Polar bears are one of the many animals being affected by global warming. To get food polar bears look for openings in the ice to find prey. As more and more of this sea ice is disappearing, polar bears could go extinct very quickly. Even now polar bears have to search through garbage dumps to find food but aren’t receiving the right protein as an animal. The population of these polar bears are decreasing quickly due to loss of food and prey. Now polar bears are going hungry for a longer periods of time. If this continues to happen, polar bears could be gone very soon! We can all make an effort to help by just even planting something that can absorb CO2. Let's all make an effort to save our species and areas around us from global
There are about 100 different species of animals there, all of which are affected by climate change, but polar bears the worst. Polar bears are the most sensitive to the rapid change in climate because most of their life is spent on sea ice. With the temperatures rising in the Beringia Upland Tundra, the sea ice they thrive on is melting at a very high rate (Powell). Without this ice, the polar bears will not be able to easily move around to mate with other polar bears. They will also not be able to successful hunts on seals because the seals will see them swimming and swim away before anything bad can happen to them. If there was not a shortage of ice, the seals would not see the polar bears on the ice and they would swim closer to the surface. Another challenge the polar bears will face is that they will be eventually forced to go on to the seashore. This would be catastrophic because there would be and increase of competition for food. This could start massive stampedes that could kill polar bear cubs due to adult polar bears trampling them. As of now, there are only 26,000 wild polar bears alive. By 2050, it is predicted that two thirds of all wild polar bears will be gone. By 2100, it is predicted that polar bears will become extinct if nothing is done about global warming and climate change (Kliskey). Another animal in the Beringia Upland Tundra that is affected by climate change in
There are not many creatures in the world that have the ability to not only survive thirty-two degrees below zero temperatures, but live in this climate as well. Among penguins and seals, polar bears are apart of the group of creatures that live everyday life in these freezing conditions. However, polar bears were not always able to do this. According to the Public Broadcast Service (PBS) website, polar bears evolved from brown bears through microevolution. Microevolution, by definition, is “small-scale evolution that occurs from one generation to the next” (Larsen p. A15). Due to the discovery of fossils, it is believed that brown bears evolved into polar bears between 70,000 to 100,000 years ago. This evolution can be seen by the change of fur color from brown to white to blend in while hunting for food and by the growth of a thicker, warmer coat to protect against the cold temperatures (PBS). This all occurred because of an event called the “ice age”. However, in the year 2316, an event called “global warming” will cause a much different evolution. Global warming is a phrase used to describe the ongoing, subtle rise in temperature of the earth and it’s oceans. Because of the small efforts being made to slow down global warming, nearly all of the ice caps in the ocean will most likely be melted by the year 2316. With polar bears only being able to survive by living on polar
As a result, humans are slowly destroying the bear's ability to reproduce, and function in a normal way. By removing chemicals such as mercury, DDT, PCBs and lindane to name a few from our waste it is possible that the world may be able to retain our population of arctic polar bears, and preserve the beautiful creature for generations to come. Alternatively, people should use this as a warning of things to come if they continue to be so irresponsible about their waste. The implications to other ecosystems could be sufficiently more devastating than what is being witnessed in the arctic, and it is humanity's responsibility to take action now before it is too
In the short story, “Lamb to the Slaughter,” by Roald Dahl, pivotal moments are distinguished by the emotions and dialogue of the characters. This story, set during the 1950’s, revolves around a married couple, Patrick and Mary Maloney. What starts out as a mundane story, Dahl transitions into a horrific tragedy of a perfectionist’s lost love.
Part I 1. Vashti is a short, pale woman who is a not particularly in-shape. Nothing seems to be particularly beautiful about her. “And in the armchair sits a swaddled lump of flesh-a woman, about five feet high, with a face as white as fungus” (10). 2.
Antoinette is mad and insane due to the accounts in the book. Having the town not being able to accept you and not fit in was hard. The novel dated back to 1833 so many things back then were very different from how they are now, the way they treated people and the environment around them. Antionette had a big cultural collision with an institution. Antoinette her main theme was insanity and madness because many people started to tell her so much she was just like her mother and she started to believe it and was sane to insane and was back and forth with it, it showed she still had somewhat of sanity but she was still losing herself by the minute.
As human exploitation causes temperatures to increase, in turn disturbing the biodiversity of several species, laws and regulations created by organizations are becoming increasingly more valuable. Over billions of years, Earth has endured several periods of mass extinction and has recently entered another era of mass extinction. Maintaining and protecting the biodiversity of species and their habitats is beneficial since genetic variability increases species ability to adapt. To avoid the further effects of climate change, carbon emissions must be drastically reduced across the globe. The World Wildlife Fund works to prevent the effects of climate change by partnering up with local communities and governments through restoring beach vegetation to shade marine turtle nests in the Caribbean, secure access to fresh water for elephants in Thailand during periods of drought, and identify areas where polar bears can live on solid Arctic sea ice for decades to come.
