
Edgar Allan Poe Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar Disorder & Edgar Allen Poe Bipolar disorder, otherwise known as manic-depressive disorder, is a severe psychological condition of rapid alterations of a contrasting momentary conscious state of mind. Conditions of this particular illness range in severity from an extreme high (Bipolar 1 or Mania) or to a dangerously low (Bipolar 2 or Depression). In addition, it is also common for an individual diagnosed with the illness to experience psychiatric indications of misconceptions. Onset traits of bipolar become present within young adulthood, generally within the age of 20, after an individual has endured recurring alterations for an abnormally extended time. BP is categorized into four types and the disorder has been linked to enhanced …show more content…

Edgar Allen Poe was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston, Massachusetts and although research insinuates that Poe himself knew very little about his family background, it is evident that he was conceived into a family consisting of three at the time of his birth. Poe’s father, David Poe Jr., was an unsuccessful traveling actor and native of Baltimore, Maryland, his mother, a British woman Elizabeth Arnold Poe,and Poe’s eldest brother Henry William Leonard Poe. Poe was the middle of three children, shortly after his birth, his sister was then conceived, Rosalie Mackenzie Poe. Poe’s struggling encounters in life began for him as an adolescent, at the mere age of two or three; his family experienced the desertion from his father and short lived afterwards the abrupt passing of his mother. Parentless, Poe relocated to Virginia to reside with foster parents John and Frances Poe and while in their care he pursued educational advancements at the University of Virginia, located in Charlottesville. Virginia. Experiencing more tragic events, Poe sacrificed school, the army, and continued his journey in life pursuing composing poems and short stories, publishing his first book in

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