Classroom management is the number one factor in student learning throughout the school system. How well a teacher organizes the space, time, and materials used for student learning, is the best determinant for how well a student will do in a given classroom (Wong & Wong, 2009). However, effective classroom management will include the discipline factor as well and how well they can handle bad behavior even though the goal is to create a positive learning environment Sternberg & Williams 2002 (as cited in Mesa Public Schools 2012). Effective classroom management has many things going on, some never seen by the students, some directly affecting the students, and some decided by the students. One of the biggest characteristics of an effective classroom is a positive work environment. Students work well together, and the teacher allows for interactions and has positive expectations for the students. Going along with a positive work environment is work-oriented climate, however, it is in a relaxing manner, meaning that teachers do not have to be right on top of students to get their work done. Students know that they 're expected to do what is asked. When positive expectations and the right environment is created, students will know that what they are doing is important and what they need to get done to be successful. . Teacher setting high, goal-oriented expectations early and often for the students. When students know that they have high expectations, they know
Many college professors find it very important to have parents, students and current instructors aware of the expectations for the upcoming student. By informing students,
In Kohn’s book, Beyond Discipline: From Compliance to Community, the first chapter focuses on the different classroom management theories regarding students in the classroom. The chapter discusses how many of these theories are incorrect, and how educators need to look at them under a fine tooth come before implementing them in their own classrooms. Kohn finishes the chapter by discussing what teachers should think about regarding their students when implementing classroom management procedures.
Enforcing the belief that every student should set high standards in their school work is a must because the quality of their work is based off of their own standards. Effective and consistent communication of high expectation helps students develop a healthy self-concept (Rist, 1970). These expectations must be very clear in a classroom full of students from different cultures. A page on class work expectations should be included in the first day take home syllabus. It should explain how students should complete their work and the quality of it by using simple yet detailed words so every family can understand it. The most important part the teacher must do is be very clear and detailed on directions. If a student does not understand an assignment then the teacher most likely did not explain it well. This situation is commonly misinterpreted as if the student was just not paying attention. Clear directions will almost eliminate any confusion on an assignment due to cultural differences.
(See Appendix A). This should lead to clarification of when consequences should occur and improve student understanding of such actions. The first expectation puts educational responsibility upon the learner. Students preparing at home to learn at school allow organizational and planning skills to take place. These needed skills are crucial in developing critical thinking and problem solving which aligns with college and career expectations as stated by Common Core State Standards Initiative (2016). Next, respecting others through kind words and actions acknowledges the importance of valuing others opinions, ideas, feelings, and differences as students learn to accomplish tasks together. Lastly, the expectation of you can be the best gives responsibility back to the child and ownership of his or her education with the goal of success in mind. With these three core expectations, students are able to focus on correct actions and the consequences that may follow if refusing to do so. Assisting the diverse needs of the student population is met by displaying expectations, and their consequences in written and non-written form. This will benefit all students even the youngest learners who are unable to read. Making the benefits of following the expectations readily available allows students to focus on the goal with rewards celebrated in a timely manner, which increases student motivation to
I learned a very important concept through this course which is called the self- fulfilling prophecy. In the education system, the self-fulfilling prophecy is important to understand because some teachers may use it. The expectations teachers have about their students influence how they behave toward them, which influences the student’s motivation and performance. The article by Riley & Underleider (2008) talked about how the self-fulling prophecy can have a long period effect on students (p.384). As a future practicing teacher, I learned, encouraging high expectations for all students especially students with exceptional needs is important. Even if the student has not met all the expectations at least as a teacher you know you tried.
Successful teaching occurs when the teacher is able to select the most efficient method for reaching out to each student’s individual style of learning and inspire students to rise to their highest potential. While the responsibilities of a teacher are extensive (as one can serve as a teacher, a friend, a counselor, a disciplinarian, an entertainer, a facilitator), I believe that students should play a big part in shaping own education as well.
Positive work environment: a culture where junior employees are given fair amount of responsibility and are allowed to challenge themselves is one where employees are more enthused to work and enjoy what they do.
My philosophy of classroom management is to allow students to be responsible for their own behavior at all times. I believe allowing students to be responsible for their behavior and actions allow them to have a sense of freedom. When students have freedom, they seem to be more successful and respectful. Classroom management is more successful when the class is student-centered. Students should be included in the planning of classroom rules, room arrangement, and communication should flow smoothly between teacher and student. Although the class is student-centered the teacher should be in control of the classroom. The teacher should know what is going on at all times, plan interesting and informative lessons, and be
Teachers are not only expected to teach their students, but also provide an environment where everyone feels safe and can learn. Classroom management is a very important part of teaching. Students cannot learn in an unsafe, disruptive environment. This paper will discuss the strategy of SHAPING, how it is used to modify a student’s behavior, and give an example of how to modify a student’s behavior. This paper will also discuss my personal beliefs about classroom management, share rules and expectations for the classroom, rewards for individuals and the class, designing the classroom where the teacher is visible and there are no distractions, and discuss some classroom procedures and how they contribute to classroom management
High Expectations: In a community of learners, expectations are set by the teacher and are something that students must work for. Students understand that the expectations are achievable but will require hard work. These expectations go beyond academics and include student behavior.
Classroom management and classroom discipline share a correlation with one another yet; they are uniquely different issues and should remain a separate focus of the teacher. (Cantor, 2006) Behavior and misbehavior also share a connection but represent different degrees of infraction. (Charles, 2008) This essay focuses on the differences and similarities of these topics and their relation to the classroom.
The effective teacher exhibits positive expectations for all students. Having positive expectations simply means that the teacher believes in the student and that the student can learn. Students will live up to the expectations you set, and to be effective- your expectations should be positive for all students. The effective teacher establishes good classroom management techniques. Classroom Management is practices and procedures that a teacher uses to maintain an environment in which
Expectations are more feasible and the students as well as the teachers will feel more accomplished in their roles within the education process.
Classroom management is a key element to establish a successful learning environment in any classroom. An effective classroom management plan creates a positive learning environment. Classroom management is affected by the characteristics of the students and their behavior. Students’ behavior is influenced by their age, academic abilities, goals, interests, and home backgrounds (Evertson, Emmer, and Worsham, 2006). Teachers need a diverse array of classroom management skills to facilitate learning. A classroom with a proper management plan will spend less time in disciplining and more time in learning. Students in effectively managed classrooms know and follow clearly defined rules and routines. A classroom management plan should provide
Based on the evidence provided from this concluded research, it can be inferred that positive expectations led to more successful outcomes. Therefore negative or low expectations result in poor levels of success. Hence, the following consequences can be discussed to show how teacher expectations influence students learning in the classroom.