
Edward Snowden: Should The Government Spy On The Public?

Decent Essays

Should the Government Spy on the Public?
Imagine that in the future as a friend, daughter or son is texting, tweeting, on Facebook or on snapchat and the government sees everything. That people is the present day. The government can see what everybody is doing on an electronic device. When the government is covering up and hides their spying on the public without their say, it is not good and against their basic human rights.
The year is 2013 and Edward Snowden is living in Hawaii. He is working at an NSA facility for Booz Allen Hamilton. The NSA mission is to protect military and intelligence networks against intruders. In May he took a plane to Hong Kong to get away from the U.S. because he had leaked documents that showed the NSA had been …show more content…

The documents are not as clear about the standards on how the targets are found. The documents also revealed NSA operations that collected phone and internet records from citizens in other countries also (“NSA spying: overview”). If they are spying on other countries, it is true that they are shielding the public from terrorist attacks. But the reports on the surveillance has inspired the public to get secure messaging. So as a result the public never got a say if the government could spy on them because all of it was a secret.
In 1991 An ambitious senator named Joe Biden introduced legislation declaring that telecommunications companies “shall ensure” that their hardware includes backdoors for government eavesdropping (Declan). The proposal by Joe Biden was then followed by the clipper chip by the NSA and a bill approved by the House of representatives committee in 1997. It said that all encryption had to have backdoors for the government. Later that year it failed. The Silicon Valley firms told politicians that encryption was on web browsers. That then lead to the USA Patriot …show more content…

They called for the reforms because the NSA threatens their businesses like the CEO of Myer said NSA disclosures had shaken the trust of our users (Gordon). This leads to a large producer of encryption to shield users of company products. They can do this because the clipper chip by the NSA and a bill approved by the House of representatives committee in 1997 failed in 1998. The encryption will help but encryption shown to not a problem for law enforcement also malware could be on devices. The Silicon Valley companies also have taken them court to be allowed to reveal more details. Information about citizens can get caught up when looking at other countries and that information can be used to prosecute you. While many individuals support the use of government surveillance to monitor and prevent potential terrorist activity others have expressed concern that the NSA surveillance operations exceed what is necessary to ensure national security (“NSA spying: overview”). Spying on the public is a better than that they are doing this, but it is concerning that the have too much power than needed and the information cannot be made public because then the terrorists would avoid detection. Therefore the spying is hurting the technology industry's and the citizen’s

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