Can anyone live without smartphones or not using social media for a week? Imagine how our lives would be more difficult without them. We all hear that “do not eat so much, do not sleep so much, do not drink so much” because, when you do so much of something it is going to be harmful. It is the same for smartphones and social media. Therefore, when people use in moderation, their lives can be more efficient, simpler, and faster. Otherwise, daily life would be more complicated without them; they are beneficial in education, in business, and in communication. First, the smartphone is vital in education. Technology is everywhere and people can use their smartphone as a powerful tool to learn something. Every once in a while, teenagers do not feel like learning the subjects in the classroom. However, they can easily relearn it at any moment with the benefit of the smartphone, and they can study at a location that they love. Moreover, people do not have to devote a lot of time to get the data that they are looking for. Knowledge can easily be found and accessed at any given time. In the past, gaining current information was arduous and exhausting, but now the smartphone gives us a variety of information. Notwithstanding that, who wants to read all the time? Reading can be boring and exhausting for people. Watching videos with our smartphones can be much more fun and is a constructive way to learn. There are hundreds of apps to help students such as Evernote, explain
Brief Summary In her editorial, ”Cellphone detoxing can improve your daily routine,” De Anza student Neesha Malik argues being phone-less could be amazing. Her main reasons are she stopped having to check in with her parents. She had the chance to observe the world. Her attention span improved. There is a whole world for her to experience. I agree with her, and I don't think people are too dependent on their cell phones because the cell phone is just a tool and the cell phone could be forgettable.
Technology is an ever advancing industry and is in some aspects taking over the world. Today most students have a smartphone and they keep it with them at all times. Current smartphones are designed primarily for teenagers and are designed to help student with
Phones are easy to use and very accessible by both students and teachers. “Smartphones allow us to take down notes any time, any place.” “smartphones allows you to access resources and material quickly before an exam.” “not only can we make videos, but we can also edit them, add text, filters, effects and more.” This is true because smartphones really do work in a way that is helpful to students and teachers. This evidence is supporting it by just stating that there are many cool and useful ways to use them.
The education system is another department; bringing together a whole new use for smartphones. The education system must be our top priority; how to gain growth and get better. Smartphones now introduce unbelievable miracles for the system, but also major downfalls. Smartphones are extremely convenient, and now surprisingly affordable. Schools may use smartphones to expand on the learning in classrooms. In the article, “Smartphones Will Benefit Classroom Learning” by Elliot Soloway, he reports “they're the tool of choice for that generation; they're relatively affordable; they're appropriate 21st-century tools for developing 21st-century skills; and, maybe most significant of all, they enable more than just anytime, anywhere learning” (Soloway). Soloway makes a stunning point here, smartphones are in fact the ‘tool’ that this younger crowd is using. The 21st century prefers this tool; it has become an absolute essential. The education department must see that this isn’t a passing trend. Smartphones are here to stay, so we must get used to them. Students now have access to books, quizzes, lectures, and basically anything school related, all at their fingertips. The app store now has its own category for education. Quizlet is an app which allows students or teachers to create flashcards via smartphones. Teachers may create flashcards for students for any grade range or subject. Students have the power to
Over the past decade, we have integrated technology into many parts of out lives. We use our cell phones for everything from finding directions, to taking pictures of moments you do not want to forget. Everywhere you go, you cell phone goes with you, if you forget it at home, somehow we feel naked without it. Cell phones have become so powerful and useful for so many things other than just making phone calls; I do not even know why we still call them phones. With that, we have the right to feel secure and free from unwarranted searches though our cell phones and electronic devices.
The author said that cell phone is not on the fact that makes the student become uninterested to learn. By using cell phone,student can discover an interesting information on what they learn in class that cn make them be more attract on what they learn. We agree with the first pont which he states that using cell phone provide more fund for school because when students do not understand on what they learn ,they can search information using cell phone. This can reduce fund to pay the teacher for extra class.
Plenty of people miss valuable time that actually matters because of the distracting, network sites. Maureen Henderson, the author of the article “3 Reasons You Should Quit Social Media”, says, “189 million of Facebook users are ‘mobile only’, which means that people are constantly on their phone”(1). So not only does people waist valuable moments on the web, people can be messing up their lives by focusing on their phones, which they do bring everywhere. Henderson also states, “Almost a quarter
Mobile has revolutionized the education sector, if you get an iPod for free how will it? But first you have need to learn how to use it. Many Institutes in America have introduced programs for students that use these electronic gadgets for the purpose of learning which according to the author is called M-learning. Author states many students are now using these smartphones and other PDA’s containing different applications which are easily accessed to the Web-based services in different area of education like geology etc. Many Teachers and instructors have become familiar of it, so they are improvising such modules that
Here is a question I’m sure you have heard a lot, “Have you gotten the new iPhone?”. It seems like people are always talking about the newest product and it makes its way into our everyday conversation. Most people love technology and the gadgets that come with it but not everyone. The great debate on whether technology and social media can be unhealthy to our minds is still going on today. Especially since there are so many variables in play, it makes the answer not clear-cut and the difference between beneficial and damaging can seem burled when you try and pick a side. The big main focus with technology now is how it is affecting the teens and younger kids. Two articles I’ve read recently had given a good argument on both sides of the spectrum about the topic. The first article is written by Twenge and a more of an opposing view on the impact of technology and the second one is written by Gopnik with a more forward-looking take on the subject. My feelings on the issue are mixed. I do find Twenge’s research on how screen time is linked to unhappiness and depression to be persuasive but I do support Gopnik’s opinion that the actual negative effects on teens are over exaggerated and unclear.
