Have you ever argued on why education should be free for all citizens? Well, to name a few ideas I believe that education should be free due to the amount of debt students obtain after graduating college, it would be more affordable, and it’ll give people freedom to explore the talents and try new ideas. I remember having a conversation with my god sister about her getting back in school. I asked her if is she ready to go back and she said, “I would like to go back but I’m already in debt twenty thousand dollars and I’m afraid if I go back then I’ll be in more debt because I don’t get financial aid and school is expensive”. I remember when I was attending University of Michigan-Flint, I would always have to be reporting to the financial office to figure out how was I going to be paying for my education. One day I ended up meeting this guy at the Detroit Economic Club Meeting that Bill Ford host every year. We were just having a conversation about school and he told me the degrees that he has which are a bachelor and masters in bio-engineering he doesn’t even use He said, “It’s good that you’re in school but the main thing is to figure out what you want to do early or you’ll end up like me going to school and being in loads for something that you’ll never use my friend”. Education should be free for all citizens.
According to make lemonade, there is more than forty-four million borrowers with 1.3 trillion in student loan debt in the U.S. alone. It shows that the latest
Just about everyone agrees that college should be more affordable. A century ago high school was becoming a necessity, not a luxury; today the same is happening to college. If college is essential for building a career and being a full participant in our democracy as high school once was, shouldn 't it be free, paid for by public dollars, and treated as a right of all members of our country? The average college graduate comes out of college with at least $60,000 in debt and if they went to an Ivy League should that shots up to upward of $100,000 all this debt before they even get their first real job (“Fast Facts”). This is the burden that students have to worry about and then they only have six months to find a job that can cover they loan payments, which can be as much as a couple thousand dollars a month and most working people can’t afford that. These days it is highly emphasized that the responsibility to educate the poor lies on the shoulders of the government. It should be, considering the significant hike in the tuition fees worldwide. In such circumstances, many intelligent and hardworking students miss out on studying in a university due to lack of funds. This not only demoralizes the student, but also has a negative impact on the society as it loses out on its future professionals.
Should college be free? In “The Problem is That Free College Isn't Free,” Andrew P. Kelly argues that free college would cost more for the American taxpayer. On the other hand, in “Tennessee Is Showing How Free Tuition Community College Works,” Celeste Carruthers states having free college will give more incentive for students to go to college. It will also encourage them to try community college first. Although free college sounds great at first, it would be more practical to have programs for people who cannot simply afford it. College tuition shouldn’t be the American taxpayers’ responsibility.
I personally don't think that college should be free. Students who pay for their college are more motivated, hard working and independent. Many students would have poor motivation to finish school, because they can always come back. As a matter of fact students with ambitions to get university degree are learning much harder in high school than other, who thinks they don’t need an extra paper. There are many students that are so smart, and they will find the way to get money for school. With extra work and help from family students will be able to afford college tuitions. Students need to depend on themselves; otherwise every taxpayer will have to cover their education expenses. There are several reasons why
Over the last decade student loan debt has risen substantially and is now one of the largest form of personal debt in America, totaling about one trillion dollars, with 71 percent of students who earn a bachelors degree graduating with debt, with the average amount of debt being $29,400.
Instead, citizens should be paid to go to college because they are going there to better themselves as citizens of the United States. Making new experiences for each individual is important. No one will enjoy the experience if they have crushing debts to worry about. Education should be out there to inspire peoples mind and not just filling their head with others perspective. Every individual has the right to learn and be educated, and have the opportunity to view this world in a different perspective and do something on their own. But the cost of education is so unaffordable to some mankinds that it is just ferocious for them to even consider paying those education bills off” (“Should Higher Free Education Should Be Offered to All for Free?” 4). If students were not stressed out over the cost, they could then focus they’re stress on leaning and getting educated. A student should only have to worry about exceling him or herself to their best ability without worrying about the price they have to pay to get their education.
According to Forbes, the U.S. has 44.2 million borrowers that still have to repay their student loan debts, this is about 8% of the population of the country. Borrowers, as of 2017, have accumulated 1.31 trillion dollars in student loan debt. Student loan debt has increased by 31 billion dollars since 2016. On average, borrowers have $4,920 of student loans debt, and in Florida, the debt per person is $4,480. For some borrowers, this debt puts them into poverty. Student loans are a major problem for the students, but may become a problem for the taxpayers in the U.S. because of recent bill proposals.
