Today was our field trip to the haunted USS Edson and the planetarium. It started out fun until I sat on a fruit chew on the bus and had to have that on me all day. Besides that event, Sydney took the fact that we were all ready for ghost to pop out any moment, or Paul, and used it to her advantage. She would hide in little escape cubbies in dark rooms then pop out once we had thought Paul took her. She would also bang on metal, wood, beds, or anything she could get her hands on to scare the crap out of us. Besides Sydney's scaring, the ship was actually pretty cool, but it was pretty creepy. The stories were definitely the best and being able to see and hear what happened on and to that ship was great. Once we finished, we loaded the bus and
This piece is called, Mars Venus and Vulcan: The Forge of Vulcan, it is an oil canvas done by John Singleton Copley, done in 1754. The era that this piece most represents is the Eighteenth- and early nineteenth-centuries of art in Europe and North America. This is because of the brief use of nudity and the use of children that are shown as little angels. The artist also used a sense of time and motion. It is as if the figures in the piece are moving themselves. The use of 3-D and kinetics allows this sense of movement in this piece. Also the artist used repetition and rhythm. The viewer’s eye is constantly moving because of this sense of repetition and rhythm
Afterwards, we went on the scavenger hunt, that part was my favorite part of the trip, because we broke up into our groups to look for information around the museum. The scavenger hunt was the most enjoyable part of the trip because of the group was in, we all got along well and worked great together. I was lucky to be in a group with some of my best friends.
The Venus of Willendorf was believed to be created 25,000 years ago, is none-freestanding sculpture and is sculpted out of oolitic limestone. The subject matter I believe it to convey a fertility figure for men and woman to gaze upon. The Venus of Willendorf is a none-freestanding female nude stature, which is an 11 centimeters high, made out of oolitic limestone and now resides in Naturhistorisches Museum. She was found in 1908 in Austria in a village called Willendorf. This small oolitic limestone figure representing a woman in the nude is believed to be created 25,000 years ago. The stature has been carved out of oolitic limestone and has been given a red ochre tint. I believe that Venus of Willendorf was created to represent fertility in
The constellation I have chosen to write about is Orion. This is one of the most famous constellations in the night sky. I chose this one because as I stated, it is very famous, and because it is one of those constellations that I have seen many times. Orion is a hunter, so the constellation shows a man holding a club and shield. It is easily recognized by the three stars in a line that form the hunter's belt.
For my vacation, my family has chosen to go to Venus. This our first year traveling outside of earth so we chose a planet close. Venus is covered with a thick layer of sulfuric acid which will be a blast to land into but on the inside Venus is solid. Venus shines super bright and has orangish yellow tint. The overall look of Venus is dreary and the gas covers the area with a goldish hue and everything looks like gunmetal. Venus is VERY hot, it temperature reaches to about 870 degrees Fahrenheit! On top of the scorching heat the Atmospheric pressure is bone crushing and highly dense.Venus is about 0.72 light years away from the Sun and blank light years from Earth. Venus is very much like earth and not very much like earth. Venus is about the same size as earth
Have you heard about New Horizon’s impending flyby of Pluto? As the spaceship gets closer, it will take pictures of Pluto. Scientists hope that New Horizons will provide new information about the dwarf planet.
Liquid water is the most important factor for life, as we know it. Water is abundant in the galaxy, it is found in cold dense molecular stars as well as hot stellar atmospheres. Liquid water exists at a large range of pressures and temperature.
Founded in the year 1958, The Edgerton Memorial Planetarium is dedicated in the memory of Malcolm and Edna Edgerton, who played a major role since its inception. Over the years various telescopes and astronomy equipments have been donated by various individuals and lovers of astronomy to the planetarium. Today, it also serves as a research facility and welcomes people of all ages to enjoy viewing the moon, the stars, the galaxies and deep space objects through the 22-inch research telescope. The program starts with a short interesting lecture and is followed up by viewing the sky by night. Visitors can check out the calendar for weekly events on their website. It is ideal
There is a great amount of variation between the Terrestrial planets. These planets differ in size, atmosphere, and temperature. The temperatures vary greatly in the Terrestrial planets. Average temperatures range from 900° F on Venus to -50° F on Mars, which happens to have the coldest temperatures out of all the Terrestrial planets. These colder temperatures are a result of differences in distance, atmosphere, and magnetic field.
In the year 2065, climate change on Earth has spiraled out of control and nations are now fighting for new real estate in space to begin colonization. Mars had been a likely candidate for many years now and was becoming a massive fighting ground for numerous nations. However, it’s arid landscape and small size made it a questionable choice to some. More adventurous and risk-taking politicians urged their researchers to aim for Pluto or planets outside of our solar system. Feeling modern technology was not yet ready for such long distance travel, the United States has chosen to look toward the asteroid belt. As they are setting off, researchers will monitor sunspots to help forecast the behavior of the sun and predict coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Solar-powered sails will make use of solar wind for the early journey after leaving Earth. Radioisotope thermoelectric
Ascertaining the defining characteristics associated with the celestial bodies of astrology will establish the novice in the fundamentals of astrology, and enhance the comprehension of adept astrologers. After all, as planets orbit established positions, the axis of astrology encompasses the idiosyncrasies of the planets. Additionally, a familiarization of Greek and Roman deities benefits the comprehension of the various planetary personalities.
What do you think we would do if someone from anther planet landed in the U.S and claimed it as his territory because he had discovered it? How would you feel about this?
. The two inner planets Mercury and Venus moves from east to west along the ecliptic between their time of greatest distance from the Sun to the east as an evening star and their greatest elongation west as a morning star.
Art is a form of expression that can be interpreted through different perspectives. Some people may think an elaborate painting that took hours to create is art, such as The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh or Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. Others may consider graffiti painted by teenagers on the side of the fence is art like modern graffiti artist Banksy. How many people would say faces painted on the sidewalks, trees covered in shopping carts and stuffed animals was considered to be art? Many people would nod and say no or give a confused look to such unorthodox form of art. In Detroit, Michigan there is such a place like this and people from the area consider it to be art. These collections of art work have even won several awards and recognitions.
The night I got locked in the LA Science Center was frightening. It all started on a busy and Important evening. I was walking around the Science Center with my class when I stopped to look at the ecosystem walking tunnel. I got focused on the sharks when I looked around my classmates and chaperone was gone! I looked around and ran to the endeavor. My heart started to pound when I realized no one else was there I said to myself “I'm all alone.”