This report will investigate on the effective leadership and the need for the leaders to lead from behind and put others in front in the occurrence of nice things and to take the front line when there is a danger. The quote means that leadership should be a collective activity where the leader understands all his followers and includes all of them in his leadership activity. Leadership is defined as a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. (Northhouse, 2010, p. 3). This article will enlighten essential leadership qualities Mandela held, and which aided him to triumph what many other leaders have never accomplished. After his release, he champions for better leadership that unites all the people irrespective of race, status, or place of origin. Meanwhile, the country hosts Rugby World Cup sport, which the veteran leader becomes keenly interested in how his team could win. On top of this, the sport is used as a basis to reflect on the determination that must be upheld by a team before it can defeat opponents. On the same note, the quote reveals the leadership qualities of the president. Thereby, the report will also analyze the leadership theories and demonstrate different styles of leadership Nelson Mandela implemented in the movie “Invictus”.
2.0 Analysis: -
2.1. Scene 1: - Mandela Invites Pienaar: -
Mandel invites Francois Pienaar, a white Afrikaner and South African (Springbok) Rugby team captain,
As many countries developed over time, changes have occurred that benefited the citizens of each nation. However, there is one important element that is needed to establish laws, peace, and harmony in each country. This element is known as leadership. Leaders around the world have contributed to the success and evolution of all of our nations, proving to be a huge responsibility. Residents are dependent amongst leaders, who are in charge of protecting their citizens at no cost. Without the presence of them, chaos and corruption would establish, which could ruin relationships and trade with other nations. In history, great leaders have been praised and admired. The characteristics of three great leaders, who are Suleiman, Nelson Mandela, and Queen Elizabeth I, have exhibited the qualities of being a great leader. These traits include causing admiration and inspiration, demonstrating intelligent knowledge, and guiding residents and themselves to solve conflicts that may cause death.
“What do effective leaders do to remain effective?” was a question that I proposed to my Leadership Application Program Speakers Round Table Class. In response I received a number of answers from personality traits to emotional intelligence. Leadership is a word that can be defined in many different ways. In the article “Leadership That Gets Results” they take the time and breakdown the six different steps of leadership, the six styles are coercive, authoritative, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting and coaching. The late David McClelland, a noted Harvard University psychologist, found that leaders with strengths in a critical mass of six or more emotional intelligence
1. The movie “Invictus” shows great examples of the trait leadership theory that Mandela portrayed as the President of South Africa. Mandela was able to influence the people of South Africa through his traits of being an extravert leader and having great integrity. According to the text, extraverts are sociable, assertive, and energetic people. Mandela displayed traits of an extravert leader. Whenever he would greet people he always had a genuine smile and good intentions towards everyone he met. Even the people who worked for him, especially his security, were expected and required to always have a smile to portray a welcoming atmosphere. Mandela was a very sociable person, he made sure to go to all the rugby tournaments and had a very
Many healthcare organizations worldwide are striving to achieve magnet designation. Having the magnet title is essential because it recognizes healthcare organizations that act as a “magnet” for excellence by establishing a work environment that identifies, rewards, and promotes professional nursing (ANCC Magnet Designation, 2012). A magnet hospital is considered to be one where nursing provides excellent patient care, where nurses have a high level of job satisfaction, and where there is a low staff
VanKoughnett (2014) discusses leadership qualities commonly taught in the United States military. These courses focus on which qualities make a leader great, but also the qualities and circumstances that cause leaders to fail. Though there are many characteristics of a leader, VanKoughnett (2014) regards personal integrity as the essential quality upon which all others are built. Integrity means being honest and selfless, and having a moral compass; all necessary “in order to maintain the respect, trust, and performance of subordinates” (VanKoughnett, 2014, p. 10). Nelson Mandela exemplified integrity while pursuing the end of apartheid in South Africa. Mandela was thought to possess all of the skills, values, and principles of a leader: integrity, honor, commitment, vision, justness, wisdom, and effective communication (VanKoughnett, 2014).
In the film ‘Invictus’ the characters of President Nelson Mandela and the 1995 South Africa’s rugby team captain Francois Pienaar exhibit excellent example of leadership theory and concept which help viewers to comprehend and take in the lesson of fundamental leadership practices and the results.