Technology is everywhere, attached to us in almost every part of our daily lives. Places like café shops, home and as well at schools have technology. Nowadays, schools have technology devices like laptops or tablets that they use as a learning tool for students. Teachers and students use these devices in class for every subject. Text books have been replaced by the laptops or tablets, which are lend to each students in school and can take home. The devices have the apps for each of their subjects and students can read their text book in an e-book format. Additionally, students can do their homework on it, send messages to classmates or teacher, or play educational games that involves their current subjects. Although, these are convenient reasons to use devices in and after school, I must say I don’t agree. Technology devices should not be the primary way for students to learn in school. It has taken away the traditional passive learning pattern, some teacher are not helping or not teaching at all, and students are exposed to danger while walking towards school or home.
My main problem that I possess when it comes to my phone dependency is how to fill my free time with efficient activities like reading, homework, or other things. When I went through school without using social media, I was much more attentive in class and I did not really miss the connection I had with my phone. I also discovered that I do not deal with the “fear of missing out” because in actuality I did not miss out on a single thing. Identifying this fact enabled me to understand that thinking I need my phone because something important could potentially arise is a complete lie that I feed to myself to give a “valid” excuse that I need to be connected to my phone at all times of the day. This challenge revealed to me how detrimental social media could become if I keep using it extensively. I have read several articles about how media are physically altering our brain in a bad way and leading to a lack of essential skills in people, mainly in the millennial generation. This made me question if new media has contributed to the rise of social anxiety in individuals or aided the downfall of literacy in America today. This project has truly opened my eyes with my personal media use and the potential risks that can spawn from abusing
As a student, I think that if lessons were like these we probably wouldn't even want to look at our phone. Although, that is my opinion. Personally i think that these lessons are different and engaging unlike some digital lessons on the smartboard at school. And in a final way as to why having face to face ongoing lessons are better, they actually help us more. And as shown They help us more with coordination and skills we will need. One student Finn Heilig from this Silicon VAlley school tells about how he actually also prefers paper and pencil lesson, ‘Finn Heilig, 10, whose father works at google, says he liked learning with pen and paper - rather than on a computer - because he he could monitor his progress over the years” . And personally I really agree with this because in my class a lot of tools are digital, not only are our writing lessons, but its seem to start that math and reading had become really digital too now. And if we t0ok away technology we could value these skills more. And that is why I think that we really should not lift the cell phone
In today's world, you see that teens have probably been around smartphones since they were born. They depend on them and are more attached to phones than actual people. We see in everyday life that teens are glued to their smartphone screens. There are many effects that smartphones are causing on teens now. Jean M. Twenge persuades people to see that smartphones are affecting people negatively by traumatizing young teens.
If I were to ask each of you if you were able to go an entire day without your mobile device, very few can say they`d be able to do so. In fact, in a recent TIME Magazine Mobility Poll, 84% out of 5000 people surveyed in 8 different countires, admitted that they couldn’t go a single day without their phones and a third of respondents admitted that being without their mobile device for even short periods of time leaves them feeling anxious. It is clear that whenever we`re waiting for those last five minutes before the bell rings to every class, our automatic impulse is to reach for our phone. Do you really need to check anything that important? The sad truth is that we have become far too dependent on our phones. The fear that we might miss the latest gossip, or the most recent updates on all of our social webesites seems more like an addiction than anything else. We`ve clouded our vision as to what is really important, and that is-quality human interaction.
The future of education is brighter than ever because technology continues to evolve and develop. Because of so many advancements, education is now available to more individuals throughout the world. Education can now be offered to not just a few privileged in the populated communities, but connects people of all statuses from all over the globe.There are several advancements in technology that have drastically changed education. Perhaps one of the factors that has influenced education the most might be the availability of devices. Inexpensive mobile phones now have more power and potential than desktops of just a few years ago (Solomon and Schrum, 2014). Not only do they have more power and potential, but they are also more convenient