There are many great effects on the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana can help with Medical issues. Marijuana also has different street names like pot, weed, gas, and etc. Legalizing weed is a controversial topic to all. This paper will compare the pros like reducing cancer and tax revenue and cons like memory loss of legalizing marijuana. People want it illegal, others want it legal. Preferably marijuana shall be legal. Marijuana can help save the United States. Taxes on weed to change how we live. It can give the government the money we need to fix roads and etcetera. “In Colorado, for example, analyst suggest that taxing the drug could raise between 5 and 22 million dollars annually”(Business insider, 2012, Para.7). This means we the
Marijuana is a naturally grown plant that has beneficial properties and the ability to create textiles, paper products, and other goods. Marijuana is currently illegal in many states in the United States. The legalization of Marijuana will produce enormous tax revenue, reduce crime, give us a renewable resource, and give sick and suffering patients a new effective medicine. The legalization of Marijuana in the United States would both benefit the well-being of its citizens as well the economy.
Taxing marijuana would be an asset to this country’s economy by helping them with the debts, rebuilding schools, and lowering crime rates. According to Matt Ferner of the Huffington Post, since Colorado legalized marijuana the state has made $600 million in combined wholesale and retail sales (Ferner). This can be great because the United States could pay off much of its debts. That amount of money was earned through a 25 percent tax on retail purchasing, including a 15 percent excise tax, and a 10 percent sales tax (Ferner). Another asset of taxing marijuana is that the government can give some of the money to the public. Some of this money can go to schools, hospitals, and medical treatments. The rest can go to creating new
Marijuana these days is causing indefinite amount of problems because it is not legal. Since it is not legal in the U.S., Drug Cartels are taking advantage of that and illegally importing their products across the border by the use of “Drug Mules” or underground tunnels. That hurts us tremendously, since we invest millions of dollars every year to strengthen our border security to, but they always find a way to get it into the country because of high demand and price for illegal marijuana. Drug Cartels are also taking millions to billions of dollars illegally out of our economy, which is not helping our National Debt. If we legalize marijuana we can prevent the Drug Cartels from making money because people will have an easier way to buy it and we can also regulate how
Since long time, there has been controversies over the legalization of marijuana. The government is unclear about its effects on society and on individual. As of today, marijuana is illegal in Canada. The government is just now looking at its effects. Marijuana should be legalized in Canada because marijuana is essentially medically beneficial, can also lower the crime rate in Canada and give benefit to the economy by diminishing the Black Market and providing the government with tax money.
In the United States, twenty-one states have no laws on legal marijuana use, even for medicinal marijuana. Another twenty-one have legalized marijuana for medical use only. As for the other eight, those states have legalized the use marijuana for medicinal and recreational. The states that have fully legalized marijuana have seen a boost in the economy due to taxes from marijuana sales. Along with helping the economy, marijuana is proven to provide medical aid for illnesses, such as cancer and Parkinson’s Disease. The legalization of marijuana for medicinal and recreational use will be a benefit to society.
The legalization of marijuana will bring in much needed revenue to the US economy through tax revenue, the creation of jobs, decrease in the number of those incarcerated for marijuana possession, and help treat various health conditions that would otherwise cause an enormous amount of pain. Although marijuana is often looked down upon as a Schedule I illegal drug, this medicinal plant has been around for more than a decade and has been used for more than the "get high" purpose. Marijuana is non-toxic compared to multiple types of medications now on the market and it has never caused an over dose. It is also less expensive, if legalized than most of the overly priced medications provided by
Legalizing recreational marijuana will help the United Sates economy by combating the war on drugs. Regulation of the drug will bring money into the state and to the nation as well. Moreover, Clare Howard in his article, Why legalize recreational marijuana states, “America has lost the war on marijuana. The cost to taxpayers has been $1 trillion and has resulted in 40 million arrests. The war on marijuana needs to end like Prohibition ended in 1933 with the country recognizing failed public policy and formulating another plan with reasonable regulations and restrictions… perhaps regulating marijuana like alcohol and keeping it illegal for
The topic of marijuana use in today’s society is currently a hot topic in both politics as well is in social settings. There are many positives and negatives towards whether or not marijuana should be legalized, as well as medical and recreational pros and cons. This paper will cover the pros and cons of all topics and my personal viewpoint on the topic.
