What is the effect of varying amounts of lactose on the product in the chemical reaction to make ice cream?
To determine the effect of lactose amount has on ice cream consistency.
Background information
Lactose, also known as milk sugar, is a disaccharide found in the milk of most mammals. It consists of the monosaccharides glucose and galactose. Lactose is the major carbohydrate in the milk of most mammals (Milk Composition and Synthesis, 2009). Different types of milk, cream, and dairy contain varying amounts of lactose. Half and Half cream contains about 1.2g of lactose per ounce, whipping cream contains about .8g of lactose per ounce, and skim milk contains about 1.5g of lactose per ounce (Ryan, 2004). Some types of milk contain
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The hypothesis that if the amount of lactose was greater than the ice cream will be softer in consistency was supported based on the data that was collected. On average and in two out of three trials the data showed a decrease in height as the amount of lactose increased. This experiment showed how changing the amount of reactants in a chemical reaction can have a direct effect on the state of the product. Work Cited
Hurley, Walter L. “Milk Composition: Lactose.” Milk Composition and Synthesis Resource
Library, University of Illinois, 2009, ansci.illinois.edu/static/ansc438/Milkcompsynth/milkcomp_lactose.html. Accessed 3 Dec. 2017
“ICE CREAM.” Dairy Processing Handbook, Tetra Pak, 7 Dec. 2015, dairyprocessinghandbook.com/chapter/ice-cream. Accessed 10 Dec. 2017
Rohrig, Brian. “Ice, Cream... and Chemistry.” American Chemical Society, Feb. 2014, www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/resources/highschool/chemmatters/past-issues/archive-2013-2014/ice-cream-chemistry.html. Accessed 20
According to “Got Lactose?”, cultural behavior affects evolution. In this excerpt, it is shown that cultures that included lactose in their diets, such as European and East African cultures, are lactase persistent in adulthood. Other cultures, such as Asian cultures, that did not include lactose in their diets, did not continue to be lactase persistent in adulthood. This is shown in the example of what happens during a famine. During famine, when milk was a majority source of food, those who could not process lactose died off, leaving those who can process lactose to survive. So now, those there today have the mutation that allows them to process lacto
The purpose of this lab is to examine the specificity of the lactase enzyme to a specific substrate and how it can denature due to the rise in temperature.
We then tested the last set of test tubes containing milk and lactase, we did this to find which ones would present the most glucose concentration results, when placed in different temperatures, 4°C, boiling and room temperature. What we wanted to know was how far temperature could affect lactase to perform its enzymatic activity. We hypothesized that if the lactase is placed in a high or low temperature outside its active range, the temperatures would have a negative impact on the functions of the enzyme. If the temperature has an affect on lactose then we would see some temperatures in which lactase will be function able. We came to a conclusion that enzymes work at a temperature that is closest to body temperature (25°C); boiling water (100°C) denatures the enzyme, while the enzyme is not able to function properly if
Both literature values for the total carbohydrate concentrations in the milk samples were 45.85 mg/mL. This does not compare satisfactorily with our experimental total carbohydrate concentration for milk at 0.3682 mg/mL, and for lactase-treated milk at 0.0809 mg/mL. With these numbers equating only a fraction of the desired concentration values, there is significant error that occurred in the aniline assay. Perhaps the lactose present in the milk samples was not efficiently hydrolyzed to its glucose and galactose monomers, leaving little glucose to analyze through absorbance analysis. Other errors include the preparation of inaccurate dilutions, which could explain the lack of linearity in our standard samples when forming a line of best-fit
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Our materials for the experiment was Solution A, Solution B, 2% milk, Coca-Cola, synthetic white flower, Phenolphthalein, butter, ice, magnesium ribbon, and ammonia.
