
Edelman Reflection

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I was given the opportunity to experience switching between two practices at Edelman. For the first three months, I have worked with the technology practice followed by the digital practice for the remaining couple of months. The experience from working for both teams allowed me to be more equipped with a diversity of skills that I could apply in the future. Even though most of the tasks that I had to complete for both teams were similar, they each had a different way and style of completing them. This was challenging as I had to adjust to the different ways of how each team worked. However, I understood that it takes time and I slowly managed to get used to the different surroundings and adjust to their different working styles.

When I was working for the both teams, I was tasked to complete daily …show more content…

For the technology team, media monitoring includes finding articles or any coverage of the client found in newspapers and online sites, after which I would have to scan and do clippings of the articles in a form of a coverage report. It was a challenging task as there were times when I was uncertain about the types of articles that should be clipped and whether I am looking at the right article. To overcome this, it would have been better if I had checked through the articles carefully by reading them twice and ask questions whenever I needed the help. With no other background knowledge of anything related to technology and digital, it was interesting to learn and explore more about something that I have never heard of before.

I was also given writing opportunities like drafting a commentary piece and a media alert. I had problems adjusting to the writing technique and tone of the media alert as I had to follow the client’s way of writing. Reading through previous examples of media alerts helped me to understand the purpose, writing technique and their tone that helped me to draft out the piece easily. Despite the challenges, this opportunity enabled me

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