
Effects Of Classical Conditioning In A Bite Of China

Decent Essays

The psychology theory seems to be professional, and it is hard to use in daily lives in many common people’s views. However, some principles are used widely in TV shows or movies. For example, classical conditioning can make people to perform a specific behavior after several times “training”. In the essay, the author will introduce a TV show called A Bite of China and discuss how the TV show use classical conditioning.
Background information
Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning was founded by a Russian physiologist, Ivan P. Pavlov, in the early 1900s. At first, He assumed that animals have automatic connections called unconditioned reflexes, which is a reflection between a fixed stimulus and response such as the food and secreting digestive juices. He speculated that the stimulus can be transferred from one to another. After that, Pavlov did the experiments and get the conclusion. In the process, he gave a dog food and the dog salivated. The connection between the food and the salivation was automatic requiring no training. The food was called unconditioned stimulus (UCS) and the salivation was called unconditioned response (UCR). The UCS is an event that automatically elicits an UCR. In other words, the UCR is the action that the UCS elicits. Next, Pavlov introduced a new stimulus, such as a metronome. At the beginning, the dogs heard the metronome but did not salivate. In this period, the metronome was a neutral stimulus (NS) about salivation. After

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