
What Is The Role Of Education In America Essay

Decent Essays

Education in America plays a tremendous role on our country and community. If you are a drop out of high school student, then you are not going to get the best paying job because of how competitive the workforce is now days. More and more people are beginning to become smarter and go to the best college of their choice. If they compare your application with another application with a college degree, they would obviously pick the college graduate. Education in America is the direction towards a successful job, life, and our countries future. The American Education system is a quite simple process in how it works. As a five year old, kids enroll into Kindergarten to “prepare” them for the “real” elementary school. In the elementary school, all of the same students have to learn all of the same material in a certain amount of given time. It is the elementary school teacher’s job to get the student prepared for middle school. Middle school is somewhat like the high school. It is more similar to the high school in the sense that they switch classes as much as high school students do, they have bells/periods, and they are allowed to choose the classes that they take. In elementary school they all took the same classes and subjects, but now they are allowed to pick whether they want to take the more challenging classes or the easier classes and learn them in a certain amount of time. In middle school, the teachers are supposed to prepare the students for high school. High

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