
Effective Manager and Self Awareness

Decent Essays

1st Topic (Effective Manager + Self-Awareness)
• Self-awareness helps develop an understanding the different areas of ourselves such as personality traits, personal values, emotions and needs that drives our behaviour as a manager or any other positions (Source 6)
• Personality traits grows as we learn from experiences from different situations which indeed help us avoid situation that causes stress( Ex.: Michael Eisner’s personality is too controlling that he shields himself from treats to his position as CEO and avoid the situation, yet the board of directors and executives that he works with takes the blame instead of developing a successor and generate marketable innovations) (Protecting himself instead of helping the business) Bad Personality suffered his position as CEO which he then resign in 2005(Source 6)
• Goals are most likely to be accomplished by knowing and focusing on our personal values because we tend to have high priorities that we forget and as new opportunities and problems arise, we do not have enough time to do our high priorities. It is easy to do low priorities as they take less time. (Source 6)
• Our feelings cause actions or thought that might impact the work place. Therefore, by understanding our feelings from what cause it, it would easy to control it. (Source 6)
• An effective manager possesses good qualities such as sharing a vision, teamwork, communication, passion and compassion towards the business and to the workers. (Source 7)
• Trust and

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