To begin with, individuals should develop a healthy habit of reading books frequently as books tend to change their lifestyle, peoples' behaviour, and their critical thinking. An inspiring idea is that, "Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope," written by Kofi Annan. Indeed, this quote shows how people who read customarily have a gleeful and hopeful life than those who do not take the initiative of reading habitually. As mentioned, the word "misery" describes the dark, blind side of person's life who does not read. On the other hand, the expression "hope" refers to an individual who has a bright, delighted life full of hope because of frequent reading. Furthermore, the significance of this quote is to show the difference between a reader …show more content…
People go on their way of changing (bridge) and at the end of their changing stage they find the results of their changes (hope). In other words, after reading individuals will have a hopeful and useful life instead of a miserable life. The term "bridge" means the stage of changing from having a depressed life as a non reader to having a cheerful life as a reader. Most importantly, reading helps individuals to be aware of new vocabulary, explore new experience, help individuals ro become more confident and social. In fact, as an immigrant who has been here for almost three years, I got the chance to improve my language and gain new words through reading various books. More importantly, reading allowed me to become more confident and more social than I was before. I am able to communicate with others and talk with anyone about any topic as now I have the knowledge to talk confidently from reading books. As the quote says "Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope." That applies to me as my weaknesses are the miserable side of my life, I went through the whole process of changing (bridge) and after that I completely changed which is hope, what the author is talking
Reading has impacted my life by having a creative imagination. I read books to see the world and accept opportunities that are given to me. Opening the cover has made me curious what my life will experience and go through in the future. Not only I have gotten smarter to increase my credentials throughout my life, it has made me ambitious to succeed. I feel that education is not just important to read, but to experience how others feel, and how I would express myself to the world. If my father had not pressured me to open that book, I would not be in college today to puruse a career in medicine. Every word I read, is the second I take to get closer achieving my dreams and having the capabilities to change the world by advocating for better
This articles is about his friend that had received a letter from his daughter. Watkins didn’t know that his friend was one of millions that can’t read. Not only that but he doesn’t want to learn or feel it’s necessary. It made him want to help his friend learn to read, because at one point in time Watkins was the same as his friend. He was out in the streets, until he found a books worth reading. He said, “I went from a guy who solved problems by breaking a bottle over someone’s forehead to using solution-based thinking when resolving issues ⎯ reading instantly civilized me. And if it can work for me, I believe it can work for anybody”
Literature makes people better because it takes them to another world where they can relate their struggles, improve their empathy, and increase their brain skills. Many people read literature to help them escape their current situation. The reader wants to be able to have something they can relate their struggles with.
Literacy has the power to transform us. By reading we learn new things and we are more likely to express ourselves to others. We can understand another’s language, other cultures, and know the way others way of thought.
Reading is the one of activity we experience in daily life. Why do we read books, or something else? Reason might be vary. For someone reading book is just one of requirement for classes. For other, it is for fun. One thing we can say is reading has more power than people expect. Reading gives us many ideas or thought. Sometimes reading save someone’s life as it did so to Alexie. If he did not read books as much as he did so far, he does not exist as he is today. Reading gave him a lot of knowledge, and this knowledge helped him to be stronger, smart and arrogant. Eventually, in his words, reading saved his life.
As time goes on the familiarity with reading and writing is essential for an individual to better themselves in life, for the world we live in is a place for competition between every human to succeed. The value of literacy is not only for high-end people but anybody that want to gain knowledge. As one gains knowledge through literacy, it can extend toward one achieving their goals or achievements in life. The strategies when going over a reading assignment is a significant part of what one is trying to comprehend the text.
In the essay “Four Ways of Reading,” the author Donald Hall agues that how reading is a valuable single activity for people, improving one’s gentleness, which could be a mark of social distinction. And reading could be separated into four different ways. The first way is information reading, which means one can scan a page quickly, gaining the important information without interrupting by irrelevant words. Just like reading newspaper to focus on important news by ignoring rhythm or play of metaphor. Different from information reading, without reading words by words, moving lips, and thinking carefully, reading literature would be worthless because of lack of feeling emotionally.
