7. The Age of Exploration had a long-lasting effect on Africa and the Americas. Europeans were initially interested in finding alternate trade routes to Asia because the Ottoman Empire had monopolized the routes that had been used in the past. The Americas were discovered on accident, but shortly afterwards Europeans began to colonize the continent. As a result, Native Americans suffered as well as Africans who were later exploited during the Atlantic slave trade.
In the Americas, European settlers and conquistadors brought disease that devastated Native American communities. They also forced many Native Americans off their land to build settlements. Many native cultures were almost completely destroyed because of Europeans coming to America.
Europeans looking to gain economic footholds and a sense of adventure took the ocean and carved a path straight to the Promised Land. The Europeans gifted the new world with diseases such as small pox which decimated the Native American population in North
One of the worst things to come out of this time was slavery. African villages would be invaded and Africans would be slaughtered. Those who lived would be enslaved and put on ships where they would be put in small cramped areas body to body off to the Americas to be sold to others and be used for work such as cotton picking. (Doc 4) Native Americans were also enslaved when Europeans and spanish conquistadors began to take over the Americas. Both Africans and Native Americans would be whipped and tortured if they did not heed their orders. (Doc 1) War was another effect of the age of exploration. When groups of people unwilling to give up their land to Spanish conquistadors would fight back things could get messy. This resulted in large amount of civilizations being wiped out and many innocent people being slaughtered. Many countries in the same continent began to wage war. Countries like France and Britain fighting over property of land. (Doc 7) The age of exploration also allowed disease to spread like wildfire throughout the world. Leaving effects of the age of exploration still with us today are illnesses like
Europeans brought to the Americas catastrophic diseases that killed millions and decimated native populations, who possessed no immunity to the illnesses. The Europeans also had deliberate policies of subjugation and extermination, by which they brutally tortured or murdered natives due to the Europeans ' history of brutality in war and their consideration of the natives as no more than savages. The Europeans also introduced some beneficial elements. These included important crops such as sugar and bananas, domestic livestock such as cattle and pigs, and the horse. They also taught the natives the Spanish and Portuguese languages, though the natives came to create a large number of dialects that mixed elements of their own language with that of the new Europeans.
People of the early African kingdoms were able to create successful trade routes with Europe and Asia, become very wealthy from conquering and gaining land, and were able to have a strong central government. All of this was done before the Europeans had reached Africa. Trade flourished on the East African coast, especially when trading was established with India and Arabia. African kingdoms were prosperous, because of their success with not only trading but also with their ability to conquer land. A governmental structure is key to allowing any kingdom to thrive, and the African people were able to achieve this.
Within a generation of Columbus’ death, Spain had taken control of most of the New World. They thrived on ideas of power and conquered the Inca. The explorers moved further west and found the Aztecs, who had a population of two hundred thousand people. The Spanish conquered them in two years. They did not always treat the natives with so much disrespect, though. The Columbian exchange allowed for new materials, foods, and more to be brought to and from these worlds. Cattle, pigs, goats, and more were brought to the Americas from the Old World. Various plants that had been accidentally imported from Europe caused a lot of damage to the ecosystem in the Americas. The Americas introduced to Europe things such as corn, potatoes, yams, and much more. Spanish explorers eventually continued to move west in search of their precious gold, and still kept with their idea of killing any natives that stand in their way, until they reached New Mexico, where the Spaniards decided to live with the Native Americans in peace. The Spanish colonists were often a selfish group of people who took what they wanted from natives and tried to force them to convert away from their own religious beliefs, then killed them off. Finally, the settlers decided to live with them peacefully after killing hundreds of thousands of natives over the
Historically the treatment of Native Americans has been highly problematic, especially throughout the colonization of the New World. Although, when colonising some Europeans took a merciful and sympathetic approach to the Native Americans, generally the treatment towards the indigenous people was not humane. Not only did the Native Americans die at the hand of the settlers, they also died from diseases that had been brought to the new world by explorers for which they had no immunity. In some cases diseases such as smallpox wiped out entire tribes. Together, the introduction of diseases and the actions of the European settlers had devastating effects on the Native Americans.
