Education in America plays a tremendous role on our country and community. If you are a drop out of high school student, then you are not going to get the best paying job because of how competitive the workforce is now days. More and more people are beginning to become smarter and go to the best college of their choice. If they compare your application with another application with a college degree, they would obviously pick the college graduate. Education in America is the direction towards a successful job, life, and our countries future. The American Education system is a quite simple process in how it works. As a five year old, kids enroll into Kindergarten to “prepare” them for the “real” elementary school. In the elementary school, all of the same students have to learn all of the same material in a certain amount of given time. It is the elementary school teacher’s job to get the student prepared for middle school. Middle school is somewhat like the high school. It is more similar to the high school in the sense that they switch classes as much as high school students do, they have bells/periods, and they are allowed to choose the classes that they take. In elementary school they all took the same classes and subjects, but now they are allowed to pick whether they want to take the more challenging classes or the easier classes and learn them in a certain amount of time. In middle school, the teachers are supposed to prepare the students for high school. High
Education in America is important way for people to be successful, and part of being successful is the key part of the American Character. First piece of evidence is a website that speaks on how the American society is shifting from a high school degree with a college degree in terms of how successful ratings and job requirements. The article is called “Americans View Higher Education as Key to American Dream” and is written by Allison Rizzolo.It was written six-teen years ago proves that it is not so long ago that this information was put together. Being that it is easy to connect how important in this day in age the importance of education and how if a person does not have a high enough education level they will not be very successful.
The greatest country in the world still has problems evenly distributing education to its youth. The articles I have read for this unit have a common theme regarding our education system. The authors illustrate to the reader about the struggles in America concerning how we obtain and education. Oppression, politics, racism, and socioeconomic status are a few examples of what is wrong with our country and its means of delivering a fair education to all Americans.
A few weeks ago, I was walking downtown, when this random came up to me and said “You in school? That’s good, that’s good. Education is important.” From the state of her hair and clothes, and the smell of her breath, I assumed she was homeless. I didn’t really pay much attention to her, because homeless people are so common in downtown Atlanta. I was just hoping that she wasn’t going to ask me for any money! After a while, I started thinking about what the homeless woman had said; “Education is important.” Growing up, I had always been taught that people who lived in the streets had been afforded the same opportunities as I had, but they had simply chosen to ignore them.
Currently in the United States, the education system has middle schools from grades six through eight, elementary schools from kindergarten through fifth grade and high school 9th through 12th grade. Although there was a change in the school system, school was not always this way. Ninth grade students were put into middle schools instead of high school and sixth grade students were put into elementary schools. Unfortunately some of these students do not do well in a middle school and have lower grades, are not mature enough, and have a hard time dealing with peer pressure. Six
Although one’s culture is based on their experiences they have had, it is also based on values of family and education that help shape one’s opinion and view.
Advanced technology and forms of communication have changed the way we look at our nation. The current political climate and the cultural movement that is happening in our nation is going to go down in history as a revolution. A revolution where news headlines are instantaneously on our phone screens, and thanks to our advanced technology, a whole world of information is a few clicks away. However, despite these advancements in technology, the cultural change in America is often slowed down because there is a general lack of education. In America, education is the one, if not the biggest barriers that economically and institutionally suppress an overwhelming amount of the nation’s adults. Majority of adults in America do not have basic reading and writing skills yet education is still not a priority in America. There is a crucial need for education in America, now more than ever. In my opinion, the only reason for the current political climate in America is the lack of education that brings basic awareness. The solution to what we are witnessing as a nation is an education that makes individuals aware of the reality of our circumstances and allows them to see a perspective from multiple points of views. In this paper, I will present my argument on why education should be made a priority in America.
