Anorexia nervosa has very tremendous effects on the body. Bone lost is one of the most irreversible complication of the syndrome. The problem is that the disease often takes place during adolescence, when the bones should be growing. This bone mass is the one that will stay the same for a lifetime. Without the essential nutrients needed, the bones will shrink instead of growing. This complication is the most irreversible one of the
The study conducted had a sample size of 90 Polish women with AN and the control group was 120 females without any signs of an eating disorder. These females were studied to identify any substantial differences in behavior. The result of the study was that females with AN exhibited less control over cognitive function and emotional behavior. The conclusion reached was that being able to identify the symptoms typical of an eating disorder in females could help in improving treatments and could also prevent any dangerous habits developed by those with
1-Patient with PTSD often witness or experience an event that create a psychological problem where they become unable to function normally. For example war veterans or a person who witness a brutal crime. Nurse to assess mental status of the patient, suicidal risk and remain with the client during the period where client are unable to control his or her emotion. Assess any substance abuse that might affect patient recovery. Nurse to provide safety and comfortable environment where patient can feel confortable to express his or herself without being judge.
Anorexia Nervosa is the condition when an individual abstains from food in order to lose weight or prevent more weight gain. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV(DSM-IV) there are four aspects of criteria to be diagnosed with anorexia: a refusal to maintain weight above what is minimally normal for one’s age and height, and extreme fear of weight gain, distorted body image, and (in females) having amenorrhea(missing three or more consecutive menstrual cycles.)(DSM-IV, 2000:589) Anorexia not only affects weight, but also alters bone growth, neurotransmitters and hormones in the brain, and electrolytes.
Anorexia nervosa is a complex eating disorder when someone is obsessed with the weight, the body shape and the amount of food eaten to the point of self starvation. It primarily affects adolescent girls and young women. It is considered rare among males (Mandy G. Katz, 2000). Anorexia nervosa has both short and long term consequences for the reproductive, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and skeletal systems (Blazej M Czekalski, 2013). Three major harmful consequences will be discussed here: endocrine mechanism of amenorrhea, osteoporosis, and fertility problems
In the Western culture, it has long been the tradition to strive for perfection in everything possible. In many ways, this has moved our culture and technology forward. This can also be quite detrimental to people, because perfection is often not attainable. In the medical field, perfection is often the goal for patients. When dealing with the human body, perfection really isn’t universal nor a realistic goal. This strive for perfection has caused some health problems for people including anorexia, erectile dysfunction, and ADHD. When people from other cultures are introduced to the medical system in Western culture, there is often a large degree of confusion and extremely different practices.
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height. (1Anorexia Nervosa MedlinePlus) They may be afraid of gaining weight, even though they are are underweight. They will have extreme control over their food and calorie intake, and exercise intensely. Individuals with this condition usually have low to extremely low weight, and body fat. Most patients are malnourished. Patients with this disorder have a disturbed body concept.
Pediatric doctor Madhusmita Misra studied and documented how malnutrition from eating disorders (mainly Anorexia), has an effect on the skeletal system. She notes that malnutrition in adolescence can contribute to low bone density which results in osteopenia or, later and more severe, osteoporosis. These effects can be irreversible if not treated, especially in young women that have already undergone puberty. Because of low weight and bone density, eating disorders can stunt a child’s growth and growth potential. In adolescent males, because they stop growing later in their life, they are less likely to be affected permanently (Misra). Eating disorders can also cause permanent infertility in women (Stewart). Although some effects from eating disorders can be reversed with time, others will stick with the victim for their whole lifetime and remind them every single day of their
Bulimia Nervosa is a psychological and severe life-threatening eating disorder described by the ingestion of large amounts of food in a small amount and then doing things such as misusing laxatives and self-induced vomiting.
Item #1: As a nineteen-year old female college student, it is not a huge surprise that I would develop an eating disorder at one point in my adolescent years. Specifically, I have been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. With anorexia nervosa, I view myself as overweight despite the fact that I am considered underweight for my particular age and height. I have developed an intense fear of gaining weight and as a result, I diet and exercise excessively. This fear causes me to be obsessed with the thought of food consumption, leading me to abstain from eating too much and possibly gaining unwanted weight in hopes to achieve the ideal body image that I believe I need in order to be accepted. Having a distorted body
Schizophrenia and Anorexia Nervosa are two mental illnesses that, combined, affect more than five million people a year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. People with these disorders tend to display irrational behaviors that hinder their thought process, such as obsession, hallucinations, and impaired judgment. Consequently, schizophrenia is difficult to outline due to the fact it is a compilation of several disorders, many the same as symptoms that develop in people who have anorexia. Many theories conclude that lesser aggressive disorders such as anorexia can develop to become chronic for a multitude of reasons. Similarly, the deteriorating health of the protagonist in the Black Swan is pinpointed throughout the film
Throughout history the idea of the perfect body has changed and along with it anorexia nervosa has developed. Anorexia Nervosa is defined as a “eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss”("Anorexia Nervosa"NEDA). Anorexia is not a choice, it is a serious disease. Not even a disease of weight loss it is a serious mental disorder.
Brandy is a 21-year-old from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She is the oldest of four children and her parents have been married for the past twenty-two years. After suffering for the past seven years in silence, Brandy has finally sought out treatment for bulimia nervosa. Brandy is a textbook case of a patient suffering from bulimia. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed., DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) diagnostic criteria includes: Persisting binge eating episodes, reoccurring behaviors to prevent weight gain, both harmful purging behaviors and binge eating episodes occurring at least once a week for a minimum for three months, evaluating oneself solely or predominantly influenced by one’s body shape and weight, and finally the patient must not exhibit the aforementioned symptoms during an episode of anorexia nervosa. Her difficulty with her weight started in high school with binge eating. Soon after starting to binge eat, she starting purging by forcing herself to puke. The roots of her disorder is in her persistent stress and anxiety as a result of her trying to strive to success.
Adolescents are especially susceptible to eating disorders because of the development of their self-image around this time of their lives. Bulimia, anorexia and binge eating are all eating disorders that teenagers suffer from. Results of Anorexia nervosa can prove to be fatal; as the body is starved so are the muscles. The heart, being a muscle, can consequently begin to weaken, and heart failure will very likely become a reality. The low levels of sodium, zinc, potassium and calcium, associated with anorexia can cause unusual heart rhythms. Sudden death caused by electrolyte and mineral disorder may happen. The blood bone marrow is also interrupted. Anemia is related with the amount of weight lost and the decreased capability to fight pathogens and infections [ (CDC) ].
We must also consider the effects of anorexia. People with anorexia experience hair loss and fingernail breakage. Women who suffer will begin to have period loss. Those who continue to be anorexic without getting help can become anemic and even begin to develop very brittle bones. Anorexia is a serious medical illness, and with severe malnutrition anorexia can also cause death.
Eating disorders affect many people and overcoming eating disorders can be a very difficult task. Anorexia Nervosa is a serious, deadly eating disorder that many people are diagnosed with every year, especially females. Women are seven to ten times more likely to develop an eating disorder than men. What would make someone want to go to the extent to starve themselves to lose weight? There are many reasons why people with Anorexia Nervosa refuse their bodies to eat. Treating the psychological disorder can be a very difficult task, but it is important to help people get back to a normal, healthy life.