“The Test” by Edith Sharp is a captivating story that shows the importance of being loved and accepted. While shown throughout the story the main character Nkwala is considerate and caring. He shows that before a person judges another, they must first give them a chance to prove themselves and who they are. This is established in many ways and from this come important lessons. The main thing this proves is that no matter the struggles, love, and acceptance are important to everyone and without it, this world would be a much different place. As demonstrated in this story Nkwala is met with the difficult choice of choosing whether or not to keep his new found friend. When he returns home alongside his father and his dog, some people in the village are skeptical about the dog. Saying that it is a dead man’s dog and how it will bring misfortune upon them all (Sharp, 1958, p.87). This is an example of superstition. A superstition is a myth or belief that leads to a certain consequence of an action. In this case, it would be because Nkwala brought back this dog who is presumed to have been owned by a now deceased man and that the dog will bring bad luck to them. …show more content…
An instinct that tells what a person should or shouldn't do. It is often referred to as a gut feeling that tells you whether or not something is alright. An example of instinct from the story was shown several times. It was shown by Nkwala when he didn't shoot the dog, (Sharp, 1958, p.85) it was shown by the villagers and those who were uncertain of the dog (Sharp, 1958, p.87), and it was also shown by the dog herself when she tried to protect the villagers (Sharp, 1958, p.89-90). An instinct is important for love and acceptance, an instinct may help to know whether it's safe to accept or not. Sometimes an instinct can help get away from harmful situations. From “The Test” it is shown that instinct is important for people to love and accept others or
dith Wilson is a woman who played an immensely important part in the history of America’s Presidents. Mrs. Wilson is however hardly talked about and usually is put to the side. Looking back on the first lady’s life we can see the upbringing and past which led her to step up and serve her country incognito.
Edith Cowan, Australia's first female member of parliament, was a compelling woman. She had made many significant contributions to Australia. What do we really know about her and what made her an Australian Hero? Tran Truong reports on her legacy.
Part of human nature is maintaining pleasant and enjoyable relationships with others. Once a person has formed an emotional connection to another, a bond that has formed over a long period of time, the impression of that person is nearly obstinate. Though Arlene Tribbia’s poem, “Sure,” begins with a description of a brother’s misconduct, she ends her piece with a memory that conveys what the character misses about him. The attachment that a person may have regarding others affects his or her emotional perception towards them, and causes him or her to overlook imperfections and disagreeable actions.
“Groom Service” and “The Return” are two short stories taken place in a terrible setting with the main character who deals with relationship problems. Both stories have common themes related to acceptance, acknowledgement, and recognition. The protagonist in “Groom Service”, Bernard, had the ability to survive with his hunting skill, but did not dare to seek his own love. He seeks acceptance from Marie and her family. On the contrary, Kamau in the story “The Return” seeks acceptance from a village, but finds acceptances in the change that had taken place. Due to the influence of the internal and external forces created by their family and personalities, protagonists, Bernard and
Questioning is a natural human instinct. We do this when we are unsure of a situation or thing. Another human instinct is lying. We often lie to protect ourselves or others. Guilt is a human emotion that you experience when you know you have done something wrong.
Throughout the novel The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin A.J. withstands a major change as a person. He remains somewhat aloof on opinions of literature, but becomes a more rounded individual. Having people to unconditionally love him makes A.J. a sweeter person. Slowly but surely, A.J. learns the value of family friendship, and
Power and control plays a big role in the lives many. When power is used as a form of control, it leads to depression and misery in the relationship. This is proven through the themes and symbolism used in the stories Lesson before Dying, The fun they had, The strangers that came to town, and Dolls house through the median of three major unsuccessful relationship: racial tension between the African Americans and the caucasians in the novel Lesson before Dying, Doll’s House demonstrates a controlling relationship can be detrimental for both individuals and The Stranger That Came To Town along with The Fun They Had show that when an individual is suppressed by majority they become despondent.
The novel brings out the themes of close friendship and family. It teaches the reader the extreme importance of having friends you can rely on when situations
Another example of Instinct theory in the movie “27 Hours” is when Aron snaps his arm. This is the second attempt he intends to break off the arm. Aron is near death, but he has visions off a future son that he still does not have. He had visions off having a son, which he later had three years after the arm incident. If it weren’t for the image he had of having a kid, Aron probably wouldn’t have had the instinct and motivation to break his arm off.
In the three stories “Eveline”, “A Rose for Emily”, and “Desiree’s Baby” three single women go about love in three different ways. Their struggles for love are similar; the decisions they made you will not believe. One thing you can say about all the women is their poor love lives. With their fathers in their way, the women find it hard to find love. Love is a four letter word that everyone wants, but some never get to experience the happiness. While Eveline, Miss Emily, and Desiree have controlling fathers, they want love; one walked away from her happiness, one kills for it, and another kills herself.
Both of these are instincts, but neither of them cause direct action. In addition to those instincts is the Law of Human Nature, which tells us that we should go help the man. The Law of Human Nature itself was not an instinct, but
Animals behave in response to their environments just like humans. Behavior can be simply broken down into emotions, thoughts, and psychological responses. These fall under three categories: reflexes, instincts and learned behaviors, which all have a role in helping us to survive in this world. A reflex is an involuntary reaction to stimuli. Our reflexes are controlled by our nervous system. When we go to the doctor for a checkup and the doctor uses an object similar to a hammer and taps its on your knee, he is checking your reflexes. Reflexes are usually fast responses to something such as resting your hand on a hot stove and then lifting it quickly because you did not realize it was on. Instincts are natural behavioral patterns prompted by
There comes a point in most people’s lives, where we start looking for the meaning of life. Questioning who we are, why we are here, and what our purpose is. In the novel Ceremony, Leslie Marmon Silko paints a picture of self-acceptance and self-discovery. With the help of Tayo’s story between the struggle of his past and his present self, Betonie’s tolerance for the world, and the motif of alcoholism we are able to make this overall statement.
One of the sweet comforts in life is to curl up in a favorite chair with a short story that will briefly carry people away from their everyday lives. On rare occasions, a tale mirrors real life in such a way that one is strangely comforted by the normalcy reflected in the words. A perfect example of a story about ordinary life that will soothe the soul in search for some insight on understanding the human behavior is Anton Chekhov’s “The Lady with the Pet Dog.” This style of writing has such a mass appeal because the characters wear recognizable social masks and reflect an everyday reality. In his simple story of a chance meeting between a middle-aged, chauvinistic, repeat-offender adulterer, unhappily married man, and a young, naïve,
The plot in the short story “Hindus” demonstrates how a certain sequence of events can help people better understand themselves. Leela meets many different and unique people on her journey throughout