I can really look back at high school and say, “what did I learn?” and “how is it helping me today in life?” Because it really hasn’t helped at all. Being in my second year out of high school I can honestly say I’ve learned more on my own and on the fly then what I learned in school. Everything I learned was just to turn in assignments and pass tests to pass school but really have me learn the curriculum. A student who has a straight F can have an exemplary IQ and a student who just turns everything in can be a lot lower. Jack Schneider said, “Everything in American education is broken”, he further explains that, the educational system simply stopped working, its aged, declined, and broke but also felt like the system certainly didn’t need to changed. In the Article the Schneider is very skeptical about supporting the topic. The Author does not completely support the topic because of his skeptics.
In an intelligence-based economy, education is important to national prosperity and individual success. Huge achievement gaps and opportunities must shrink to non-existence, and every student must receive a well education that prepares them for college and careers in the world as it is today. Comparing the United States education system to other countries shows that the United States scored lower than nineteen other counties and education systems in reading in the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment. Germany and Poland in particular are two countries that have now surpassed the United States. During the same study, scores showed that twenty-nine nations outperformed the United States by a large amount in mathematics, and in science, there have been twenty-two education systems that scored higher than the United States (Heitin).
“Multiplication is for White People”, by Lisa Delpit, presented the facts about what was missing in American education. The missing pieces added fuel to the already burning achievement gap fire. Throughout the text, I connected personally with several of the opinions and information provided. According to Delpit (2012), “educational policy [had] been virtually hijacked by the wealthiest citizen, whom no one elected and who [were] unlikely ever to have had a child in the public schools” (p. xv).I recalled many conversations with my colleagues pertaining to this very idea. How could someone, who had no idea what it was like to be in a classroom, dictate what I did in that classroom? Unfortunately, it seemed that the wealthy citizens in society
The American public educational system is filled with an assortment of problems. Most students are graduating with less knowledge and capability than similar students in other industrialized countries. Classroom disruptions are surprisingly common, and in some classrooms, nearly continuous. The public education system is having difficulty adjusting to the no child left behind act. The No Child Left Behind(NCLB) is a landmark in education reform designed to improve student achievement and change the culture of American’s schools.
Since 1983 public education has been an issue in America. The system has been constantly changing every year with reforms. This constant change has been driven by the American people’s perception that education has declined and something should be done about it. First there was an increased emphasis on basic skills, making school years longer and more graduation requirements. Second, many began focusing on increasing teachers professionalism. Third, they began restructuring many things such as how the schools were organized and how the school day was structured etc. Now today the most of the American people believe that not enough money is given to public schooling. They associate academic improvement with the money the school is funded.
The human mind is perhaps the greatest object on the earth, animate or inanimate, but without the proper training, the mind is a relatively useless tool. Through the development of formal education systems, humans as a whole have tried to ensure the training of all minds so as to continue prosperity for the world. Most of the time, though, education systems do not realize the harm they are doing to developing minds and the subsequent negative consequences. Among the largest of these inadequate education systems is the American primary schooling system. The American education system is in fact failing; it continues to deplete children of their natural creativity and thirst for knowledge while preaching conformity, which in turn creates an
Education in the United States is a very crucial part of a person’s life. Going to school opens doors and facilitates the pathway for future individual achievement and economic success. Formal education is a conscious effort by human society to convey the skills and modes of thought considered essential for social functioning.
Here in America every single child is sent to school starting at the age of five years old for kindergarten, and sometimes as early as two years old for pre-school and continue on to get an education late into their twenties, some even going on to take classes the rest of their lives. Education in America is something that is readily available and even is required by law, but taken for granted by many children. On flip side third world countries often do not have schools or public education mandated by government, and most times it is not even available when most children yearn for it. Education is taken for granted in America, and in third world countries where education is almost completely absent something can be learned from their
I found the Differences and similarities of both educational systems very interesting. The United States educational system is has three levels however; some school districts may subdivide elementary and secondary students to create separate schools at the middle and junior high level. Once a child turns five they begin kindergarten and stay in elementary until they graduate. From there they attend junior high, grades 5 through 8. All students enter into High School for grades 9-12 and if they are successful, they graduate with a high school diploma and enter the workforce or pursue higher education.