The LDH activity for mako sharks was 1050.7 ± 72.3 (Dickson, 1993). Which is close to what lizard fishes LDH activity was (1131 ± 221). Mako sharks can be found at great depths in the ocean and so can lizard fish (MarineBio, 2015). White muscle in elasmobranchs uses anaerobic metabolism during burst of energy that causes them to move quickly (Dickson, 1993), which could be how lizard fish use anaerobic metabolism as well. Blue sharks LDH activity was 149.1 ± 19.1 (Dickson, 1993). Shrimp have the closest LDH activity to blue sharks with 134 ± 30). However, blue sharks tend to be found in the open sea, whereas shrimp are normally found in shallow waters (Vandeperre et al. 2014). Blue sharks are very large (100-225 cm) compared to shrimp (5-6
The most common shark which have been measured to have the most unprovoked attacks are white sharks (Carcharodon Carcharias). From a study of electric deterrents and the effects it causes on white sharks conducted by Charlie Huveneers. The experiment tested over 116 trials over a testing period of 3 individual testing trips. The structure of the experiment was made to replicate how it would be used as protective oceanic device. The effectiveness of the electric field was said to be determined by the number of variables which were met during the shark and bait interactions. Results of the experiment suggest that 72% of the identified sharks which consumed the bait were present whilst the electromagnetic field was produced.
They have different predators, and sharks can be one of them. Their body is segmented and has the presence of a cephalothorax. The killer shrimp has an open circulatory system, what means that they don’t have veins, but they still got a heart that helps on the circulation. They can generate forces that are more than 1000
The Mako Shark also known as the blue pointer, or as the bonito shark. The scientific name for the Mako shark is Isurus oxyrinchus. The Mako shark has a snout but it isn’t as pointed as other shark’s, It’s fins are are as long as it’s head and broad-tipped. A Mako shark is a slower swimmer than the shortfin Mako shark, that’s because The regular Mako shark has longer fins which makes the Mako shark swim slower, it is able to swim up to 20 miles per pounds. The Mako shark is a very fast, aggressive shark compared to most sharks. The shortfin Mako shark has been blamed for many reported shark attacks on humans. The mass of an adult Mako shark is 610 pounds.
In this experiment, our objectives were to observe and analyze the metabolic rate of Orconectes rusticus crayfish by measuring the rate at which dissolved oxygen in the water was consumed. Furthermore, we looked to explore the relationship that body size had on the metabolic rate of the organism. We hypothesized that the metabolism of the crayfish would increase as the body length of the organism increased.
Rastrick, S.P.S., and Whiteley, N.M. 2013. Influence of natural thermal gradients on whole animal rates of protein synthesis in marine gammarid amphipods. PloS One, 8(3), e60050. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060050
Title of the Article: Speedy Quick Mako Shark Swims A Record Breaking 13,000 in Less in Two Years!
Mako sharks are exquisite aquatic creatures and are very rare to see. To begin with, Mako sharks are the fastest shark in the world! Speed sometimes differs between shortfin and longfin makos. The keel a flat part right before the tail will also help them go faster. They can swim anywhere from 23 miles per hour to 60 miles per hour! Another fact is makos eat food whole. Even if they have 8 sharp rows of teeth. Makos need a lot of food. Once a 120 pound swordfish was found inside a 700 pound mako! Then, they can live in deep water to
Also hey are very unique and interesting. They can get up to 15ft long. Next blue sharks like to move around so they don’t stay in one spot for long. At last watching the movie jaws made people have many opinions that are oncel sharks. People find sharks very threatening but they are just like us.
Cetorhinus maximus took second place at the ‘Largest living fish in the sea world’ competition, measuring up to 36 feet! This peculiar looking, slow- moving sharks can be found “basking” in the sun at the water surface of warm temperate oceans. Basking sharks swim with their mouths open because they are filter- feeding type of sharks. That way they passively filter the water, catching prey like zooplankton and small fish. Sharks are known to be loners, but basking sharks are
The United States of America’s west coast is home to a diverse population of aquatic creatures. Amongst those sea-dwellers is a kind of mammal called a California sea lion. The website Scientific American has published an article on how the amount of naturally occurring algae in the California sea lions’ habitats has reached an all-time record high in 2015. Though one may not see algae as a necessarily bad thing, when grown in excess amounts, the toxins in algae can accumulate and cause harm to the ecosystem. Some may ask, how does this affect west coast sea lions?
The Lhark is a landshark, which is the body of a shark and has legs with claws so it can maneuver onto any land terrain. It evolved from the Great White Shark because of water pollution and a loss of food due to fisherman and the quality of water in the ocean. It now lives across the world in a variety of places, but most commonly found on beaches as it is close to the ocean so it is easily accessible for the Lhark. It eats mostly mammals, and also fish, but not so much as they are all dying. This Lhark will cause great impact as it will protect us from other animals, but it could also harm us.
People should STOP killing off the amazing Great White shark because sharks are one of the oldest creatures on the Earth and they help take down the population of sea animals.
I have chosen to do a paper on Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar is a disorder in when a person’s mood inappropriately alternates between feelings of mania and depression. A bipolar mania is a mental illness classified by psychiatry as a mood disorder. Also individuals with bipolar disorder experience episodes of an elevated or agitated mood known as mania or hypomania, depending on the severity alternating with episodes of depression.
I believe that many other students like me that would like to believe that if a student got a good memory then his or her college life will be much easier. Having a good memory means you can easily remember and recall what you have heard from professors, or what you have read from textbooks. So, what is memory? Is that really so mysterious? In definition, memory is an organism's ability to store and retrieve information over time. Nowadays, people already know that how importantly and complicated the memory works. Simply saying, there are three functions of memory, which is encoding, storage, and retrieval. We transform what we perceive, think, or feel into an enduring memory, then maintain
The world of art is a bridge, a bubble that connects and interacts with many aspects of the world and the lives of others very effectively. Arts reach into the eyes, the heart, and the soul of a human and bring out a multitude of thoughts, emotions, ideas, analysis, desires, and this list of what art is capable of doing goes on. It is important to recognize that art cannot be null and void from the aspects of anyone’s life, and exclusion of art is simply not an option, it would be one of the most difficult ideas to put into practice. Behind every person, be they great or be they mediocre, there is a path of art to be followed that has inspired them, and led them to where they find themselves in the present. Life must occur with art in it somewhere, and throughout life, art will spring forth from the minds of those who have been touched by that which came before them.