Being a part of APU & ISL Global Leadership Workshop with students from different countries would help me increase better understanding about cultural diversity, enhance cultural competency as well as making more connection . Additionally, participating in discussion with Japanese companies allow me to have a deeper view in Japanese management system as I have intention to work in Japan after graduate. In general, this workshop is a great chance to gain more skills and experience.
I inferred from the data that my topic is one that nobody in the audience knew anything
There are many costs associated with owning and driving a car. The purchase of a car is only the beginning. There are maintenance costs, fees, tolls, taxes, fuel and insurance. For the next few questions, you will explore these costs by talking to a parent or guardian about your driving responsibilities.
I am a heavy consumer of data and a Vodafone customer. In the past, I purchased 200GB of Vodafone data for GH¢399.00 for my modem. On January 16, 2016, I received an SMS from Vodafone to renew my bundle, thus, I went through the usual motions to bundle. Usually, I would select, the option of GH¢ 399.00 for 200GB. On this specific day however, I had only two options the maximum of GH¢250.00 for 20GB and another option. Yes, please take a moment and digest, last month GH¢399.00 for 200 GB, this month GH¢250.00 for 20GB. I was dumbfounded in that, the change in price was too steep and moreover, I had no knowledge of recent change.
The two ways that enhanced my experience of taking this class are learning to get all the facts of
In this week’s personal reflection, I noticed that there were all kinds of career struggles, triumphs and determinations within the aspects of the discussion board’s welcome comments. There are some classmates with quit a substantial amount of job experience in the info system fields. I was in awe because some of them have been or are in MIS positions for years and have so much to add to the discussions.
When I started perusing chapter six, Understanding Key Cost Connections, I as of now had thought that the costing of products was necessary keeping in mind the end goal to make a benefit. Be that as it may, I had just ever considered expense from the viewpoint of a client and as a little entrepreneur with the little learning of bookkeeping. I enjoyed Warren Smorgasbord's quote, "Expense is the thing that you pay, quality is the thing that you get". As a client, I consistently grumble about the expense of things however I am set up to pay more for a few items since I get more esteem and in light of moral reasons. Case in point, I will pay more for quality shoes and morally angled fish. Eighteen years back, as a first-time little entrepreneur,
I am quite happy to say that I ended the first week of Semester two 2016 on a really good note. My expectations of the course were met as I have throughly enjoyed the content studied so far, been able to meet some of my fellow classmates and also be able to get a feel of the clinic practise during PODY601 tutorial and, the PCP1 tutorial. There was a huge build up of nerves and excitement during the beginning of the week and that excitement grew as each day was different and I began to become very eager to learn more theory and skills in the coming weeks.
I feel that this semester of WRIT 300 has taught me a lot the writing process and the different learning outcomes for the WRIT 300 course. This semester I thought was going to be very difficult because of this class, since I feel that writing is my weak point. I feel like I would have rate myself for the beginning of the course on how well I feel about writing on a scale of one to ten. I would give myself in the beginning of the semester a five. Therefore, I will be describing how I have done on each learning out come and how I have improved from the beginning to the end.
During my research, I learned multiple new concepts and tools that will help me with future papers. The part of the paper that I think helped me the most was the Story of My Search part because it helped me keep track of what I had already searched. Because I had what steps I did written down, it helped me focus my search and narrow my results to what I was really looking for. I also learned more about EBSCO than I previously had known. I had used EBSCO only one other time, which was in my dual-credit speech class. When I had used it previously, I didn’t get to know the different tools, including the export and cite options. Also during my research, I found out that a lot of work goes into a research paper and that it may take a long time to
Before I enrolled in SOP 3932(The Psychology of Drugs and Drug Abuse) course, I always believed that a 12 Steps Program is only for addicts to attend and the counselor who is guiding them could be there. Then when Professor Berry informed be that I needed to attend a session I felt sick to my stomach. The reason why I felt that type of why is because the negative perception I received from it from the media and word of mouth. When I attended the meeting this past weekend I was apprehensive because I never saw so many addicts ever in my life. The place was at it capacity and I watched some addicts had trembling hands, others couldn’t sit still, and the remaining addicts was zone out (it was like their minds wasn’t there at that moment). When the host came out to speak, I watched how the people shifted their focus on the host
My gender (Abel 2017) is a female. I can describe my race (Abel 2017) by my physical characteristics such as I am white, I have long black hair, I have brown eyes. I can represent my ethnicity (Abel 2017) with my nationality that I am Egyptian, Christian, and I know how to speak 3 languages (Arabic, French, and English). These things have affected my life positively. For example, when I came to the United States, there were many friends who were interested to know about me and my country. Also, it affects negatively because at a time that I was trying to find a job that I like and it was on a factory, they someone came and told me that they didn’t accept me because they needed a boy to work in this position of a job, because you might carry stuff and boys are stronger than girls. Moreover, the Muslim brotherhood force Christian women to wear the hijab. That’s what the Muslim women wear around their
Participate in a leadership weekend is one of my passion to travel the world to experience the many people with whom I share this planet. My travels will help me understand the needs of different cultures and raise my awareness of various ways to engage communities. Another reason why I wish to attend in this Leadership Weekend is I see this will provide me very essential opportunity to expand and build my communication, confidence skills by interact with other people. As matter of fact, one of my future goal or dream is to sever my native country (Tibet), which is occupied by China government right now and people are suffering not having freedom of speech, freedom of religious and my younger fellow Tibetan brothers and sisters not getting equal right accessing model educations, which cause
The community meeting is meant to unite the Asian community at Texas A&M and others to discuss about issues or opportunities happening in our society. At this specific meeting, we are trying to encourage the Asian student body to run for student leadership positions, in order to magnify the perspective and issues faced by our minority group to our campus. To accomplish this goal, we will have several speakers from the Department of Multicultural Services come speak about the different aspects of leadership as well as discussing ways to improve leadership abilities as a collegiate student.
At the start of this class I questioned how you could be taught business in a class setting. I truly felt that business is something that you gained knowledge through experience, on the job training, and company advancements. In the past few weeks of digging into our Intro to Business class (chapters 1-8), I feel that I actually have a better understanding of how and why things work the way they do in a business setting. I’ve had business employment experience; and I feel that I have had a few moments in the literature of this class that gave me a bit of a “aha” moment. Moments that I was able to link back to my experience and thought, now it all makes sense.
Every one has their subjects that they love and hate, and for it was defiantly writing. Writing is something I dreaded for a long time; I developed my hatred towards writing since probably elementary school. I hate writing when I’m expected to put a spin on a subject that just doesn’t work for me, personally. There are many times when I have papers due and sometimes I feel like I have nothing to say towards the topic. I could write a paragraph but to continuously write paragraphs after paragraphs it gets a little harder. I always contradict myself in my writings but that is something I have grown out of. Writing is time consuming and requires a lot of effort. They require a lot of planning and usually some accompanying reading and note taking. Taking notes is one of my weaknesses. In some intuitions like my high school for instances there was not enough time is given to the rough draft and not enough feedback is given before the essay receives a final grade. I personally believe that not everyone is a "natural-born" writer; but I do believe that everyone has the capability to become a decent writer.