My own experience in leadership has been achieved during the last three and a half years working at Lufthansa technic Malta. The company has been operating in Malta for the last 12 years in which there has been a rapid growth in the company operations creating opportunities and developments. For the last two years I’ve had the opportunity to start working as a shop leader, developing my skills and gaining
In today’s competitive world, leadership skills are crucial for both personal and professional development. Leadership is an important function of management which helps an individual or a business to maximize efficiency and to achieve goals. Leadership has different meanings to various authors.Most commonly, leadership is defined as influence, that is, the art of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals. (Koontz). Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of either formal or informal group in the task of goal setting and goal achievement. A leader is one whose magnetic personality innervates people for some cause. Not by words, but by their actions is
I interviewed Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu, a Nigerian politician, a former governor, philanthropist and CEO of Slok Holding, with earnings and investments grossing about $330 million in 2015 according to Forbes, in order to determine what qualities make an effective and successful leader. It’s impossible to respect, value and admire great leadership if you can’t identify what makes a leader great (Llopis, 2016). This interview was conducted during his recent visit to the US on thanksgiving holiday and more feedbacks via the email. He shares some philosophies, characteristics, principles, and common strategies of effective leader, but differ in his views of the role of personality trait. The purpose of this report is to explore the leadership characters and traits, and how they relate to developmental theory. First, I started with a brief introduction regarding the subject on leadership for my interview project, followed by series of questions and discussion which investigates the traits, motivation and characteristics of leadership. The report concludes with a comparison and brief summary of his leadership traits through the interview report collected. At the same time, the report aims to put forward beneficial advice as well as specific ideas for present and future leaders and managers in the world of business.
This paper examines the journey in which Mandela embarked and will identify Mandela’s leadership qualities and styles throughout his journey to becoming President of South Africa. Although Mandela exhibits many different leadership qualities, one can make a statement that Mandela is a transformative leader, in that he exhibits various characteristics of six distinct leadership perspectives. Mandela can be seen as any particular type of these six leadership perspectives, but this paper will analyze the extent of these leadership qualities and how they have impacted the life of Mandela and the world.
This paper explores the four frames of leadership described by Bolman and Deal (2013) through the analysis of Nelson Mandela’s Leadership. Mandela is known as a great leader but when this paper explores is how he got to be, what happened in his life that developed him into such a great leader. This paper will explain his leadership in each frame one by one.
In the changing business environment, leaders of all organisations may face unprecedented uncertainty, especially the technology advancement and changes among the employees. To survive and succeed, leaders should have some necessary attributes. Meanwhile, some changes for leadership skills have to be made to confront the challenges.
After twenty seven years in prison, Nelson Mandela left prison in 1990. Only four years later, he became the first Afro-American president in South Africa’s history. Instead of looking for retaliation or justice during his mandate, Mandela inspired a nation to look for reconciliation and forgiveness, resulting in a period of peace and hope that no one could have anticipated few years before. By using his excellent transformational leadership, Mandela could lead thousands of followers to seek or envision a new future for their nation, setting an example for leaders to emulate. Many empirical studies have shown that “leveraging principles of transformational leadership results in the most effective style of leadership.” Taking into account our dynamic and complex military environment, discipline, commitment, empathy and expertise are the most significant traits that fit my personal leadership philosophy. This essay will explore….
Leadership is a term on which no one can develop a mutual consensus as it carries a different meaning for ach individual. Some people may consider a person as their leader who is capable of taking them away from hardships, some people may consider the one as their leader who is quite charismatic and can show them dreams of a bright future or some people may consider that man as a leader who can make them progress by devising wise strategies for them etc. There is, somehow, something very common in all the perspectives that are the philosophy behind the definition, which is related to choosing a best of the best person as their leader. Nobody wants to have a person as his leader who doesn’t have knowledge of the needs and aspirations of his
Various research efforts have aimed to examine the effects of leadership on performance. In recent times, however, the emerging focus on leadership has particularly been on leadership styles. Beginning from business organizations, the influence of leadership styles has been studied even in educational settings. Among the leadership styles that have received significant coverage is the transformational leadership style. It is of significance for one to have the ability to analyze the research methodologies that the researchers have employed in past studies and to be able to identify the best practices that research ought to employ. Critically, research methods form the foundation of a researcher’s work and knowledge and usage of the methods are crucial to research. This paper seeks to describe the research methodologies of five journal articles related to educational leadership after which it will review one of the five journals by providing research aspects that can be conducted differently. Choosing the most appropriate methodology to use in a research is critical to the research’s success and requires one to develop a sound understanding of the alternatives approaches.