
Ecstacy Abuse Essay

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GHB, or Gamma-Hydroxy Butyric Acid is an intoxicating chemical with medical, recreational, and potentially entheogenic uses. It is a normal component of mammalian metabolism. It is naturally found in every cell in the human body and is most properly considered a nutrient. It is believed to be a neurotransmitter, although it is still unknown as to whether it exhibits all of the properties required to be considered one.

GHB was first synthesized about thirty years ago by Dr. H. Laborit. He was a French researcher interested in exploring the effects of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain. Over the years many researchers have studied GHB’s effects. In Europe it is used as a general anesthetic, a treatment for insomnia and …show more content…

Some people find GHB useful for treating insomnia, others use it to treat alcoholism. Some use it as a replacement for alcohol. The effects can be broken down by the dose amount.

Low Dose: .5 to 1.5g
This often causes effects similar to those of 1-3 drinks of alcohol. At this dosage, the user can fell a mild relaxation, increased sociability, slightly decreased motor skills, mild dizziness, and other effects similar to mild alcohol intoxication.

Medium Dose: 1-2.5g
This increases the relaxing effects and the physical disequilibrium experienced. Some report increased appreciation for music, dancing , or talking. Many report positive mood changes. There is some slurring of speech, silliness, and slight incoherency . Some report increased feelings of nausea and grogginess. There are some reports of pro-sexual effects, an increase in tactile sensitivity, relaxation, increased male erectile capacity and heightened experience of orgasm, although some women report that this is harder to achieve.

Heavy Dose: 2.5g +
A heavy dose can increase feelings of disequilibrium in many people to the point of feeling very ill. (One reason the GHB has gained notoriety as a Club Drug is that some people experience extremely positive feelings on Heavy Doses of GHB.) Reports of euphoria, feeling music deeply, joyous dancing, and other very positive effects are common. An extra quarter gram can be the difference between euphoria and vomiting.

Overdose: can

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