
Effective In Engaging ELL Parents

Decent Essays

1. Identify one or two ways that this activity is effective in engaging ELL parents.
The Vocabulary Card Match is an effective and engaging activity for the ELL parents because the students will be able to have time to learn the words rather than just completing an assignment. For instance, when the children are given the assignment to complete, they will quickly do so in class, but they will not have time to learn the words and they will easily forget. Also, research indicates that learning a new language is easier by constantly practising the newly learned vocabulary (Gutierrez, 2014). Once the parents become less supportive, the learning process becomes difficult and challenging.
Consequently, learning a new language is not about just knowing the words, but also memorizing the words and getting to know what they mean in their local …show more content…

Identify one or two ways that this activity might be ineffective in engaging ELL parents.
The activity might be time-consuming for parents who have a busy schedule therefore may be ineffective to engage the parents. Lack of time among the parents will make the vocabulary card matching activity ineffective and insufficient to meet the needs of the ELL parents. Most of the parents have busy schedules as they are trying to make ends meet. Therefore, they may neglect the need for participating in activities such as the vocabulary card match which is a significant activity in ELL. Consequently, ELL parents might not be interested in participating in the activity.
Lack of interest may make the activity ineffective (Gutierrez, 2014). One of the main reasons that makes parents have less interest in similar activities is the lack of awareness of the importance of the activities to ELL. Some parents leave teaching entirely to the teachers instead of working together to make learning successful. Making the parents aware of the benefits of the vocabulary card match activity will help in encouraging them to participate in the

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