The Age of Exploration had a great impact on the world. During this time, the New World was discovered and the New and Old World came together. The colonization of the New World had many positive and negative effects during the Age of exploration. The Europeans were motivated by things such as gold, god, and glory, which led to the start of the Age of Exploration. Many negative effects came from the colonization of the New World such as, mistreatment of Natives, many wars taking place, and slaves began to be a big part of a the trade with the New World. On the contrary, there were many positives, like new products were traded, new routes were found, and many relations were made with the Indians. Many things led to the Age of Exploration, which
Culture wasn’t the only thing that the Europeans brought over to the Americas. Along with their customs and rules, came the diseases that the Native American’s have never been exposed to. The Europeans brought many communicable diseases such as small pox and measles which were transmitted to the Native Americans through trade goods or someone infected with them. This quickly annihilated most of the Native American population.
In a family of six you can be assured that when dessert comes out after a homemade meal that you better be fast so you can get your own share of mamma pecan pie. Even if it is cut into equal pieces there are motivations for wanting more than your fair share. Motivations such as, you missed out on seconds during the main course, you just love her cooking, or you don’t want your siblings to get more than you. These motivations create havoc until mom instructs everyone that, “there will be no fighting over my pie”. It is so interesting that in terms of the fight for a piece of pie, similarities can be drawn to the scramble for Africa. Though there was no one that stood in the place of a mother to tell the European powers that they needed to
We as a world together have been through a lot of changes and made a lot of advances over the past couple of centuries. Many have argued about the outcome of the European expansion on the Americas. Some people feel that the Europeans had both a positive and negative impact on the expansion; however, the negative impact gave a devastating result, which would continue to change history for almost four hundred years. The Europeans were manipulative towards to indigenous people of the Americas. They exploited them, using them as their personal slaves. Most importantly, they silently murdered the Natives by introducing them to diseases such as the measles and smallpox. Consequently, a small pox epidemic was caused, which resulted in the
The arrival of Europeans in America greatly disrupted the life of the Natives. The natives had their own culture in America with their own special beliefs. When Europeans arrived they tried to alter the way Native Americans lived their lives to resemble their way of living. The Natives did not respect this because they had previously built a lifestyle in America that they wish not to be transformed. The two cultures had different opinions about government, religion, land, and society. Due to the many differences between the Native and European people, it was unfeasible that there would be no conflicts between them.
Colonialism is the policy or practice of having full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically. Countries such as Africa, India, Indonesia, and other countries have been a part of colonialism, where they have been taken control by other dominating countries such as Britain, Belgium, or Netherlands. These countries then started to develop under the influence of their colonial leader countries. After becoming decolonized which is the release of colonialism, where a nation establishes and maintains its domination over dependent territories, these countries still suffered from being under the influence of their colonial leaders for so long. Long-term effects of colonialism are government and ethnic conflict. One long-term effect of colonialism is government has not been working in favor for the people. In Africa, the DRC has a democracy that is unsupportive of the people in its country, and India’s laws still do not protect the Dalits. A second long-term effect of colonialism is ethnic conflict increases, because India now has religious separation, and Rwanda in Africa continued to have an ethnic separation.
Native Americans had inherited the land now called America and eventually their lives were destroyed due to European Colonization. When the Europeans arrived and settled, they changed the Native American way of life for the worst. These changes were caused by a number of factors including disease, loss of land, attempts to export religion, and laws, which violated Native American culture.
Colonization is the action of annexing an area or people, usually by force. Colonialism mimics the story of someone who comes and takes another person's car as theirs without the original owner's consent and decides to use it as long as they want. This is what the Europeans did to Africans and their land. European colonists came to Africa and separated the land amongst themselves and took it as theirs. The colonization of another country isn't always right. Colonizing another brings along harsh mistreatment to the natives and even a collapse of the economy of the colonized nation.
The Atlantic slave trade existed from the 16th to the early 19th century and stimulated trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Over 12 million Africans were captured and sold into chattel slavery off the coast of West Africa, and more than 2 million of them died crossing the Atlantic. These outcomes of the slave trade are rarely disputed among historians; the effect of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa, however, is often a topic of debate. Some academics, such as Walter Rodney, insist that Africans were forced to take part in the slave trade, resulting in demographic disruption and underdevelopment in all sectors of Africa. Historian John Thornton acknowledges the negative consequences of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, yet contends that it was merely an expansion of the existing internal slave trade which African rulers engaged in willingly. A final case made by Hugh Thomas completely contradicts Rodney’s thesis, asserting that the slave trade was not solely responsible for decreasing Africa’s population, and furthermore, that it was primarily beneficial to Africa’s economy and politics. The true outcome of the slave trade in Africa lies not entirely in any one of these arguments, but rests rather in a combination of all three. Although the Atlantic slave trade was detrimental to the economic and social development of Africa, the trade benefited a small portion of Africans, who willingly aligned themselves with