As a police administrator in the 21st century, the police officers work is demanding and an important function in a democratic and republican society, requiring officers to be able to deal with flexibility and creative situations. (Cordner, 2016) I believe that education, training, discipline, ethics, integrity, and experience with modern technology develop great officers.
Communication is what separates a great leader from a poor leader. Having effective communication skills is the key to real leadership. I would carefully plan quick and easy strategies for the recruitment process to determine the short- and long-term consequences for good communicators. The method used to hire good communicator would be a live interview. The interviewers
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The professional model of policing is the best way to teach communicational skills. As a police administrator, I will train recruits and current police officers under my command to watch their body language, pick up on understanding, confusion, disagreement, and other emotion so that they will communicate with a positive attitude. They will learn that presentation is everything when they make the first approach. I would make sure they understand to be confident in their response, keeping the words as simple as possible. They will learn to play back the message in their head before they respond. They will find out how important eye contact is to demonstrate while watching their tone of voice. I would teach them to always listen to their team member. As a police officer, they must be humorous, able to articulate and give good feedback. The professional model of policing, nevertheless, encourages police officers to think of themselves as more professional than the average person. (Cordner, 2016) No matter, how bad things may get we are still first responders, and we are held to a higher
Are the people placed in these roles fit as being a leader? Are they capable of leading in a large quality in the future? There has been research on the varied of different leadership styles with in law enforcement agencies. Other views on the research focus on leadership and how it effects organizational commitment. There is a need to push out research and create different models in order to redesign of law enforcement agencies. According to Patrick J. Hughes “Increasing Organizational Leadership Through the Police Promotional Process”, he explains the current process used in promoting ranks and the available leadership education for law enforcement agents. There are clear connections between leadership styles and how to proper assess a true
There are twelve qualities that Dennis Nowicki believed that are authoritative for entry-level police officers: “Enthusiasm, Good communication skills, Good judgement, Sense of humor, Creativity, Self-motivation, Knowing the job and the system, Ego, Courage, Discretion, Tenacity, and Thirst for knowledge” (Peak, 2012, pp. 137-138). First, enthusiasm is mostly about having faith “in what one is doing and going about even routine duties with a certain vigor that is almost contagious” (Peak, 2012, pp. 137). Second, having good communication skills is “having a highly developed speaking and listening skill that helps interacting equally well with a wealthy person or someone lower on the socioeconomic ladder” (Peak, 2012, pp. 137). Third, good judgement
• Leadership: which states that a police officer should constantly-continuously lead by example. Even in times of conflict, officers are expected to take a leadership role and guide the populace into conflict resolution (Baker, 2011).
Policing and the way they operate are truly similar as if they are hand in hand with one another. In order for operations to run smoothly and the department to be functioning as one there has to be proper training and care from the supervisors, administrators and from everyone who works together to understand that they’re a team. Everyone in the police department has to work together instead of against one another just to make sure everyone is doing their jobs by the books with no room for errors.
My leadership strengths are integrity, ability to analyze, respect, fairness, and self-awareness (Carlson & Garrett, 2008). I understand that police officers are held to a higher standard for their conduct both on and off duty. I am not perfect, but I hold myself to a high standard
Communication is a vital tool in our society today because police officers could not serve the public effectively without good communication skills. A lack of the ability to listen or to speak effectively could result in a misunderstanding. Communication plays a very important role in the lives and jobs of police officers. Communication allows officers the ability to better manage evidence by interrogating witnesses and suspects and gathering information. This allows them to make quick and informed decisions. Police officers can only succeed if they master communication, both social and professional, so that they can be comfortable with the public and get their jobs done behind the scenes.
. Leadership Concepts in Policing The intent of this paper is to discuss the application of leadership concepts as they apply to rural and urban policing and why the possession of certain abilities is imperative for good leadership. The leadership concepts to be discussed are decision making, leadership qualities, communications, empowerment, well-being, teamwork, and time management. There is no one quality that is greater than the other and this paper will show that collectively the entire aforementioned qualities enable a good leader to become better.
When it comes to officers, in order to become leaders, they must have motivation and self -determination. The most effective part of leadership is once the skills are taught/learned, a wonderful team can be created. When there is one person who is ineffective and shows poor leadership skills, that can cause an entire unit to crumble. The entire agency can be infected with low morale, and anger. Society looks at police officers for safety, guidance, protection, and encouragement.
On many instances there are a number of known leaders in the history of UK policing who have provide a motivational pedestal for the employees and the impacts of the same travelled a long way and kept the police department proud for times to come. The role of leadership is related to the motivation level of the organization.
The criminal justice system is one of the most important components in the public service system. Since it is a system that citizens encounter daily it would be most beneficial for those who are employed to behave as ethical leaders. Leadership skills and ethical behavior are both parts of the duties of any officer serving the law. Often employees are placed in quick decision situations that can have fatal outcomes if not handled properly. By ensuring that all officers of the law have a set of functioning ethical leadership skills can not only develop a well-rounded individual, but also builds the relationship between the community they serve to protect. The police and other officers of the law have great discretion and power over an individual which makes having responsible, ethically behaving persons on the front lines even more important. With the right training and education, ethical officers can set the bar and improve the quality of life of the community they serve as well as other officers.
All organizations, especially law enforcement agencies, require leadership. Maintaining a dependable leadership structure is key to the success of any organization. The philosophy of the modern style of police leadership involves a leader who is strong, competitive and unreceptive to change. Police leadership is based from an autocratic style which is founded on integrity and courage, embracing teamwork, involvement and shared leadership (Cordner & Scarborough, 2010). This style of leadership works well in an emergency situation in which rapid decision making and strict control is needed. The negative aspect to this style of leadership is the inability of the organization to function with the absence of leadership.
“We, the Nations’ First Responders, professional and volunteer alike, are the nation’s first line of defense” (National First Responders Organization (NFRO), Mission Statement)
“Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.” (Peter Drucker) An effective manager can be the difference between a successful law enforcement organization or its failure. There are several theories on effective management in law enforcement and the business world alike. Some of those theories can cross over and be helpful for a law enforcement manager. A manager can have the knowledge of all theory relative to law enforcement management, but without understanding several key concepts, the manager will in turn not be effective. An effective law enforcement manager is responsible for far more than just managing employees, unlike the business world. Effective law enforcement managers’ decisions likely impact the safety of the citizens within the jurisdiction, and that is the greatest responsibility. There are several components that will allow a law enforcement manager to be effective. Out of those components there are three primaries that are of upmost concern. Those three components are effective communication, organizational skills, and empowerment.
“Lack of leadership competency is often the most critical obstacle to successful police projects” (Yang, 2012, p. 535).
Line-level law enforcement officers, investigators supervisors, and police executives are more educated and sophisticated with technology in their arsenal to enhance job performance. Despite having better education, training, equipment, access to specialized resources, and information, law enforcement agencies struggle with sharing power with their workforce. The result of this failure to modernize leaves law enforcement officers going through the motions and working at less than maximum efficiency.