I was given the opportunity to experience switching between two practices at Edelman. For the first three months, I have worked with the technology practice followed by the digital practice for the remaining couple of months. The experience from working for both teams allowed me to be more equipped with a diversity of skills that I could apply in the future. Even though most of the tasks that I had to complete for both teams were similar, they each had a different way and style of completing them. This was challenging as I had to adjust to the different ways of how each team worked. However, I understood that it takes time and I slowly managed to get used to the different surroundings and adjust to their different working styles.
When I was working for the both teams, I was tasked to complete daily
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For the technology team, media monitoring includes finding articles or any coverage of the client found in newspapers and online sites, after which I would have to scan and do clippings of the articles in a form of a coverage report. It was a challenging task as there were times when I was uncertain about the types of articles that should be clipped and whether I am looking at the right article. To overcome this, it would have been better if I had checked through the articles carefully by reading them twice and ask questions whenever I needed the help. With no other background knowledge of anything related to technology and digital, it was interesting to learn and explore more about something that I have never heard of before.
I was also given writing opportunities like drafting a commentary piece and a media alert. I had problems adjusting to the writing technique and tone of the media alert as I had to follow the client’s way of writing. Reading through previous examples of media alerts helped me to understand the purpose, writing technique and their tone that helped me to draft out the piece easily. Despite the challenges, this opportunity enabled me
In Stephen King’s book, On Writing, he says that the main character of The Green Mile, John Coffey, is “an innocent man likely to be executed for the crime of another, [and that he] decided to give him the initials J.C., after the most famous innocent man of all time.” He goes further, saying that he “first saw this done in Light in August (still my favorite Faulkner novel), where the sacrificial lamb is named Joe Christmas.” Not unlike Christmas, Coffey is a character about whom the reader, or, perhaps, the viewer, is given bits and pieces of information - all of which are vital, and most of which are easily overlooked. Undoubtedly, Coffey’s most notable and defining characteristic is his innocence - in the sense of both his legal absence
Throughout our lives we often have to make changes to accompany to other people or our situations. Adam is no exception to this statement. He has chosen to take a path less traveled and must also face the struggles that come along with his risk. Earlier in the book Adam really struggles to find a job, but thanks to a pep talk from one of the other boarders at the shelter he decided to confront the employer. Shortly after he received the job he was assigned a permanent partner, Shaun Caldwell. He was very pleased with their performance and his progress. They were a true team despite their apparent differences. Things seemed to be looking up for the new life of Adam Shepard and his journey. The job at the Fast Moving Company became an oasis from
I agree and also put that Mr. Smith could have primary aldosteronism as his diagnosis. His potassium levels should be checked right away since this electrolyte has a profound effect on the heart when it is not within normal limits. Some patients may or may not have low potassium with this disease. According to Galati, Hopkins, Cheesman, Zhuk, & Levine (2013) “indications for screening have been expanded with recognition that many patients with primary aldosteronism do not have hypokalemia and that the disease may be familial” (421). Mr. Smith does complain of muscle weakness however and because of this would lead me to believe that in his case he probably does have low potassium. Depending on what Mr. Smith’s blood results show I would then
Illegal immigration is a burden on Americas society because illegal immigrants work here, which is good for them, but they send that money back to the country they are from, which takes money from our economy.
Officers responded to a call at 2020 Ladnier Rd Apt 3G in reference to a disturbance of the piece on 22 October 2016 at about 11:40 p.m. Upon arrival I spoke with Delores Edwards.
Thank you for the compliment and interest for reading my post. It was rare, rewarding experience and witnessed the drastic weight loss of my patient. I apologize that I did not add the other medical conditions and the other treatment that he was receiving. My patient was receiving a feeding tube before he came to our facility. He has multiple medical history such as cerebrovascular disease, dysphagia, congestive heart failure with severe lymphedema. I addressed the lymphedema and intensive exercise. The dietician, nurses and attending physician were monitoring him carefully. He was on a restricted calorie fluid intake and was receiving a fluid pill and multiple medications.
I had talked to my site supervisor about the opportunity to spend some time with Emmit, who is head of the RICC (Rapid Intervention Community Court) Program. She thought this would be a great experience, so she reached out to Emmit, and he gladly accepted. Once I arrived at the court house, I spent from about 8:30am till 10:00am or later with Emmit.
According to Ray Kroc, “The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves”. As developing leaders, do we reflected the same standards we set upon ourselves to other? I thought I knew Kasey Rivera before asking others about her. The reflection that people saw of Kasey was different from what she was seeing. On the surface, Kasey Rivera is an eighteen year old college pursuing her bachelor's degree in order to success in the future. However, there is more than just a college student in her whether it is from my perspective or others.
Author: I am a Freelance Content Writer and have been writing different types of content in various domains viz. technical writing, non-technical writing and medical writing.
Just like the project before I wasn’t consciously aware of all the types of writing we have. When asked to analyze a commercial I was perplexed. “We are in a writing class, not a film class. Why are we doing this” I asked myself. Then I thought about commercials and how much money people put into them. This wasn’t just something they filmed freestyle. There were writers that planned every single line and placement. I though back to my communications class, we spent weeks talking about the rule of three, placement and power of color. All these were nonverbal methods of communication and have to be though out in order to be successful. I looked deeper into why companies spend money on commercial and how they used writing tools in their script that transferred to the commercial itself.
This is a report to show my personal development of my written communication based on my CV and Covering letter, my critical writing skills for MOW and my excel skills since the start of the academic year.
I am Jaison, doing my final year English literature. Being a literature student, creative writing is my comfortable space. I did my internship in Opteamize cloud solutions as a Content writer. I struggled trying to deliver content for articles and blogs. After 5 continuous days of the workshop, I had a clear conception of what content writing is. Later then I substantiated the differences between content writing and Creative writing.
This week we learned about Erickson and his theory on development. Erikson studied under the Freud method, but unlike Freud, Erikson actually did research on infants and children as they were developing. I really enjoyed learning about Erikson considering I have a 5-month-old at home growing away. It was interesting to compare these videos to where my baby was in development. Another interesting thing about this module was the James Marcia Identity Status which consists of 4 parts foreclosure, achievement, diffusion, and moratorium.
When it comes to writing, many would say that there are two distinct “camps”: those who like to write, and those who do not. It is not unusual to find many members of the former group exploring this enjoyment through the domain of creative writing. Further, creative writing allows for a great deal of free reign. This field of writing allows the writer an all-access pass to self-expression. What is more, creative writing often affords the writer - and the writer, alone - complete governance over the writing process. In other words, creative writers get to make the rules. Whether the task at hand is composing a poem, a short story, or even a no holds barred
My client best work was a write-in response to “The Story of Rudy Bridges.” She wrote about how the author defines courage. Angela saw courage as “Being able to complete a task in spite of the negativity that lingers among individuals.” I was amazed that she made such a deep connection with the story and applied to how she is viewed in the world many years later. She was in the 5th grade, so I gave her tips on writing, so she would be better prepared for the 5th grade writing test. “High stakes test rarely shows what students are learning and they do not show us what students are learning as a result of a thoughtful writing program” (ref, 2007, p. 208). We went over various ways to organize her writing and used graphic organizers in order to help her organize her thoughts about writing prompts. I also discussed persuasive writing and ways to support her stance with strong accurate details, and facts.