Eden Retreat is confident they will receive a wide-range of support as mental health resources for adolescents has been identified issue by the community. If Eden Retreat is unsuccessful or does not receive sufficient funding for functioning, we will seek other financial options in surrounding communities that would also benefit from Eden Retreat.
Julian Lambert is a case manager for the newly open office of Eastern Carolina Human Services Agency, Inc. in New River shopping center. Although he is not a professional social worker, he is well aware of the needs of the population and the importance of providing and linking them with resources. He gave me useful information and his insightful perspective about the resources available and missing in the community, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the area.
Mental health clinical this week was located at Avera Behavior Health in Sioux Falls. My patient interview took place in the adolescence mental health wing. The type of treatment provided was structured, inpatient treatment and the average length-of-stay in this unit was around 6 days.
The HCC convened in an effort to identify the strengths, and challenges of Mental Health Services currently being provided, and to help increase the provision and quality of these services in the community. Several community stakeholders from various agencies and organizations attended, including faith based organizations, attorneys, and local government officials.
While the majority of their services tend to the Emergency Shelter Program, Operation SafeHouse also provides what is called the “Safe Place Program”. With over 250 locations in Riverside County, teens who are dealing with a number of issues, from abuse to pregnancies, can access the shelters. Some of the shelters include, but are not limited to: Riverside Fire Stations, Stater Bros, Altura Credit Unions, and Riverside City Parks. They also promote the ‘Cup of Happy and Depression Treatment’, which, accompanied by the Riverside County Department of Mental Health, promotes and encourages interventions and popularizes awareness for youth ages 16-25 struggling with mental health issues. The Cup of Happy and Depression Treatment offers courses to its members, such as creative writing, open mic nights, youth leadership, and LGBT support. The Cup of Happy and Depression Treatment, as well as all the programs Operation SafeHouse offers, present themselves to local high schools to sponsor awareness for young teens who may have nowhere else to turn.
There are many students who strive to go into the field of counseling. This comes to only those who have worked hard and shown a great deal of dedication. In this paper I will address several questions that are relevant to the agency I have picked, which is called Teen Challenge. I will first address the history of the agency, then I will address questions, such as who does the agency serve? How do they determine who is eligible for services? How is the agency funded? How do clients learn about the services that the agency offers? How do most clients get to the agency? I will then compare and contrast this agency with the drug replacement therapy technique along with Cognitive
Two more potential partners are Adolescent Counseling Services and Open Path Psychotherapy Collective. Both programs provide mental and emotional health services across the nation. Adolescent Counseling Services however, specializes in Adolescents, and provides their services free of any charge, while Open Path collective provides low cost counseling to all age groups.
The introduction of headspace appears to be proving positive to the mental, social and emotional health and well being of young people in Australia, thus achieving its strategic vision. Whilst it may not have effectively serviced all vulnerable young people, there is clear evidence to suggest the effectiveness of headspace as a specialised youth mental health initiative despite some ongoing challenges for headspace.
Welcome to our Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers review! Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers was founded in 2002. It is a treatment center for kids between the ages of 13-18. And they offer a comprehensive clinically-based treatment option for those in need and their families. Visions' uses a multi-modal approach for treatment of complex issues. The program encompasses the family, previous treatment professionals, teachers, community experts and their own team of unparalleled clinicians. Additionally, the Visions Day School is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and is open to boys and girls alike with the average stay being 45-90 days.
Wellness Recovery Action Plans are effective for adolescents who have experienced emotional difficulties from mental illnesses. Wellness recovery action plans (WRAP), is a prevention and wellness process that anyone can use because it is self-designed. It is used to initiate recovery, these are ways for people who are trying to overcome mental health issues and fulfill their lifelong dreams and goals (Copeland, 2012). WRAP is an evidence based practice that is used extensively by adolescents in all kinds of circumstances. Health care professionals utilize this practice to address adolescent’s mental health issues. There has been a rapid growth in using this intervention in the U.S., the results have contributed to the evidence base for peer-led
The mental health program that I will develop would incorporate a recovery focused model. To begin with the environmental setting, the agency would have a clean facility that was appropriate for participants to feel safe. Moreover, there would be different artistic paintings that were diverse and culturally competent. The room would be colorful and friendly where participants would feel inspired to have positive feelings before their session. Collins (2008) describes optimism and hope as strong influences that help participants with less stress and better coping skills. Also, the facility would have music and magazines to keep participant’s focused in order to prepare for their session. For the children, there would be appropriate toys
The Australian Government created an innovating National Youth Mental Health Foundation is known as, Headspace. Headspace provides early support, care and services for a range of mental health challenges young people commonly face. Headspace aim to target any problems young people may face in order to adverse effects. They provide services that span over physical health, drug and alcohol support and vocational counsel. They aim to empower young people to seek assistance, support, advice or simply someone to talk about mental health issues. Anyone who walks into a headspace centre should feel treated with respect and compassion, within a confidential and safe environment.
A spirit club will help students develop communication that will allow them to interact with others, like attitude, and work ethic. Participating in Spirit Club will teach students these skills. Spirit club members will learn ways to communicate with both individuals and in a large group, and will also gain both emotional and professional intelligence as they develop new
Driving under the influence of alcohol is “one of Americas most often committed and deadliest crimes” (). A financial burden on society, motor vehicle crashes cost the United States an estimate of $37 billion annually (). Impaired driving continues to amplify in the United States, in addition to this, prevention laws differ from state to state. An increase in traffic accidents correlates to alcohol, moreover, “Alcohol-impairment is a factor in nearly one-third of all fatalities” (). The Governors Highway Safety Association (2016) examines the issues of impaired driving and the methods use to prevent and decrease DUIs.
Growing up I had heard the word suicide but never truly new what they meant I was 8 when I found out what it meant. I had heard the word for the first time when I was at the cemetery visiting family member's graves. I had walked away from my parents for a second to go see this head stone that caught my eye. I walked down there to find out that it was a boy he was 18 when he died. I thought that was strange that he died at such a young age. I asked my mom what had happened to him. That's when I found out what suicide was. My mom explained that he had took his life because he got bullied in school and it drove him to kill himself. It was one of the saddest stories I had ever heard and problems will ever hear.
Although my life has only been a short sequence of fifteen years, I've come to heartily believe that life is only as good as what you make it. The effort I put in to be a good person has truly affected the outlook I have on life due to personal karma. These life lessons have recently come to my best attention and interests. True colors have surfaced immensely during the past two years that I have taken on the combats of high school friendships, relationships, and learning self-worth. Despite the pity I have thrown before, I can now boast with purpose, the distinctive endeavors I have overcome. Lessons learned from these hardships have taught me that the more I go through young, will have been worthwhile and much appreciated as I grow older.