All the research and work that I did for this project is going to help me with edTPA because it gave me an opportunity to learn about this principle that I will need to know to help children make goals for themselves. In rubric one of edTPA elementary handbook, it talks about how the candidate’s plan for instruction should have clear and consistent connections to the child’s related skills. The candidate should also use learning tasks to lead the students to independently apply the strategy and related skills. My project relates to this because I learned the importance of children setting moderately difficult goals and not goals that are too easy or too hard. To set a moderately difficult goal for a child I would have to know their skills they …show more content…
In rubric three of the edTPA elementary handbook, it says that the candidate makes connections of their teaching to research and/or theory and that the candidate’s justification is supported from principles of research and/or theory. This project was all about researching a principle and connecting it to major theorists so it was an extraordinary opportunity to learn about principles, theorists and research that can directly help me achieve a level five on this rubric. Understanding my principle and the other principles that will be presented in class will help me so much when I get to this rubric in edTPA because when I’m teaching my lesson for edTPA I can tie in exactly what I learned about these principles and theories for this project. In Rubric 10 of the edTPA elementary handbook, it says that candidate’s must justify changes using principles from research and/or theory when changing teaching practice to meet students’ varied learning needs. This rubric is sort of related to rubric three with knowing the principles and theories. This project has improved my ability to do research and improved my knowledge on principles and
While growing up my mother worked at a child development center educating children ages 3-5. I enjoyed watching her interacting with the children. So I decided to try to teach a few of the students like she did and I did very well. This is when I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I worked at Jefferson Place Learning Center for almost 5 years. There I decided there to obtain my CDA to groom my skills as an educator but I was not able to complete this. In 2011, I decided it was time for a change and I decided to leave Jefferson place and moved to KinderCare Learning Center. I really enjoyed working for KinderCare but due to transportation I had quit and I started to work Wal Mart. My heart was heavy because I knew that working for was not something
Pursuant to California Vehicle Code (40902), I plead not guilty by Trial by Written Declaration of the charges of CVC 22349 (b). I have paid the fine of $352 and have attached the receipt to the case as instructed.
Reflecting on this course over this semester, there have been many lessons learned that will be valuable, as we enter the business world. Our first lesson was to learn to work together, as a team, to prepare a short memo, long memo, letter, and email for use in the business world. This is a lesson that will experience many times as we do our daily work. Punctuation and grammar are so important to present to the client and other organizations that we are professionals. It could mean the loss of a sale or acquiring new business. It’s like dressing for work; looking professional or unprofessional.
This is a reflective essay based on a event which took place in a hospital setting. The aim of this essay is to explore how members of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) worked together and communicate with each other to achieve the best patients outcome.
There are two key areas of my tutor’s comments on TMA-02 that I felt were important to further improve upon. The first was referencing as I made mistakes by either neglecting to insert relevant references or by enclosing wrong references, i.e. using the publisher as reference instead of the author. The second comment related to key concepts that lacked clarity in their explanation.
In the course ENC 1101 I learned how to organize my thoughts, how to do good essays and also I improved my writing. Having a different first language I feel like I give my best in this class because is kind of hard. Although I get grades that I wasn’t expecting I feel good because through those not too bad grades, I learned what kind of grammar errors I was doing. The content of this class was a good one because the paper that we wrote talked about now day not like in others classes that we have to write about things that we don’t know anything about it. To realize these projects there were clear directions that most of the time were helpful to complete the projects. It was beneficial to get feedbacks about our projects because in that way
As a new immigrant, I took the accuplacer test and went straight to 111 English level. So, English 111 course became my first college English class. It seems like a great achievement for a French speaker. Nonetheless, this performance linked to significant challenges. Even though I am a fighter and an optimist, I was frightened about my academic achievement for this semester. The problems became bigger when I took my first practice test on sentence structure (fragments and run-ons) and got a D. I was frightened and felt that I will have to drop the class. However, I decided not to give up. I started working hard and had a V+ on the next test. This positive grade energized me until now. During this semester, I have much homework and practices which allow me to identify some strengths, weaknesses, and gave me lots of skills for my English 112 class and the future.
As part of my Business Innovation Development Project Unit, I had the opportunity to put myself into group with my friends or people I believed I could work well with. In the first stages of our group we all tried to get to know each other more through analysing personality and learning types’ test that we previously undertook. I realise we were going through the normal stages of the team formation in particular forming and norming (Tuckman, 1965). In my assignment group we had all Belbin team roles which helped us perform well throughout our project and also helped us to identify other team members’ behavioural strengths and weaknesses. During the initial stages of the group getting together I believed it was
I set goals for all the children in my care and we are constantly working toward them each day. When I began this project with the child I set them goals after I seen they were capable of completing the present goal. I think the benefits form this is a positive step forward for the children and their learning goals.
Reading week provided me an abundant amount of time to catch up on my courses (literally just economics) and work on my MSDA. The night before, I decided I did not really have to prepare anything for my MSDA pitch, it’d be a good representation of my creative abilities and see what I could come up with on the spot. It went pretty well I would say. Had sprained my ankle again two weeks ago so I was charged up and raring to kick some ass this week. Brought home another win for the flag team with 1td and 3 interceptions, alongside another W for the ultimate team, who were now 5-0. The responsibility of designing our NETA presentation and the application for our product was pinned on me. At this point my group members knew I was taking control and were willing to offer the responsibility
Vital signs are a fundamental component of nursing care and indicate the body’s ability to maintain blood flow, regulate temperature and regulate oxygenate the body tissue. Taking vital signs are essential in revealing any sudden changes in the body, which could potentially indicate clinical deterioration of the patient.
This essay is a reflective essay on my learning development from a young age through to my current position as a University Student. I will be relating my learning development back to two theories of human development, Vygotstsky’s socio-cultural theory and Marcia’s version of Erikson’s theory of identity development. I will identify and discuss the challenge I have faced with my identity and how this has impacted on my development.
* establishes a system of praise and constructive criticism - rewards and improvement; grows with the organisation
This unit does not introduce much new material. Instead, we expect you to integrate technical and theoretical knowledge acquired from study across your degree. We refer to two frameworks that may support you in carrying out this integration:
Since beginning to write papers in English class, I have had countless successes and failures. While many of my English classes have taught me how to improve my writing, I have not learned very much in others. My most recent English class was last year, my sophomore year. My class was particularly undersized; therefore, it gave each student the opportunity to have additional individual attention. Throughout the class I experienced high points, weaknesses, and even difficulties that I never overcame. Overall, my writing skills improved, but only marginally.