My biggest concerns as an ECE candidate are my language barrier and my cultural background. I think Korea is a very conservative country because it seems that there are only one standard of success, beauty, and etc. It has been continuously changed as the generation changes, but still, there is not enough understanding of diversity. Since there is one standard for each area, most people think different with others means something is wrong. There is a lack of understanding and acceptance of differences, so many people compare themselves with others to identify themselves and judge others with their own perspective easily. I have lived in that culture for 30 years. If someone asks me, “What cultural competence specifically means to you,” I could
1. Ben Franklin, pointing to the sun carved on the back of the presiding officer's chair, remarked; "Throughout the days we have been laboring here, I have observed that sun, and wondered whether it was a rising sun or a setting sun. Now I know it was a rising sun."1 Throughout our lives we have been told of how our country was formed. I am here to tell you about the things the history books and teachers don’t tell you about the freemasons and there shaping of the United States of America. We will start with freemasons an agency that has been shaping history since the building of King Solomon’s temple.
“What does it mean to be culturally competent?” article on the ACECQA website states a culturally competent practitioner respects and shows understanding of different cultures including they own by:
La Trobe university is one of the top university in Australia, students from different country comes here for their study. Today I’m going to analyse the organisational culture at la Trobe university. There are six cultural web elements which make pattern or model that works as a environment. By applying these factors we can see the bigger picture of our culture about what works ,what is not working and also what we need to be changed .
While culture, in a general sense, can be defined as the collective arts and customs of a population, it is also important to consider the broader collective aesthetic of said community. Being such, it is necessary to understand culture before interacting or entering a society as this allows one to better understand tradition and the attitudes towards various aspects, such religion and customs. When I look at my own culture, there are various aspects that shape my daily interactions with society at large and how I approach a situation. As a white male of a higher socioeconomic standing, I am afforded some level of impunity and status within my contemporaries, this due to the history of America and the culture that has been developed. Being that I wish to attend Lund University for the study abroad experience, there are
“I believe the world and all that’s in it is one big family, and we need to help each other.” This quote says that no matter who you are, you have a family that can help you and that you need to help others. Chapter 29 of Inkheart by Cornelia Funke supports this theory, because while Meggie and Mo were talking they thought about Dustfinger. They were wondering if he was ok. This shows that they really do care about Dustfinger after he betrayed them. This shows us that everyone makes mistakes, and everyone is forgiven and someone to help them in hard times.
I understand the term “cultural competence” is the ability to naturally navigate through (social) environments taking into consideration people’s different cultural views and promote the views of others – not to the detriment of others.
Arriving at a foreign country at the age of eleven years old was and exiting and yet intimidating experience. High buildings, wide roads, newer and nicer cars on the streets were some of the first things I noticed when I arrived to the city of Los Angeles CA. Living in a country where you were not born in could be difficult some times. Although Spanish is spoken at a grand scale in CA, it was difficult to communicate with and understand the teachers from my classes at the elementary level since all they spoke was English. Los Angeles is a city of great diversity, therefore it is believed to be the perfect place for any person arriving from another country to not feel like a foreign, such believe
Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” is a short story told from the perspective of a woman who’s believed to be “crazy”. The narrator believes that she is sick while her husband, John, believes her to just be suffering from a temporary nervous depression. The narrator’s condition worsens and she begins to see a woman moving from behind the yellow wallpaper in their bedroom. The wallpaper captures the narrator’s attention and initial drives her mad. Charlotte Gilman uses a lot of personal pieces into her short story, from her feministic views to her personal attributes. “The Yellow Wallpaper” is a short story written from a feminist and autobiographical standpoint and includes elements, like symbols and perspective that the reader can analyze in different ways.
The corporate culture of General Electric (GE) is a composite of its people, leadership, organization, structure, and processes from past to present. This paper will provide an assessment of the corporate culture of GE, and provide an insight into the dynamics, which have made it one of the world’s premier companies.
Roger Brooke states that the behavior and experiences of human beings is always contextual and these behaviors are rooted in language, time and cultural history. The relationship between a person and the world includes meaning, interpretations, intentions and significance. Events in our lives not only simply constitutes the change of a label or an identity, but the new identity can constitute a new world of meaning. It can change the understanding of our past. For example, when I became a mother for the first time, my world of meaning, experience and identity was as a wife and a person that worked in a large corporate firm. Becoming a mother not only involved a name change for me, but a change in my world view, in my daily activities, in the way I viewed other
This is not the first time that Canada fights against America in order to protect Canadian culture. Canada 's protective measures were mainly to protect the national or domestic culture in that the local magazine outlets were being overshadowed by their International rival which is America.(Globalization 101). Should Canada not have taken these measures probably 100% of its local markets would have been monopolized by America. International product and service providers like America have the advantage of having all the production material from the primary phase to the tertiary phase and they can easily overtake any market they decide to outlet their services. Justice is served when the local governments step in to defend the periodicals. It
Even though my parents lived here in Canada for more than twenty four years, my cultural background is a combination of Iraqi and Russian decent. At the age when I was capable of talking, my parents immediately taught me how to speak in Aramaic. Aramaic is an ancient language that was spoken by Jesus Christ. It is a combination of Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin. So I started talking in Aramaic and had no idea what English was. When I started first grade, I was put into ESL to improve my English in order to better communicate with staff and peers.
After reading Chapter 2: “Culture and Social Structure”, I have a better understanding of cultural differences and the conflict between a dominant cultural group and non- dominant group within a common space in a society. Chapter two, identifies that culture is a learned behavior, which is passed down through symbolic language by our elders into the new generation. It also brings forward that culture is made up of all the things that commonly share with a group. In addition, the author’s notion that a group of people will resist to any cultural change since they view those outside as potential threats that will influence and change their cultural originality; or the dominant cultural group can be welcoming, allowing cultural integration to take place peacefully.
important characteristic in the overall makeup of the culture. Status is a key element in the success of a person in the region.
Business & Culture in Asia Asian Business Environments Dr. Markus Taussig, NUS Business School Friday, February 13 (Week 5) 1 This Week Housekeeping, Preclass assessment Quick review of last week (politics) This week: culture ✓country to firm view transition ✓mini case on K-Pop 2