Today, I’m going to talk to you all about something that your parents probably have never not brought up with you before—college. Obviously I’m kidding. For a student in high school, not a day goes by where college is not mentioned. With college comes this monster of debt and unless you are some star athlete who has already committed to UCLA by 7th grade or the next Einstein who has cured all forms of cancer by the age of thirteen, you probably won’t be getting an 100% full ride to the dream college of your choice. And so this means that you and/or your parents will be paying for you to earn a degree to achieve a successful future. I believe that college should be free because every student should have the right and ability to attend college and it should be a tool to help set up students for their lives ahead of them.
Many students don’t get the chance to further their academic career after high school. Some aren’t able because child care is too expensive or they have to work to support themselves. Everyone should get money for school if they need it. Some parents can’t afford to help the students pay for college, while others can. Money should be given for need rather than want. But I believe there should be stipulations to getting the free schooling. College should be free to those who want to get a degree and need the funding.
The government would have to spend 62.6 billion dollars annually in order to make public college tuition free. A recent movement to federally mandate college funding has struck the interest of the lower, impoverished members of society. However, if college tuition were free it would be unfair, unregulated, and cost-ineffective in the long run. What does free really mean? Does it include just tuition, or room, board and books? Also, would it be completely free? Someone has to pay something somewhere down the line. There is no way to make college completely free. It would be average tax payers that will end up paying. America is already 18 trillion dollars in debt. Just imagine how much more it would be if college was free. College should not be free because it effects the entire country, lowers the value of a college degree, and despite what some may think, does not make it more equal.
During one of his campaign programs, Presidential-candidate Bernie Sanders stood before a thousand applauding and cheering people. This man just announced, as hopeful future President of the United States, that he planned to make college free for every US citizen. Many young adults favor Bernie Sanders, and other political leaders, idea of free tuition because they believe that it will open more doors for them and allow them to not worry about the burden of student loans. However, there are many reasons that regulating free college education could hurt our society and economy that people don’t often realize. College education should not be free because it would raise taxes, it would devalue the worth of a college degree, and it would pave the way for more welfare dependency.
Should the cost of earning a college degree be free? Some students,parents, and educators say that it is morally wrong for a child to spend their entire life going to public school for free and having them to just turn around and pay for college. The students, parents, and educators all would agree that the cost of obtaining a college degree should indeed be free. Those who are against this issue believe that the students themselves or their parents who are financially able should pay for some or all of the expense of attending college after all public school students are given a free ride from elementary to high school. Understanding and considering both sides of the issue, I strongly stand by the decision stating that the cost of attending college should be free.
There are people who are in our nation right now that can 't afford to go to college and gain the education they need to succeed. People have a deep conviction about this controversy. This issue has lead to the debate should the first two years of a college education be free. If college was free for the student the yes, it comes to the taxpayers to come up with the money. There should be rules and regulations in place and should be maintained by each state. The counter argument implies that college isn 't a given and should be paid for by the individual. Both sides of this controversy have valid points. The other side being the taxpayers saying that college is a privilege and not a handout. Although both sides of the debate have strong points one side has not taken all the facts into account, the controversy of a free college education can be traced back to the basic assumptions on both sides. Those who are in favor believe that college education should be free while those who are opposed hold to the notion of privilege.
This is the mindset that I choose to declare in that education should be free of charge for anyone that is willing to study hard, dedicate time and commitment to better themselves in a desire to service the public. Education is critical for the survival for one's academic, social, and if necessary, political career. It requires a massive amount of money that it becomes an obstacle for many. According to Trade Schools, College, and Universities, more than $80 billion is spent each year by the federal government on post-secondary financial aid. In the 2012-2013 school year, that represented over 70 percent of all student financial assistance in the higher education sector. Indeed,
We pay a price for everything we get or take in this world. Although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won. Every day is an opportunity to make your life the way you want it to be. Anything is possible when you work towards it one day at a time. Skip a day and you lose momentum. Try to do it all at once and you will burn out. Work steadily and consistently to make every day count and you will reach your goals. Soon, with consistent effort, those little bits add up to major accomplishments. Is there something you want to change? Today is the day to start changing. Is there a new customer you want to land? Today is the day to start making it happen. You control today and you can control your
College Education should be free. Initially, my first reason will be about how it manages to help poor students get an education. Furthermore, my second reason will be about how more people would be able to venture onto college. To sum up, my last reason will be that students will have more freedom to choose a major they enjoy. Here is my information to prove this.