
Economic Development In Mississippi

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Mississippi’s population and recreational demands continues to grow. The state’s population increases approximately five percent every five years. The primary attractions in most communities are parks and recreation facilities, sporting events, and facilities. Recreation agencies and programs, generally state and federal agencies supply larger areas for recreational activities, requiring an extensive resource base and facilities, which have regional and statewide significance. County or other regional agencies serve regional needs, although these facilities and/or services may occasionally be provided by state facilities. Local counties or agencies provide for community parks and recreation areas. Private sector operators and non-profit agencies …show more content…

The idea of the casino is a revenue source for the state of Mississippi and local governments has received an enormous amount of attention. Operating with a mere budget of $2 billion, policy makers in Mississippi was forced to eliminate many governmental programs and reduce the number of other services during this time period. According to research, Mississippi is one of ten states supporting casino gaming as additional producing revenue. The voters in Harrison County rejected having a casino, but it determined that casino contributes the adoption to educating the public on the social benefits and primarily economic development aspects that casino revenues would bring to their …show more content…

An economic impact study was conducted on the festival to show that the city was receiving a great come back for its investment. On the other hand, a survey was proposed to gather information from the local population to determine whether the festival was a quality community event and whether it was generating spending by attracting non-local and out-of-state visitors. The research team piloted an economic impact analysis with importance on the total value added to the community through expanded spending and the city’s tax collections through the event. The team also measured the level of satisfaction that the event participants had to determine the percentage of repeat visitors. However, the study rediscovered that 34,000 visitors spent an estimated $7.32 million with local vendors on many goods and services during the festival. The positive economic impact, favorable reviews by attendees, number of return visitors, and variety of attractions that festival goers selected indicated that this even is both a successful economic stimulus and an effective community development

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