
Effects Of Abuse In The Great Gatsby

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“Being a victim is supposed to set you free; it acquits you of any agency, any sense of responsibility to the person who did you harm. It’s not your fault, they say. Leave him, they say. Nobody ever tells you what to do if leaving isn’t an option.” Imagine how a woman, especially in the 1920’s, felt to be in this position. The effects of any type of abuse are appalling and need to end due to the serious risks for anyone that’s involved. It would be in society’s best interest to acquire knowledge on the different types of abuse and the signs. To understand the effects and dangers that come from abuse. Most importantly, recognize what options for assistance are available to those that are being affected by abuse in this day in age versus the …show more content…

Perhaps it’s the physical evidence that gives it the persona of being the most traumatic. Not sure it is completely necessary but physical abuse would be considered any form of harmful touch. Towards the beginning of the novel, The Great Gatsby, there is an example of physical abuse between Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson, “Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!” shouted Mrs. Wilson. “I’ll say it whenever I want to! Daisy! Dai ——” Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand. (30)” The phrase stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me is most deceitful. Emotional and verbal abuse go hand in hand. Examples include, yelling shouting, put downs, threatening comments, name calling, insults, embarrassing partner in public, possessive, making threats, etc. Similar to these is known as mental abuse. This type of abuse would be described as “mind games”, a form of manipulation, lying, and twisting things around. Then there is sexual abuse where any form of wanted sexual content is being forced. Economic abuse involves the control of finances/money, not allowing his or her partner to keep a job etc. Academic abuse is when the abusive party tries his or her best to prevent his or her partner from furthering his or her education. In truth there are probably plenty other categories not included but these for the main types of abuse that many individuals may have not have

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