
Economic Implication Of Legalizing Marijuana Essay

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Marijuana also called cannabis and some other names. It is greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of cannabis sativa - the hemp plant.
The intended use of Marijuana is for medicine. It is often consumed for its physical and mental effects such as relaxation and mild euphoria (the ‘high’ or ‘stoned’ feeling). It is also used for spiritual or religious rites not to forget Cannabis tea (addition of saturated fat to hot water with a small amount of cannabis) and edibles (where marijuana is an ingredient to one of a variety of foods, including butter and baked goods).
There is a moral and ethical value placed on the restriction of Marijuana as it is seen as an illegal item because of its effects when consumed or used. Legalizing …show more content…

So many factors also need to be judiciously considered to effectively manage the economy against the effects of marijuana consumption, so therefore the government should consider legal regulation of marijuana.
The Economic Implication of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana legalization is multi-faceted as it has a ripple effect on all aspect of the economy from cultural, religious, health, etc. The effects of legalizing marijuana cannot be over-emphasized in any economy as this paper will examine some of the effects and which are as follows:
 Increase in Revenue through Taxes: The legalization of marijuana should be regulated with by imposing tax on the usage and consumption. This will enable the government generate more revenue through tax on the production and sales of marijuana because legalization of marijuana will lead to increased consumption/usage.
 Employment generation: As a result of legalizing marijuana, the market for marijuana will gradually increase with more investors and as a result more people will be required to work in the marketing, distribution and sales of marijuana and related items produced with

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