
Effects Of Positive Reinforcement

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How will positive reinforcement affect speed and accuracy on a timed multiplication test?

To determine whether positive reinforcement has a bigger effect on speed or accuracy, and to what degree.

When I took AP Psychology last year, I learned that positive reinforcement will reinforce someone’s behavior by making them associate the behavior with a positive stimulus. In my experience, rushing through things usually causes me to have a faster time, but a lower score. In a study published February of 1990, it was stated that “teachers’ systematic use of certain categories of verbal statements, such as praise and reprimands, can have a positive impact on student behavior, achievement, or both.” This seems to indicate that positive reinforcement and encouragement may have an effect on the achievement of students. However I was unable to find a study comparing the accuracy and speed of participants in a study, and so I will have to make a few assumptions of my own based on previous knowledge in order to form a hypothesis.

If people are given positive reinforcement on a timed multiplication test, then their overall speed will increase, while their overall accuracy will decrease.

Pen, Pencil, Eraser, and Marking Pen/Marker
Stopwatch (Including those found on smartphones)
3 randomly generated multiplication sheets of times tables between 2 and 12 (All participants get the exact same 3 sheets) [the first sheet is 25

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