D-The patient was placed on HOLD and this writer cleared the HOLD. This writer addressed with the patient about her recent AWOL, referring to yesterday. According to the patient, she missed her medcab and did not have any other form of transportation. The patient was in tears as she also reported that she used crack cocaine (smoking) from 8/1/2016-08/4/2016. When asked as to how much she used, she says, " I spent $300 worth......I was doing so good, so good. I didn't want to use. It's too much." This writer asked the patient to what happen recently because during the last individual counseling session, the patient was clean from illicit drugs for a week and 3 days. According to the patient, her son had turned against and lied to her sister …show more content…
Jen reported that she cannot talk to this writer, only the patient, which this writer handed the patient the phone and then eventually placed the call on the speaker to listen to the communication. According to the Jen, she was baffled as to why the patient has not heard anything from Mercy House because a bed should have been available as the patient has done her assessment. Jen provided the patient, which this writer documented, the number to Mercy House and also Center Church as the last resort for the availability of beds. Mercy House does not open until 8:30am and Center Church does not open until 1pm. If there's no bed available as the patient is in desperate need, Jen recommends the patient to call again for assistance with YWCA-availability on beds which is done directly through 211 (unable to provide the direct contact info. to …show more content…
Most of the dilemma with the patient is getting through to her via phone as the patient tends to have several numbers and the uncertainty whether or not her phone is in fact working. The patient appears to be emotional and having a hard time dealing with her stress factors in her life. She made a suicidal comment, but recanted as she expressed that she is frustrated and has no plans to harms to herself. Patient was able to maintain eye contact and engaged this writer as this writer tried to help the
At 0824 this clinician met with the patient who reports her weekend was not unpleasant. She reports she is continuing to have problems locating housing. She reports her family members continue to refuse to allow her to live with them specifically her father and her uncle. She reports she has one friend who is considering allotting her the capability to reside with her under the condition that she speak with her Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworker first. She reports she does not want to reside in a homeless shelter with her son as she has done this before and the experience was not up to her standards.
D-The patient arrived on time for her session. Reports stable on her dose. This writer discussed about tapering off on her methadone, at which the patient is willing to consider doing, but needs more time. She then says, " I might consider doing it next month, but not right now......I was doing it before, but it stopped....just want to take my time." The patient then discussed about having to go to SSA to obtain the payment for the funeral cost. The patient is upset about the small amount she is about to receive. This writer discussed the grieving process of her loss of her husband and also, her mother in law. The patient appeared to be annoyed with her son for not participating in his grandmother funeral arrangement and also, not showing
D-Spoke with the patient as she was being curbside dose. This writer reiterate about TEAM recommendation, at which the patient declines the notion of being placed in a skilled nursing facility due to her medical issues.This writer informed the patient that her level of care is inappropriate for this treatment and a high level of care would be more efficient. According to the patient, she's working with Chrysalis and is willing to sign an ROI for this writer to communicate with her case worker Anthony, aka Tony. Reported stable on her dose.
3.1.- Hospital updates: Following the hospital case coordination session last week, Ashleigh stayed in the hospital overnight. Ashleigh provided care for her father until the next day. Ashleigh was disappointed that John did not collaborate as he refused to eat her meal, have a proper shower and called her idiot.