These negative effects of marijuana being illegal at the recreational level can be fixed. There are solutions and benefits to these problems. The first and most important thing the state will have to do in order to legalize recreational cannabis is decriminalize the drug. If marijuana was decriminalized in the state of Minnesota, crime rates and arrest would decrease. According to Christopher Ingraham, a writer for the Washington Post said, “In Colorado, marijuana arrests fell by nearly half from 2012 to 2014. Marijuana possession charges in Washington state fell by a more dramatic 98 percent between 2012 and 2013. Alaska, Oregon, and D.C. show similar declines.” Colorado, Alaska, Oregon, and D.C. saw major benefits when they decided to make marijuana legal for recreational use. If Minnesota decriminalized marijuana, not as many people would be in jail, which would help with the over crowdedness in prisons in the state. Colorado alone has compiled several research studies demonstrating that legalization has not promoted an increase in violent crimes. According to research conducted by the Drug Policy Alliance “During the first year of the implementation of Amendment 64, Denver experienced a 2.2 percent decrease in violent crime rates and an 8.9 percent reduction in property crime offenses” (Heuberger). Decriminalizing cannabis will help our police department focus on more violent and heavy drug-related crimes. This evidence provides proof that legalizing recreational
Legal cannabis can benefit the U.S in many ways but most importantly is the financial support this plant could provide.According to in 2016 If all states legalized marijuana it would generate an estimated $28 billion dollars in tax revenue. That’s $28 billion that would be reinvested in programs such as medicare,medicaid and social security. Not only will cannabis drive down pharmaceutical premiums for many cancer patients it will also generate money to be put into healthcare and retirement plans creating a stronger more financially sound America. In addition to this, Legalizing Marijuana in all states would create jobs all over the country from legal Growers to front desk “Budtenders”.America can legalize a plant that would create economic growth and jobs but they choose to keep overcharging people for outdated pharmaceutical prescriptions and letting those big companies affect elections and influence politicians.Forbes writer Debra Borchardt states that The legal cannabis market was worth an estimated $7.2 billion in 2016 and is projected to grow at a compound annual rate of
If the United States were to legalize marijuana, then our country would reap the benefits. “A mature marijuana industry could generate up to $28 billion in tax revenues for federal, state, and local governments, including $7 billion in federal revenue: $5.5 billion from business taxes and $1.5 billion from income and payroll taxes(Marijuana Tax Legalization).” This fact given from shows how if the marijuana industry could help reduce the Tax debt within our country. Many other drugs such as tobacco and alcohol are permitted to be used within our country but do not give us the same opportunity as legalizing marijuana does. “A federal tax of $23 per pound of product, similar to the federal tax on tobacco, could generate $500 million per year. Alternatively, a 10 percent sales surtax could generate $5.3 billion per year, with higher tax rates collecting proportionately more(Marijuana Tax Legalization).” Marijuana can and should be used to this country full potential in eliminating tax
Decisions about decriminalization of cannabis have been around for a very long time, however, it was not till marijuana party of Canada was established in 2000 when the topic became popular. In 2015, the Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau promised that he would legalize marijuana if he came in power. Today Justin Trudeau as the Prime minister of Canada is going forward with his promise and working on legalizing marijuana in the country. Nearly half of Canadians demand for the legalization of recreational marijuana. However, there is a lack of education when it comes to marijuana usage and its negative side effects. Instead of moving forward with legalization of marijuana, the negative effects of this illicit drug should be recognized. The recreational use of marijuana in Canada should not be legalized. Marijuana usage can negatively affect the mental and physical health of the body.
So far there are 29 states that have in some way changed the laws that deal with marijuana, either decriminalizing it for smaller amounts or making is legal for recreational use for adults 21 and older. Decriminalization will make it so that punishment will be lessened but sadly under federal law some punishments still stand. Passed recreational use will allow people to be able to have an ounce on them while giving them the right to grow anywhere from 4 to 6 plants at their homes. Now to say this is how every states laws work is false there are many differences across the spectrum, sometimes even leaving a few bump's in the road for people.
One of the positive effects of the legalization is that the legalization has led to a decrease in crime. The legalization has also benefit the schools in Colorado. The Colorado voters recently approved a fifteen percent tax on marijuana sales, that is to be used only for school construction. These are both wonderful positives that have come out of the legalization in Colorado. It is fantastic that the schools are benefiting from marijuana. Not only has the crime gone down, but the opioid use has also dropped dramatically, which is an important thing to notice when talking about the positives of legalizing marijuana. Both of these positives are the two that I found to be the most important when talking about this subject. One of the negative
To sum up, this essay has outlined the advantages and disadvantages of the legalisation of marijuana. Legalisation of marijuana can improve better for medicinal purposes, and the quantity of crime might be depleted by legalising marijuana. However, it can spread the consumption of marijuana, and have physically and mentally negative effects on users. Although marijuana can be used in medical field, the physical harm on users is serious. Consequently, the legalisation of