Over all, Education 2120 has been a wonderful experience for me as a student and a future educator. The class has taught me to be open minded about all the aspects of diversity and how to be an accepting person. With the knowledge I have gained, I believe I could handle almost any situation that comes up about diversity. This class has shown me that there is much more to education than just the subject material. Every classroom will be different and full of diverse students that bring in their own struggles. Education 2120 has shown me what diversity is and how to effectively use it as a tool in my education and my future students
Include an examination of information systems in your work place and an analysis of how data was used 20 years ago in comparison with how it is used today.
I think that thinking is better than doing because if you just do something then you could harm your future and just doing something without thinking can get you into a lot of trouble. If I had to choose if I wanted to be a person who just does or "intellectual" I would be intellectual. The reason for that is because if I did something without thinking I would have consequences and then that would mess up my future.
Poor communication,often struggles can happen when communication as not been good this maybe because information has not been passed on correctly,the best way to fix poor communication is to discuss the matter to find out the cause then find a way forward together,the important thing is not to
At Noble Street College Prep, they have students pay for various infractions. “Noble collected almost $190,000 in discipline “fees” from detentions and behavior classes.” A discipline policy is used to make students behave and follow rules. There is a rewarding and punishing policy where students are supposed to be improving. While it is true that the rewarding policy may work, I believe that Konawaena Middle School should have the punishing policy, because when students are being punished, they are behaving during school, focused on their classes while getting superior grades and even with the policy students still have responsibilities for their work.
Document C is a speech made by a young African-American boy who is first in his class, during 1819, in New York City. He explains that even since he is genius he will have no future because of the color of his skin. According to Document C Note, it states, “ However, this was an improvement over the South where public schooling for white and free blacks was very limited, and where educating slaves was generally illegal.” Document C Note shows that black children in the North were given an opportunity at education allowing them to learn legally for the first time, while white boys in the South still could not go to school. Before the Civil War, many Northern schools for black children were segregated, but this was an improvement over the South
This class has really opened up my eyes to many new views and opinions toward certain information and assumptions. Before taking this class I did not believe I was racist or had any downward views towards any people or cultural. This soon came to my attention that everyone has a little bit of racist in them no matter how hard you try not to be. I also thought that Columbus discovered America, I found it very interesting and almost common sense when we discussed this issue and how the school curriculum has been lying to students in a sense about the discovery of America. The finial bias I soon came to see was that no matter how much you think you will not face other cultures or other religions in schools that you are not familiar with your chances are very slim. No matter where you plan to teach at their will always be situations that you are unfamiliar with.
I came into this class not so naïve as some students may have been. I’ve grown up going to public schools, living in a diverse small town, and having interracial relationships in my family. Although I was informed on some forms of racism and the fact that racism does in fact still exist, I didn’t realize it was extensive as it really is. All the readings, videos, and lectures have directly related back to the purpose of the course. As a whole, I feel like this class has grown in knowledge not only about how racism affects people, but how to change and make a difference. This class has informed me a lot more about the unfortunately thriving acts of racism in the United States.
Educational policies are the rules, guidelines and or boundaries that have shaped my career as student, a teacher and most recently as an educational administrator. Throughout my career I have not questioned always questioned the reasons for the development of these policies. From the readings in this course, I have begun to examine the how and why of policy development and beginning to understand role the policy analysis has in the evaluation of educational policies over time. The role of the state, the role of the individual within the state, changes to political ideologies and the development of globalization have all directly impacted policy development and the directions that education has taken over the last century.
Frymier, A. B., & Houser, M. L. (2000). The teacher student relationship as an interpersonal
As postmodern educators feel their way through an ever changing multicultural classroom environment, it is imperative that each hold firmly to their philosophical positions and do not let society influence them in a negative way. At the same time all teachers should be continually reflecting inwardly to make oneself accountable to their profession.
I learned some important things from this course that I will allow to stick with me no matter my profession. Diversity is something I will always have to deal with regardless if it is race, gender, or gender orientation. Importantly this course has allowed me to grow as an individual and has shown me that it is okay to learn about other races and their background. Not only has it allowed me to be acceptable of everyone in fact, it has allowed me to be less judgmental amongst others.
Diversity and social justice is not something that I was familiar with prior taking this course, nor did I ever have enough knowledge of the deep and complicated social and economic structure in this county. It has been an eye opener course, I gained a lot of familiarity on the issues of race, culture and the other elements that but this county together. My prior awareness about the issues of sexism, ableism, and racism was limited and mostly were self-taught.
I’m currently a new student at Highline community college who is trying to keep up with the fast pace and pressure of college. I want to be successful and pass all my classes with good grades but, I know I can’t do it all on my own. All the resources we have available to us as students are very helpful such as tutors, counselors, and financial aid advisers and I intend to take full advantage of all the resources available to me. It’s very important to me that I pass my classes because I am paying out of pocket, unlike most students who are on financial aid, or scholarships. It’s my first time being back in school since I dropped out of high school 2 years ago so I am facing many challenges
Going into this unit, I was apprehensive. I had never really talked about race in a classroom setting. I did not know how comfortable I was with talking about race in a large group of people. After this unit, I felt a ton more comfortable talking about race, which I think is going to be very helpful going into high school. Although I found the entire unit very interesting and enlightening, I thought that the words to use activity and documentary episodes one and two were really important in furthering my understanding of race and how to talk about race.
“I just don't understand! Why you have to be so simple? Answer me Elizabeth. “Why would you sit there and pee on yourself?” and you think I am going to clean that mess up, well you thought wrong.”