
Effects Of Alcohol Exposure On Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

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The fastest sperm has finally reached the outskirts of the awaiting egg, its sole purpose in life has been fulfilled as it fuses with the oocyte. Lots of divisions begin to occur, what was once a zygote becomes a blastocyst, which becomes the embryo, and the beginning formation of a baby has commenced. The difficult part is over now, right? This could not be further from the truth. The development of a human, from fertilization to birth, is a very complex and intricate process. It is through very specific processes that an embryo develops normally, without any sort of functional or structural irregularities. When harmful substances like alcohol interrupt these processes, the contaminated environment surrounding and …show more content…

Even if an individual does not experience any obvious structural changes, alterations in cerebral blood flow, neuronal activity, and neurotransmitters can still be apparent.1
Behavioral malformations can include attention deficit or hyperactivity, as well as impaired adaptive behavior, social skills, and social communication.2 A range of affected behavior is evident, with any degree of general impairment possible in intelligence, reflex development, motor coordination, and hyperactivity of muscle.1 Core deficits that are found in a majority of cases of prenatal alcohol exposure include deficits in attention, learning, memory, emotional dysregulation, and executive functioning, which

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