
Essay on Educational Goals and Philosophy

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Educational Goals and Philosophy

As I prepare for my life long goal to be an educator, I continuously realize the complexity and great responsibility of this career. Instead of becoming overwhelmed and intimidated by these realizations, I try to concentrate my efforts on organizing my beliefs and goals. In this philosophy statement, I will display my beliefs and goals by discussing the nature of students, the nature of knowledge, the purpose of public education, methods, and curriculum. This is a beginning basis of my philosophy of education.

To be a successful educator, it is imperative to understand the nature of students. Due to the great diversity in American schools today, I believe the teacher must try to discern each …show more content…

Also, in physical geography, psychology, and sociology, there is absolute knowledge such as weather systems and patterns, and laws of interaction among individuals and groups of societies. On the other hand, there is a great deal of relative knowledge; explanations of economic success or failure in cultural geography and social stratification models in sociology are great examples. This information is dependent upon certain cultures and places, and therefore changes according to different people and times. Understanding definite pieces of absolute knowledge is a good basis and application to understanding a variety of relative topics. A truly educated student will acquire both types of knowledge.

The purpose of public education is greatly debated in this country. The obvious, ultimate goal is to educate people. I believe it can be argued that by trying to create perfect citizens, encourage free expression, change society, control behavior, and produce high standardized test scores, that goal has been blurred. Not saying that these are improper objectives, but the main goal has been lost. Social Reconstructionist Paulo Freire noticed this problem in the 1960’s. He states, “Schools can either educate and liberate, or miseducate and oppress.” (143) I agree with Freire; a proper education is irreplaceable. It not only empowers individuals and improves their self-concept, but it also improves society

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