
Effects Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451

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Throughout our existence technology has been an up and coming thing. Most people have been using high­tech technology for at least
10 years now and some their whole life, but do they understand the effects it has on them. Throughout “Fahrenheit 451” By Ray Bradbury the use of technology did not only affect oneself but one's family and friends also. Obesity, Addiction, Loss of eyesight and Lack of sleep are just few of the problems technology has caused our country.
Due to its effects on a person’s Obesity, Addiction, Loss of eyesight and Lack of sleep, technology is a cancer for the human body and characteristics. Obesity is at a large increase in the United States. Food is not the only reason children of our time are gaining massive amounts …show more content…

Technology especially screen technology makes people do stuff not in their best interest. Technology is like a drug put use it for the at moment use for the right now feeling but, like even drugs it doesn't last and its outcome is not worth its feeling. “A 2010 report by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation indicates that children 8 ­ 18 years of age are getting as much as 5
­ 8 hours of dedicated screen time each day. “(Wiesen 1) 5 to 8 hours of screen time is equivalent to a drive to Memphis Tennessee. Also, 5 to 8 hours is a whole school day of learning wasted away on your instagrams and twitters. Student and young adult could easily be using this excess time to better educate themselves. Throughout “
Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury modern technology and the books in the novel connected showing the fate of our country in the future.
The protagonist Montag says "There must be something in books, things we can't imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don't stay for nothing." (Bradbury pg 51)
This old woman burned to death in her home because she did not want to leave her books and let them burn. Just as people of today's society do not ever leave their computers, phones etc because …show more content…

That tells you that the books were important because once their gone you will be addicted to technology which is a never ending cycle “In 2011, Internet usage alone was up to 2.2 billion users compared to just three million users in 1990.”
(Sikes 1) Over 2 Billion people in 21 years have joined the hype of the internet and all the features it has. Now, out of those 2 billion people how many uses the internet as a constant source. This poll was taken in 2011 that was 5 years ago the internet could easily be at at least 4 billion users daily. How are these Americans and government officials gonna deal with the day when the computer overpopulate the humans and start outsourcing them.
Most Humans of our society do not realize the importance of their eye sight. Your eyes do not only see the world you live in but, they see your love ones, they see your friends, your eyes see all the beautiful things in life that you can not take for granted. "Adults aged 18 to 34 report feeling eye strain at a higher rate (45 percent) than their older counterparts.” (Busingye 1) Not only is technology rewiring our brains but it is also affecting our everyday

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