
Edna Pontellier In Chopin's The Awakening

Decent Essays

Edna Pontellier is a twenty-eight-year-old housewife married to a successful businessman, yet after spending time with a devoted gentleman and close friends, Edna the protagonist finds herself dissatisfied with her marriage with Léonce and her limit to do things in her lifestyle. Edna is described as having “quick and bright” eyes, “yellowish brown, about the color of her hair” (Chopin 4). Edna’s eyebrows have a darker shade than her hair, they were “thick and almost horizontal” (Chopin 4.) Her eyebrows emphasize the depth of her eyes, she was rather handsome than beautiful. Edna’s internal conflict is being that she doesn’t love her husband, Léonce, she is encourage by Robert Leburn and her personal feelings of being in a both emotionally

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