
Effects Of Overpopulation Essay

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It is obvious to see in today’s society that the world has changed so much compared to the last decade and the many years before that. As time moves forward, the human population also grows along with it. And as the population steadily increases, the environment also deteriorates and becomes heavily impacted by the negative effects of overpopulation. Humans are the main cause behind every damage inflicted upon the world. With the rise of overpopulation, along with the countless number of humans already existing, the world will inevitably suffer severe damages. The world, without a doubt, would be so much better off with a limited number of humans as more would only bring it its demise faster. It is a well known strategy to cut the …show more content…

Multiple competitions, with each one lasting from days to weeks, will be held simultaneously every year to ensure that the population does not get out of hand. In each stadium, 100,000 participants of the same gender, but different ages will be equipped with various weapons, ranging from swords to guns. Only the remaining 10% of the participants will have their lives spared until the next competition takes place. From here on, the bloody, yet exciting fight for survival begins. Firstly, the competition would benefit the players in a particular way. Humans are selfish creatures that always find themselves in conflict with one another. Living together in the same environment, humans are bound to come across each other, and hate will inevitably start to develop between one and another. The competition is the perfect solution for these issues. Through the competition, people will be provided the opportunity to settle issues with their enemies in the deadliest and most satisfying ways. As spectators, they can experience the long-awaited deaths of their enemies and stare on as their enemy’s life slowly becomes extinguished in front of their eyes with bright red blood gushing out. Or as contenders, they will be able to get true satisfaction by directly eliminating their enemies in the most gruesome way possible. The competition is beneficial to the people in the sense that it acts like a battleground for those who hold grudges and are willing to settle things through

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