The main claim to this paper, is to prove, to have effective communication with patients and their
The patient expressed about feeling that she is self-sabatoge her recovery for no apparent reason and currently thinking about going into an inpatient treatment- more so, a treatment that is spiritual. The patient shared that lately she's been feeling down and haven't been to going to church for the past two weeks. In addition, the patient shared about having homocidial thoughts with regards to her daughter's DCF case as she expressed frustration with the custody battle. This writer advises the patient about this writer's role as a mandated reporter and based on the patient comment of having homocidal thoughts, she recanted her statement and says," So, you are telling me that I cannot vent and express how I feel.....I am going to keep my mouth
Writer called Constance to find out if she has heard from the Visiting Nurse Association (VNA). Constance said yes and that they scheduled to meet on the 9th of this month. Constance said she will be seeing her pain managing doctor on the 8th. Also Constance said Medicaid approved for her to use long term care. Care manager was glad to hear that. Constance promised to update care manager after the
The patient asked this writer if this writer cannot talk to her mother and advocate for the patient to the clinic's TEAM about the urgency of getting her bottles. This writer was willing to talk to the patient mother and will try again, to advocate on the patient behalf to get her bottles. However, addressing the mental health portion, the patient stated she has to figure something out about the transportation barrier as no scheduled has been made with CHR due to her barrier. Please note, the patient is no longer seeing Dr. Kuru as the psychiatrist no longer works for CHR. The patient prescriber for her medication is her
In this assignment, I am going to review four cases, which will require a number of different communication skills focusing primarily on; developing a therapeutic relationship, communicating assertively, communicating effectively with an individual with a disability/impairment and communicating with individuals from another culture. I will discuss building a therapeutic relationship and effective communication with each patient.
Effective communication is crucial aspect of nursing yet too often is placed low on the priority list, especially at shift change. Information related to the care of patients is frequently disseminated at a crowded, noisy nurse station with several nurses rushing to leave and others attempting to get the information necessary to plan care and limit the constant distractions. It is this interaction that allows for information vital patient safety information to be communicated including the acuity of patients.
Mr. Comer was admitted to his local community hospital for respite care. He has suffered multiple, acute strokes in the past, which has left him with severe disabilities. These include paralysis rendering him immobile, aphasia (speech loss) and dysphagia (swallowing difficulties). He relies on carers for all normal activities required for daily living (Roper et al 1996) and is advised to have a pureed diet and thickened fluids.
This essay will highlight one of the key concepts of nursing .The concept that will be discussed in this essay will be communication, the reason for this chosen concept is that communication plays a vital role in everyday occurrences which defines how a situation is perceived by yourself, others and how communication is effectively handled . There will be a definition on what communication is also an evaluation of the chosen concept will be explored throughout this essay.
This assignment will critique the enhanced communication skills between a registered nurse and service user. For the purpose of this assignment the service user will be referred to as Iris. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout, as stated by the nursing and midwifery council (Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC], 2015). The physiological assessment being observed was blood pressure and will critique the communication skills, active listening, non-verbal, verbal communication and dignity. Verbal, non-verbal, visual and written communication are the four main types of communication (Boyd & Dare, 2014). During this observation Iris was having her blood pressure taken prior to commencing haemodialysis. Rapid removal of fluid increases the chance of hypotension during and towards the end of dialysis (Cormier, Magat, Hager & Lee, 2012). This is why it is important to monitor Blood pressure before, during and after haemodialysis. I observed Iris’s Blood Pressure being monitored prior to commencing haemodialysis.
Service Coordinator (SC), Jennifer Stoker met personal staff, Aiesha Crayton at the home of consumer Jonathan .SC asked was Jonathan meet his outcome would like is medical expenses to cover. Aiesha noted he has Medicare and Medicaid which cover all his medical expenses. SC asked if money covering his want and needs. Aiesha noted yes. He wants and needs are being meet. Jonathan wants his cell to be paid every month. Aiesha noted he cell is being paid every month. SC asked is Jonathan maintain good health. Aiesha noted he when to his PCP on June the 1st. She noted he is health and there was no change in medication.
D-The patient arrived on time for her counseling session. Reported stable on her dose and deny the need to alter her methadone dose, referring to an increase or decrease when offered by this writer. This writer addressed with the patient about her behavior in the lobby area on 07/11/2016 for the Women's Group. The patient immediately apologized and did not realize that she was being inappropriate with comment about leaving and not attending group, even though she volunteered, but how she could have handle it differently. The patient started to get emotional and apologized. She says, " You know what, I am just going to shut up from now on....I am so sorry....never wanted to be rude to you. You always been kind to me. I got clean because of you."