Education is vital when battling the pervasiveness of asthma among ethnic minorities in the United States because the majority of deaths linked to asthma are preventable by educating asthmatics and their families. Disturbingly, every day 11 people die due to asthma in the United States (CDC, 2012). According to the National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute (2007), through the implementation of asthma management programs, individuals can learn how to control symptoms and decrease chances of hospitality. These programs are available and help patients reach health goals through intensive monitoring of symptoms, educating asthmatics regarding self-management, and providing medications when necessary (Rance, 2011). However, these programs are extremely
R.J. is a 15-year-old boy with a history of asthma diagnosed at age 8. His asthma episodes are triggered by exposure to cats and various plant pollens. He has been using his albuterol inhaler 10 to 12 times per day over the last 3 days and is continuing to wheeze. He normally needs his inhaler only occasionally (2 or 3 times per week). He takes no other medications and has no other known medical conditions. Physical examination reveals moderate respiratory distress with a respiratory rate of 32, oximetry 90%, peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) 60% of predicted, and expiratory wheezing.
I met the community outreach programmer Ms. Lisa and I discussed with her about an appropriate evidence-based practice. Ms. Lisa said that there is not education program in Taney County Health Department for asthmatic people. Thus, she asked me to find a successful evidence-based practice, which has been applied in the other Counties or States
Task analysis is the process of obtaining information about a job by determining the duties, tasks, and activities involved and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required in performing each task. There can be broken down into six
Chris reported that his asthma is under control and his school has his asthma action plan.
There are plenty of beauty remedies ancient Egyptians used to use to keep their body looking flawless, youthful, and glowing and one person that is very famous for her looks was Cleopatra, and was due to her beauty remedies.
This results in Hispanics Americans living in very tightly-knit segregated urban communities, in older housing, and lack access to healthcare that can contribute to asthma exacerbation (Bhan et al., 2015). In the State of Connecticut there is a program called, Putting on AIRS or Asthma Indoor Risk Strategies. This program designed to assess environmental risk in the homes for asthmatic children and families. The hope is to reduce the frequency of asthma-related events by identifying environmental triggers. A public health nurse experienced in asthma management, conducts asthma education in the home. There is also an assessment for environmental asthma triggers in the home such as roach infestation or mold. The program follows participants over a six-month time frame, and has been shown to significantly improve outcomes for asthmatics (Nepaul et al.,
Asthma-related ER visits and inpatient hospitalizations in zip code (65616) for years (2010-2014) are higher among females (53.3% and 59.8٪) (Figure1&7), respectively than males (46.6% and 40.2٪) respectively (Figure1&7), which is consistent with the statistics that confirm asthma is more prevalent among females than males. The white asthmatic patients have higher percentages of ER visits for asthma by 87.3% compared with black or African American by 12.7% (Figure2) (CDC, 2013). This result differs from the national
I am the manager of the Asthma Foundation of America. The organization is a non-profit company established in 2011 and located in Atlanta, Georgia. The main goal of the organization is to provide educational programs for asthma patients, healthcare providers, and communities affected by this chronic disease. The organization will also help to raise funds for asthma facilities throughout the state and invest grant awards to researchers to enhance the overall prevention and control of asthma disease. This will help to improve further treatment to manage this disease and assist with groundbreaking research for cures. However, the organization has expanded nationwide to make sure all people over the United States get assistance primarily over asthma disease and live sufficient life.
The attempted strategies will be discussed in their chronological order. First, Evans and his colleagues conducted a study to improve asthma care for minority children (African-American and Latino) in New York City in pediatric clinics serving children from low SES families. The study chose New York City Bureau of Child Health clinics and trained its clinic staffs about National Asthma Education and Prevention Program guidelines to diagnosis, manage, screen, and identify asthma cases in children and provide health education for their families. The authors found that after 2 years of intervention and follow-up, there were improvements in access, continuity, and quality of asthma care provided by clinics with trained staffs. This study demonstrated that professional
An education program is essential if a patient or caregiver is going to be successful in managing asthma symptoms. A one on one patient education program should be developed. First, the educations should focus on the basic facts about asthma which includes; defining well controlled asthma, purpose of medications, and appropriate use of inhaler devices.
Asthma affects 1 in every 12 Americans. According to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, Asthma is affects “About 1 in 9 (11%) non-Hispanic blacks of all ages and about 1 in 6 (17%) of non-Hispanic black children had asthma in 2009, the highest rate among racial/ethnic groups.” As a mother of child with asthma, I know how scary it can be to deal with asthma attacks and learning how to treat the symptoms and minimize risk factors.
Asthma is a chronic disease of the lungs which impacts many cultures/communities at a disproportionate rate within New York City limits East Harlem for example. Socio-economic status seems to play a significant role in determining which social class groups and geographic locations such as 96th street where lower rates of asthmatics have been reported. Lower socio-economic groups have multiple issues East Harlem to the South Bronx are at-risk urban communities, the assumption being that there are inadequate
Respiratory diseases such as asthma in the older population has contributed a significant impact in the health services (Mcdonald, Higgins, Gibson, Peter, 2013). The difficulty of experiencing the symptoms of asthma by the elderly population is complex and needs different approaches to be addressed (Mcdonald, Higgins, Gibson, Peter, 2013).
Much change in the global media by means of mergers and increased concentration has resulted in the limited diversity of content. In addition, the media consolidation does not only effect the content but the ownership and employment opportunities. Winseck (2011) and Havens (2014), both discuss the media mostly in the United States and other parts of the world; comparisons can be drawn to relate to Canadian media. Different theories have been developed around the capitalistic nature of the media corporation on the creativity and diversity of media (Havens, 2014). The following will examine the current standings of the large media corporations in the United States and other countries. In addition, the focus will be put upon the effects of consolidation
The notion of sexual violence towards women is a normalize dynamic with treatment that is based on women reporting the act and the criminal justice system doing its part however, this completely erases the idea of sexual violence victims having further trauma with the invasive investigating proceedings. Sexual violence is seen as an individualized crime, with the survivor’s body being the main evidence in the crime at hand thus the criminal justice system positions the bodies as if they are materials. This neglecting of the survivors, and placing importance on the violated body makes it hard for women to report these acts committed against them. The act of sexual violence can be a traumatic event and the examination of the body can further increase the survivor’s feelings of being isolated and loathed. In England and Wales, there is a considerable need for an effective policy to ensure alternative prevention methods for the safety of the violated bodies in the criminal justice system. The prevention of sexual violence against women will not only make it easier for the police to investigate, but women will not be going through a “second rape” with officers and professionals in the criminal justice system. Also by having reforms of criminal justice proceedings will be a necessary step in providing survivors with the reassurance that the