
Economic Crash In America Essay

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Those struggling because of their country’s economy can only do so much to help their situation, it is important to aid those people and help bring them back to their feet because without helping the poverty stricken, jobless, and homeless, we are also doing nothing to save our country from disaster. During the late 1920’s a large economic crash devastated our country and everyone living in it. This was because of the roaring twenties; everyone wanted all the new items coming out including cars, televisions, new homes, etc. Instead of paying for these items all at once many people made loans, this caused a lot of backlash on industries that created these items. They were not getting sufficient money to create their products which caused a …show more content…

President Hoover, however, did not believe that it was possible to finance more jobs and it certainly wasn’t his place to interfere with the economy. During the next presidential election in 1932, President Roosevelt was elected because he believed he could help fix the crisis and help with poverty in many low-income neighborhoods. Right from the moment he was elected president Roosevelt began making his ideas a reality, he was really trying to help his fellow citizens. Many new agencies were created to help produce jobs including the Works Progress Administration (WPA). This new permanent program employed over 8 million people and was a huge start to getting out of the Great Depression. Congress also passed the Social Security Act because there was no form of insurance for unemployed americans with disabilities and old age. With this and the help of other normal people creating more workplaces the economy slowly began growing again and helping the people that were hit the hardest by the crash. They were now getting jobs as well as their homes back and being able to provide for their families once again in just a year of Roosevelt’s

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