resource is capital. Capital is what really gets the business up and running. Without capital, no money is earned and the business fails. Capital allows for more locations nationwide. Capital is necessary in any business.
Economic Development: Growth is associated with structural, social change and change in the important institutions of the economy.
Capital is where it has the tools, like machines that businesses
Economic growth is an increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services from one period of time to another. In simple terms, it refers to an increase in aggregate productivity.
Economic growth refers to the output of goods and services produced per capita in a nation over time. It is measured as the percent rate of increase in Real Gross Domestic Product(GDP) which is the value of total productions produced by an economy in
Economic growth is a common term used by economists to describe in increase in production in the long run. According to Robinson (1972) economic growth is defined as increases in aggregate product, either total or per capita, without reference to changes in the structure of the economy or in the social and cultural value systems. The basic tool of measuring the economic growth includes the real GDP. It provides some quantitative measures in terms of the production volume.
Economic development can be defined generally as involving an improvement in economic welfare, measured using a variety of indices, such as the Human Development Index (HDI). A developing country is described as a nation with a lower standard of living, underdeveloped industrial base, and a low HDI relative to other countries. There are several factors which may have the effect of limiting economic development in such countries. Factors such as these include: primary product dependency, the savings gap and political instability.
5. What are the factors of production? How can economies grow when one or more of the factors is weak?
Another desirable effect of economic growth is increased tax revenue, the government receives more money from tax payers with out having to increase tax rates. If people are earning more, the more money they will pay in tax, the more money companies make the more tax they must pay to the government. The more money the government gains in tax revenue the more they can do to improve the country, they can invest in transport and infrastructure, they can make improvements to health care and they may even need to employ more people further reducing unemployment.
Australia’s economy is much better then South Korea’s. This essay will be comparing five different areas of the economy. These include economic growth and the quality of life, employment and unemployment, distribution of income, environmental sustainability and the role the government in health care, education and social welfare. Income is a necessity to achieve higher living standards. Australia’s average household income is 31 197 USD per year, South Korea’s average household income is only 18 035 USD per year.
Economic growth is best defined as a long-term expansion of the productive potential of the economy. Sustained economic growth should lead higher real living standards and rising employment. Short term growth is measured by the annual % change in real GDP.
Economic growth is a necessary but not sufficient condition of economic development. There is no single definition that encompasses all the aspects of economic development. The most comprehensive definition perhaps of economic development is the one given by Todaro: ‘Development is not purely an economic phenomenon but rather a multi – dimensional process involving reorganization and re orientation of the entire economic and social system. Development is a process of improving the quality of all human lives with three equally important aspects. These are: 1.
Economic processes are those involving the production and distribution of goods and services. However, they do not alone determine this production and distribution. There is an interrelationship of economic, cultural, environmental, and political processes that all help to shape each other. Nothing that we do can be defined as a single process, for it is the interaction itself that helps to produce the final results that we observe. To understand this more fully the following basic definitions may be of use:
Economic growth refers to the rate of increase in the total production of goods and services within an economy. Economic growth increases the productivity capacity of an economy, thereby allowing more wants to be satisfied. A growing economy increases employment opportunities, stimulates business enterprise and innovation. A sustained economic growth is fundamental to any nation wishing to raise its standard of living and provide a greater well being for all. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the monetary value of all final goods and services produced over a year. It is the total value of production within the economy. The total value of production is the total value of the final goods or services less the cost of
Development vary among countries based on economic indicators of development, gross domestic product per capita, types of jobs, raw materials, consumer goods, social indicators of development, education and literacy, health and welfare, demographic indicators of development, life expectancy, infant mortality rate, natural increase rate, and crude birth rate. Gross domestic product per capita is more per hour in dollars amount in more developed countries compared to less developed country where it is per hour in cents. Types of jobs can depend on the category you are in since there are three categories, primary which includes agriculture, secondary which includes manufacturing and tertiary which includes services jobs. Raw materials are used from such items as minerals and trees where things like paper are made from wood are more accessible in more developing countries and less accessible in less developing countries because of fallen prices. Consumer goods are based off of our ever day life like cars, telephones/cellphones, and televisions that all play a role in the economic world today.