
Economic Expectation In Detroit Case Study

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Detroit is a big city located in Michigan, which struggled with poverty and crime issues due to bankruptcy and high level of unemployment. However, Detroit hasn't always been in this condition. How has Detroit's exchanges transform the city ? First we will explain the economic exchanges in Detroit.

I. In this beginning of the 1900's, Detroit was a fancy city in expansion and development and it was home to the biggest United States’ auto industry and assembly line . However, from 1970's, there was an oil crisis which provocated and prompted the downfall of many automobile companies. Furthermore, the population decreased to escape the increased violence and crime. By July 2013, Detroit had lost almost 1 million inhabitants in a time period of 70 years. Therefore, with fewer jobs and people, the city had less money therefore, they had to leave because of bankruptcy did people leave Detroit because of bankruptcy or was bankruptcy caused because there were less people? If so, you can say “As the city lost many inhabitants, the city experienced a turmoil of bankruptcy”

Meanwhile, Detroit was remained a place of some cultural exchanges. …show more content…

Dimitri Hegemann, a German musician, came in Michigan for the 1st time in the 80's, he discovered a new music style: techno music. He appreciated it so much that he brought it in his hometown and it became popular as a result. This exchange contributed to change people’s views on Detroit, as an unsafe and dangerous city. Dimitri Hegemann, wanted to pay back the city for sharing its cultural heritage, hence he develop with other artists "Detroit Berlin Connection" project in The Fisher body 21, a former assembly line building. They wanted to create a night club, and a center of underground culture. Foreigners take advantages of abandoned buildings to develop a new center of culture, of inspiration. It aims to enrich culturally and open people to new

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