
Education Is Not For Our Future And Better Prepare Us For The Real World

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Every day millions of young adults wake up and go to an institution that is supposed to shape our future and better prepare us for the real world. We pay them thousands of dollars so we can earn a degree that can earn us thousands of dollars and maybe much more. We have been shaped to think that this is the exact path that we have to take when we grow up and exactly how the majority of young adults are spending their late teens to early 20s. Now to get into these institutions in which we receive our higher education from we have to meet certain requirements and fulfill their expectations to even be accepted. And even when we do there is a chance that we may not even get into the college that we want, and instead we have to go somewhere that we feel is not where we belong. A majority of people does go where they had wanted to go and enjoy the whole journey of college. We do all this for a piece of paper that states that we have a degree in a field that we may or may not pursue a career in. When someone picks a college they don’t realize that in the process of doing so they are contributing to a type of stand-alone economy. An economy is the wealth and resources of a country or region especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. Within the economy there are different types of economies. One of which would be a free market economy. In this type of economy prices for goods and services are set freely by the forces of supply and demand and are

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