How do you get from liquid milk to a solid product like ice cream? The milk is collected from the cow, is sent to a processing plant which turns it, the milk, into your favorite products; such products include: milk, ice cream, cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt, makeup and pudding. There are 7
This investigation consists of testing the reaction between milk, food coloring, and dishwashing soap. Different kinds of milk were tested, depending on the amount of milk fat content. The investigation was based on 2 questions. Lab one’s problem statement, using only milk fat and food coloring was: How does food coloring react in different kinds of milk fat? The second lab’s problem statement, using milk fat, food coloring, and dishwashing soap was: What happens when detergent is added to different milk fats and food coloring? The expectation is that the milk with higher fat content will have a more dramatic reaction. If the milk has a higher fat content,
Lactose intolerance occurs when the body is unable to properly digest foods which contain lactose. Lactose is the sugar found in milk and foods made with milk. Lactase is the enzyme which is produced in the small intestine, and people with lactose intolerance tend to have a deficiency in lactase. Since lactase is produced in the small intestine, lactose intolerance affects the digestive system and leaves people with symptoms which to their digestive tract. Lactose intolerance can also be known as lactose malabsorption since the body does not properly digest lactose. Lactose intolerance is normally harmless; however, the symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable to most people. The signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance usually begin
Is it in the processing of the milk or something different? It only makes sense that it has to do with the human’s ability to process the milk. People who are lactose intolerant lack an enzyme called lactase that is found in the digestive system to breakdown lactose. Lactose is a sugar that is found in dairy products most notably milk. There are four types of lactose intolerance and they are Primary Lactase deficiency, secondary lactase deficiency, congenital lactase deficiency and familial lactase deficiency. Primary lactase deficiency is the most common and develops when a person is under 20 years old. Secondary lactase deficiency is when there is a problem with the small intestines and lactase production is very low. Congenital lactase deficiency is caused by a genetic mutation that produces little to no lactase and is inherited from the parents. Finally, familial lactase deficiency means the production of lactase is good but it is not enough to breakdown the lactase into glucose and transmit it into the bloodstream adequately and this is also inherited from parents. Based on this research I am convinced that a large population of the world cannot process milk because they have some form of lactose intolerence given the four possibilities previously stated. Milk still has all the nutrients, calcium and protein to help develop growing children and provide health benefits to humans. Lactose intolerance or the lack of the enzyme causes people to become sick from the consumption of milk and not necessarily milk itself.
of sugar - ¼ of vanilla extract - Salt - Half bag of ice Procedure: 1) A gallon bag was filled half way with crushed ice 2) 6 tablespoons of salt were added into the bag 3) The bag was then shacked for a few seconds to mix the ice and salt 4) 120 mL of milk were added to a 1 pint plastic bag 5) 1 tablespoon
Lactose Intolerance Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest significant amounts of lactose, the predominant sugar of milk. This inability results from a shortage of the enzyme lactase, which is normally produced by the cells that line the small intestine. Lactase breaks down milk sugar into simpler forms that can then be absorbed into the bloodstream. When there is not enough lactase to digest the amount of lactose consumed, the results, although not usually dangerous, may be very distressing. While not all persons deficient in lactase have symptoms, those who do are considered to be lactose intolerant.
The experience of lactose intolerance have occurred to a number of individuals for a lengthy number of centuries. Lactose intolerance can happen when one loses their ability to produce lactase, as they grow older, meaning that they struggle to consume milk. On the other hand, infants are capable to produce a great deal of lactase since they can drink from their mother’s milk. The term lactase is defined as an enzyme that is capable of breaking down the disaccharide sugar lactose into monosaccharides. Because of lactose intolerance, nature was able to naturally select humans who are affected by lactose. In reference to history, back around 7,500 years ago in Central Europe, the idea of using cow’s milk as a beverage, spread. Incidentally, this
A professor of food studies, nutrition, and public health from New York University, Marion Nestle said that if they are pushing to market their ice cream as healthy then it is seem to be an oxymoron. “This fits perfectly in the category of ‘just because it’s a slightly better choice doesn’t mean that it is a good
Many small ice cream shops in the big cities carry these unusual flavors. However, not many people have a mouth watering craving for lobster, sardine, or brandy ice cream. Today, there are high demands for non-dairy ice cream. Some go the whole hog and open cream-less ice cream treats. Alternative dairy products such as: soy milk, almond milk, and coconut milk are added instead of regular milk. What is really crazy, is some people even develop dairy-free flavors! That is crazy, right?