He explained that the thought of not working anymore somewhat sadden him as it would anyone else. Yet, he realizes everything happens for a reason so he does not question God’s work. Also, he is thankful that his family was so helpful and supportive both emotionally and financially. Being able to do little things on the side is a good thing as well for him. However, through it all he kept an optimistic outlook on the entire situation. How individual’s aging may be influenced by race, gender, social class historical African Americans are more likely to eat a lot of greasy, fat food, and hardly every think about working out. Most importantly African American men are less likely to go to the doctor and check on themselves. This causes more heart
’s case because he knew he would need a new job to make money and provide for him and his family, so he tried something and it ended up working out very well in the end.
Aging Matters is located in the town of Ridgeland, South Carolina, a small, rural region of Jasper County, the southernmost territory in the state. The predominantly African-American community is comprised of families across generations and is rich in historical significance and cultural heritage. Like many destitute communities, Ridgeland is characterized by its historical context, limited social service infrastructures, remote access to resources, and stagnant economic growth. Accessibility to daily needs and conveniences such as grocery stores, health care, and other social supports, requires community members to embrace and support one another in order to manage everyday hindrances and cope with adverse situations. The context of the community,
In his book and lecture, Abramson (2015) explains the difference in challenges seniors face based on their economic circumstances. Research showed that older adults who resided in poor, socially marginalized neighborhoods did not have the opportunities or access to resources compared to high socioeconomic neighborhoods. Therefore, these lower status neighborhoods produce higher mortality rates earlier in life due to high stress, manual labor, and other forms of deprivation. Abramson explains that inequality scribes itself on the body throughout one’s life course possibly even on a genetic level. The disadvantaged have health problems throughout the course of their lives because social circumstances does affect the extent the body wears out.
An African American is considered residents of the United States and who have ancestry in any of the black communities of Africa. African Americans are the second largest minority population. A minority is considered the smallest of a group. Although African Americans had a hard time evolving in America their cultures, slavery, slave rebellions, and the civil rights movements have shaped African-American religious, familial, political, and economic behaviors in many ways (NCBI gov books).
“At age 65, white men in the highest-income families can expect to live 3.1 years longer than white men in the lowest-income families” (Tischler 383). Life expectancies varies among racial groups due to different leading causes of death in each race and the different incomes available to a group. According to several studies, African Americans are at a greater risk of dying from heart disease than whites, while whites are at a greater risk than Asians, Latinos, and Native Americans. Large racial and ethnic disparities exist in health due to poverty rates, diet, biological differences, and location. On a greater scale, minority groups tend to have less of an income than whites, which affect the type of medical care available for them. Also, dietary habits varies among racial groups. The African American culture consists of generally fattening food dating to centuries ago and is still persistent today. A Latino diet consists of beans, grains, and other less fattening foods. However, currently many of these racial groups begin to adapt to American diets that worsen their
Why was the Great Depression such a hard time for Americans? In 1929 the stock market crashed in America. Which resulted in massive amounts of disarray, and caused Nine Thousand U.S. Banks to Fail. During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, African Americans were hit the hardest by the scarcity of jobs and money. During the Great Depression almost all of the blacks were fired from their jobs and had no way to sustain themselves or their families due to the loss of food and money. After being fired it was nearly impossible for them to get another job, and if they did happen to be hired they received almost no pay. John Hardman wrote, “The Great Depression of the 1930s worsened the already black economic situation of black Americans. African
According to the office of the minority health, approximately 48% of African American women and 44% of African American men suffer from some form of the cardiovascular disease which includes heart disease and stroke and adults are 40 percent more likely to have high blood pressure while the women are 1.6 times more likely to die from heart diseases and complications than other ethnic groups (The Office of Minority Health, 2016).
In today’s society, the state of mind that African American males is constructed upon is troubling. It is not a frame of mind that develops overnight, it starts developing at a young age and manifests into adulthood. Many of these African American males that have developed this mentality “were abused as children, dropped out of school, lived in poverty, abused drugs, and served in many juvenile jails and prison sentences (Austin & Irwin, 2012).” Unfortunately, the environmental factors have dictated the lives of young black men instead of using it as a source of empowerment like women. They rather life the “ fast life” that involves them joining in gangs, selling illegal narcotics, and engaging in various types of property crimes just to
At the point when contrasted with whites, these minority bunches have higher rate of endless ailment, higher mortality and poor wellbeing results. Among the ailment particular cases of racial and ethnic variations in the united state is the tumor frequency rate among African Americans, which is 10% higher than among whites. Furthermore, grown up African Americans and Latinos have roughly double the danger as whites of creating diabetes. Minority likewise have higher rate of cardiovascular sickness, HIV/AIDS, newborn child mortality than whites.
The incidence of cancer is higher in Black Americans, both men and women, than non-Hispanic Whites. Men are more likely to have lung, pancreatic and stomach cancer. They are more likely to die from prostate cancer. Black African American women are 36% more likely to die from breast cancer.
Factors such as race and poverty can affect someone's health. Racism and financial struggles over time is enough stress to effect your body in many ways, such as high blood pressure. Many people stress over their socioeconomic status because they are afraid of what others think about them especially if they are a minority. Minorities already know their are prejudices towards them so the stress from worrying about their socioeceonomic status and what others think takes a toll on their health. A person that holds an upper status tends to be more concerned with their health when in comes to eating healthy and regular doctor visits. Racial minorites already do not have as long of a life expectancy as whites due to the stress they endure, however;
“They were always trying to play with my intelligence. This was a time when folks were shouting, "Say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud.' Yet, when I called someone black, they would say, "Why are you so cruel? Why are you calling us black?' If they saw me with a girl, they would yell to her, "what are you doing with that African?” now with all these behaviors towards strangers, I am yet to hear any media outlet that condemned the obnoxious behavior some of the black kids perpetrates on strangers. It brings me to the question I’ve always asked myself “Can’t black Americans be racist towards other groups? Why it that the only time black Americans are affected is are seen as racist but not vice versa.
My first reaction, seeing how the textbook lists specific diseases that are associated with certain racial groups, is that genetics plays a role. However, each of these racial groups may have their own unique cultures and habits, and theoretically this could contribute to health risks. As an off-the-top-of-my-head example, smoking a peace pipe in the fashion of some traditional native americans could increase the risk of cancer. I'd expect that eating “American” food, especially an overabundance of fast food (perhaps this is associated with white people?), would contribute to all types of health problems. Other than genetics and habits, racial groups of people may be treated differently (and negatively) based on their appearance. Our book points out that race and socioeconomic status are highly related (p. 425), meaning that blacks tend to be poorer than whites, but further points out that socioeconomic status doesn't account for the variance in health risks between all blacks and whites. (That is, it seems that rich black folks have similar health risks to poorer people of the same race.) Even people of upper status are affected by the health risks and longevity expectations shared by their less fortunate, racially similar peers. So, to answer the question, race does affect health and longevity despite social status. Just having a high social status doesn't mean you're less stressed or likely to live longer than any person
The older adult faces declines to their cellular and metabolic rate which translates to declines in the integumentary system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, musculoskeletal system and neurological systems (Potter & Perry,
Population aging is a shift in the distribution of a countries population towards older ages. This is usually reflected in an increase in the population mean and median ages a decline in the portion of the population composed of children, and a rise in the population that is elderly. How population aging affects the age structure of a population is by fertility, mortality, and migration. Babies being born represents fertility, people dying represents mortality, and people moving represents migration, changes to a population can be represented by a dependency ratio from works to none-works.