It enabled me to have knowledge of different places around me like the Philippines before I visited family there so I know beforehand what to expect and which places are dangerous for Americans to go. It helped me contemplate many philosophical ideas from reading different philosophers ideas to researching answers to questions to help with my philosophical ideas. Reading helped open up my learning of different activities that I can do and other objectives I can achieve and when someone is trying to cheat me out of something. When I took my car in for servicing without reading the car manual they said I need to replace different fluids in my car.
To me, reading means many things, not only the reading of text on a page but actions of others and myself as well. Most other people may not say that they will think of baseball games when thinking of how they read in real life, but I view the game of baseball that way and I like to share about how I can read in many different ways in life. Reading books is definitely not one of my favorite hobbies to do, but every once in a while I will find a good book that will catch my interest for the next couple of months. My learning experience from reading on the field has taught me another meaning of literacy that I would not have realized if I had not thought about what reading really meant to me. I can now understand how I use reading in all different aspects of my life better, and not just in the classroom but throughout my everyday activities, like baseball.
From an early age I always enjoyed reading and read often. As a result, reading became an aspect of print literacy I would consider a strength. I still enjoy reading greatly and would say that I am a highly active reader. A large benefactor in this, in my opinion, was the creation of eBooks and e-readers such as the kindle. Having owned a Kindle for many years, I can say with certainty that it has made books easier to read and a lot more accessible
Reading has always been a pass time I enjoyed doing, there was just something about the fact that endless stories could be created with a combination of words and phrases. Without a doubt, Reading expands one’s knowledge on endless topics as well as expands creativity through inspiration of the various works and forms or literature. Personally, as I grew older and more curious with reading I began exploring different genres to read. My causal reading went from basic non-fiction books to reading things like
Fredrick Douglas once wrote, “Once you learn, you will be forever free “. As a child growing up with two older siblings, we were taught that learning how to read or write was going to be valuable in our everyday life. I knew that I had the potential to read and write, but just did not apply myself to get where I desired to be. I knew that learning how to read could be a major learning process which can very calm and help keeps your attitude. My life was transformed by reading that grew to be an aspect in my life. There were numerous of books that stood out and directed me toward s different direction, taught me valuable lessons and that helped me find certain things in life. I often think to myself if it were not from some of the books that
Reading helps in mental development and is known to stimulate the muscles of the eyes and it is also an activity that involves greater levels of concentration and adds to the conversational skills of the reader.
However, in our society “not” becoming a reader or at least a literate individual is becoming less of an option and is at the very least accompanied by insurmountable social stigma. In order to survive in a culture that values literacy and is so tied to language, the mastery of reading skills is essential. This puts those with learning disabilities, and any others unable to master the skill of reading at an immediate disadvantage because reading has several very important purposes. First, it helps us reach higher levels of understanding and creativity, mainly through participation in the process of “aesthetic reading.” It helps us as readers reach the “thought-in-action” stage that Rosenblatt promotes, where we are participating in the transaction with the text and actively making meaning as we read. Second, and perhaps more significantly, reading sits at the center of our culture. We have to know how to read in order to get the kind of jobs necessary to earn a living wage. Even a cashier at McDonald’s has to be able to interpret menus, food labels, and instructions. Being able to read and comprehend easily is typically equated with success, an equation that gets reinforced in schools as teachers go to great lengths to show students why they need the knowledge they are getting in class. This is not necessarily bad; it motivates students to work harder, and in a world that is virtually constructed of language as Derrida asserts, the ability to read must be emphasized as an
When I was younger and I learned how to read, I did not realize that I was learning something that would change my life. I will never be able to recall ever learning this skill nor will I ever be able to pinpoint when it actually began to help me in my everyday life. What I do know is that without literacy living life would not be easy. When I go shopping and purchase a new shirt I do not think twice about what the shirt says. When I go out with my friends I do not hesitate before I type out a text to my mother telling her where I am