The Ursus Maritimus, otherwise known as the polar bear, has walked this planet with their massive webbed paws for hundreds of years. They have sustained many different difficulties in life but the most recent issue, global warming, is one that these animals just might not overcome on their own. The polar bear’s population is rapidly dwindling and scientists discuss why exactly we should save these giant white sea bears. There are two different sides to this argument. One side is referred to as the Naturalists. These people believe we need to let nature take its course. They believe we should not interfere, and instead let the animals and the ecosystem work on its own. On the other hand, the Anti-Naturalists believe we must step in and help preserve the polar bear population. They believe that we cannot let the Ursus Maritimus die out for a various array of reasons.
Yes, the humanity act saving the polar bears are important too because according to text polar bears are predators their main prey is the ringed seals. The polar bears are adapted to hunt seals if the polar bears go extinct the seal population will inflate causing the seals to need more food which is salmon which could affect the seafood market because the fishermen wouldn’t be able to catch their batch of salmon to make their income. The sea ice is a part of the ecosystem, the ecosystem is providing services that support the human wellbeing. The ecosystem produces food fiber, and water, while the services benefit the humanity derives from the dynamic work of nature. The polar bear sea ice habitat changes caused by global warming which is bad
Due to the effects of greenhouse gases, the sea ice that polar bears rely on for foraging and shelter is declining rapidly. Some populations of polar bears are forced to depend on their stored fat for energy during summer due to melting of the sea ice, which prevents them from hunting more efficiently. Being forced to rely on stored fat leads to a decline in energy intake, which leads to a decline in body mass. A decline in body mass correlates with slower reproductive rates and decreasing survival rates, which effects the growth and genetic diversity of the population. The increased amount of open water in between sea ice causes the polar bears to swim for greater lengths and therefore makes it more difficult for female polar bears to find proper dens for reproducing and protecting their offspring (Derocher and Stirling, 2012). The rate at which the sea ice declines is projected to accelerate over time (Derocher and Stirling, 2012), which means we will soon reach a year when severe malnutrition will lead to an irreversible decrease of polar bear populations (Aars et
The polar bear lives up in the Arctic region where global warming and climate change are melting the ice caps that the bears thrive on. They use the ice as a platform from hunting and rest. The random pocket holes in the ice, where the seals pop up at, is where the polar bear catches its prey. With this reduction of ice, “the abundance of seals, and increases the amount of energy and time needed for hunting, leaving less energy for reproduction” (Endangered Species and Habitats).
There are so many consequences because of global warming and humans polluting. As a result of global warming, the polar bear habitat is getting demolished. The warmer temperatures are melting the ice in the Arctic and North Pole. Polar bears are travelling miles and miles to find ice. Polar bears live, eat, and raise their cubs on Arctic ice, which is breaking up and melting at an alarming rate. Year by year, this problem will get worse and worse. Humans and factories throw away their waste in the ocean and it goes in the water the fish and animals drink. Polar bears eat fish and they are affected by this polluted water as well. Hunters kill many animals including the polar bears and it’s decreasing their population. When polar bear population decreases, other animal populations will rise and the animal chain will change. We should not let global warming take over our species and destroy the animal chain. Polar bears are one of the many animals affected and if there are too many animals affected, the whole animal chain will fall apart. Research shows that, even if steps are taken to reduce emissions now, gases already in the atmosphere will continue to heat up the earth for another 40 to 50 years. Scientific statistics indicate they may suffer extinction by year 2100. We still have many years to make a
Another point he makes is that Polar bears are getting scrawnier because the seal habitat has declined because global warming causes the ice to melt. This is false. A common fact global warming supporters forget to mention is that arctic and Antarctic snowfall replenish the ice each year. Polar bears and seals are more in danger of poaching than losing their habitat to global warming. Both species are on the endangered list. However, weighing anywhere between 775 to 1,200 pounds. Polar bears are still the largest species of bear living on the planet.
This first study helps me answer my question regarding climate changes affect on polar bear reproductive success because it directly addresses the reduction of body size and cub recruitments as a result of sea ice decline, due to climate change. This information provides a correlation between climate change and sea ice decline. By completing the study, a direct correlation between decline in optimal ice habitats and reduction in maternal condition was found based on body weight and size. In addition, they found that maternal condition directly impacts the number and survival of offspring. By combining all the results it is adequate to conclude, according to this study, that climate change is lowering the reproductive success of polar bears by decreasing sea ice; therefore, decreasing maternal condition and leading to reduced reproductive output and juvenile success.
In order for us to help the wildlife during global warming we need to decrease the amount of pollution we put in the air. We can do this by reducing the amount of energy we use and how many times we use our vehicles in a day. We could also stop littering and start recycling. Land development is also a cause. All of these ways can lead to deterioration of certain species’ habitats. This is a serious problem and i want to persuade and and inform you what we can do to stop it and how it is affecting everyday life lives all the way to to the littlest things to the biggest thing. Global warming is growing at a faster and faster rate. Society thinks global warming is not a big deal and is okay with it. Nobody should be okay with this. Global warming is a horrible way of how we treat yourself, our planet, and the animals.