
Education System Is Not Flawed By Paulo Freire 's Letter From Birmingham Jail

Decent Essays

When it comes to the topic of education, most of us will readily agree that education system is flawed in the ways the students are learning. However, this agreement usually ends with the question of “how problematic is the education system?” Whereas most are convinced that our education system is not flawed, but is actually improving due to technological advances. Contrary to this belief, Paulo Freire’s article, “The Banking Concept of Education,” he advocates that the school system is oppressing the student’s critical thinking abilities because they are being taught to simply accept what they are learning from their teachers. While a similar occasion is addressed in Martin Luther King’s, “Letters from Birmingham Jail,” as he writes to the white moderate about the white missionaries encouraging Black oppression. In Freire’s article, he uses a term called “banking education” to illustrate the teacher-student relationship at any time inside or outside of school. The communication between teacher and student is almost nonexistent. He describes the students as empty containers that are sitting in a classroom patiently waiting for the instructor to deposit knowledge into their brains. According to Freire, “The capability of banking education to minimize or annul the students’ creative power and to stimulate their credulity servers the interest of oppressors, who care neither to have the world revealed nor to see it transformed” (Freire 2). He argues that this type of teaching

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