
Edtpa Reflective Essay

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All the research and work that I did for this project is going to help me with edTPA because it gave me an opportunity to learn about this principle that I will need to know to help children make goals for themselves. In rubric one of edTPA elementary handbook, it talks about how the candidate’s plan for instruction should have clear and consistent connections to the child’s related skills. The candidate should also use learning tasks to lead the students to independently apply the strategy and related skills. My project relates to this because I learned the importance of children setting moderately difficult goals and not goals that are too easy or too hard. To set a moderately difficult goal for a child I would have to know their skills they …show more content…

In rubric three of the edTPA elementary handbook, it says that the candidate makes connections of their teaching to research and/or theory and that the candidate’s justification is supported from principles of research and/or theory. This project was all about researching a principle and connecting it to major theorists so it was an extraordinary opportunity to learn about principles, theorists and research that can directly help me achieve a level five on this rubric. Understanding my principle and the other principles that will be presented in class will help me so much when I get to this rubric in edTPA because when I’m teaching my lesson for edTPA I can tie in exactly what I learned about these principles and theories for this project. In Rubric 10 of the edTPA elementary handbook, it says that candidate’s must justify changes using principles from research and/or theory when changing teaching practice to meet students’ varied learning needs. This rubric is sort of related to rubric three with knowing the principles and theories. This project has improved my ability to do research and improved my knowledge on principles and

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