Effects of 2013 GDP Growth on Micro-Enterprises
In Sta. Mesa, Manila: An Analysis
In Partial Fullfilment Of The Requirement Of The Degree
Bachelor In Banking And Finance
BBF 4-10S
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Due to queries about what will be the effects of these changes, especially GDP growth for the first quarter of 2013 for micro entrepreneurs, the researcher/s decided to take this study to broaden their understanding and determine what those effects are.
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY This research paper, entitled “Effects of 2013 GDP Growth on Micro-Enterprises in Sta. Mesa, Manila” focuses on the 2013 GDP growth as its independent variable and the Micro-Enterprises located in Sta. Mesa, Manila as the dependent variable intervened by the nature of business of the respondents. Thus, this research, having the effects as independent and the micro-enterprises as the dependent, is a bi-variate one.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study is undertaken to analyze the effects of the 2013 GDP growth on micro-enterprises in Sta. Mesa, Manila.
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions: 1. What is the nature of a micro-enterprise affected by the GDP growth? 2. How the micro-entrepreneurs located in Sta. Mesa, Manila is affected by the said growth? Does this growth affect significantly their business? 3. How do the micro-entrepreneurs deal to the positive effects of GDP growth in their business? 4. How do the micro-entrepreneurs deal to the negative effects of GDP growth in their business? 5. Does their profit increase/decrease when the growth has taken place? 6. What are the things that
3. Why do you think entrepreneurship in a nation decline as its population ages? How could this impact global marketing?
Imagine a nation brimming with smiling workers and a swelling economy. Doesn’t that seem like somewhere you would want to live? Well you can; if you support me, Ty Goldin, a member of the Populist Party, we can make this idea come to life. Face it; America is declining before your eyes. The plight of America is characterized by the tough times for farmers to survive, the complete domination of the American economy by massive corporations, and the extremely poor treatment of the average worker. I will help fight these horrible circumstances and make America the ultimate ideal nation.
Small business are said to be the backbone of the United States economy. It said that small businesses contribute to growth and vitality in the specific area of the United States economic development. Small businesses play a huge role in how the business world is shaped. Entrepreneurs are smart, creative and innovative however, those same entrepreneurs need to have some knowledge that the study of microeconomics focuses on. With the study of microeconomics, their product or future business will succeed in an economic view point.
Large corporations, such as Coca-Cola, Nike, and eBay, started off as small business that grew to become a large company and play as a major player in the national or international level of marketplace. In fact, ImageFirst Sings started as a very small company that only generates about several thousand dollars per month. As time goes by, ImageFirst Signs now able to generate for about 3.3 to 3.4 million dollars of revenue annually. Provided that, a small business can also helps in shaping the size and growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) values in the United
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Small businesses are the core of the engine that runs the American economy. They are a very intricate and essential part of what makes America strong. Annually there were approximately 400,000 new small businesses started every year in the United States of America. Before the recession the normal business closure for companies in America were approximately 100,000 annually. This rate of exchange between new and closing businesses is known as “the birth and death rate of American companies”. After the recession the death rate of businesses in the United States has increase exponentially, growing from 100,000 companies a year to approximately 470,000 companies closing annually (Joseph, 2014). Most may think this is a result of the recession,
The first is the great need for small businesses for future economic growth, locally and internationally. There is a tremendous need for small business to keep up with technological advances and environmental changes. Small business can innovate and create new jobs at a faster rate than their larger competitors. Unfortunately, living in times of high crime, recurrent
14. Explain why a nation’s GDP is both a good and poor measure of its economic well-being and progress?
1. What advice would you give the US and global policy makers to help grow their economies and improve your industry conditions?
Around the world, law enforcement agencies have common goals but each one performs their duties a little bit different from the others. This goes for Chinese and American police as well. Chinese police are comprised of five different departments and responsibilities. The most well-known is the public security police, which is the most common with America and other countries. Judicial police work as people’s procurators and judicial police in the people 's courts. State security police, similar to the FBI in America, and prison police, otherwise known as correctional officers. Judicial, State security and prison police comprise 14 percent of Chinese police, whereas public security police make up the other 86 percent (Li, 1997).
Small businesses are the backbone of national economy and play a leading role in innovations as well as in creating jobs. Small business has the intrinsic needs to growth. Obvious contributions of the growth of small businesses include the increased return on investment and job creation. The interesting and valuable question is how small business grows and are all small businesses growing? It is no surprise that the growth of business is a core topic both in organization theory and entrepreneurship, both are interested in the process and causes of business growth. Stages of growth models, which assume that business go through some distinct stages from birth to maturity, have been the most popular theoretical approach in academic to understand small business growth. Although the stages model of growth has been criticized for being too sequential and linear which is unrealistic and inconsistent with empirical evidence (e.g. Phelps et al., 2007; Levie and Lichtenstein 2010), various new stages models of business growth have been developed since the 1960s.
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In our Go Negosyo: Meet the Presidentiables forum with President-elect Rodrigo Duterte last February, he reiterated that he will have programs to support the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the country to help alleviate poverty. The President himself said that he will allocate a budget to the Department of Trade and Industry to help assist MSMEs and provide training and seminars for them. The President Duterte knows that there are many micro-entrepreneurs in the urban areas that still need financial aid and additional technical
By B.K. Atrostic and Ron Jarmin* Micro data—that is, data on individual businesses that underlie key economic indicators—allow us to go behind published statistics and ask how IT affects businesses’ economic performance. Years ago, analyses indicated a positive relationship between IT and productivity, even when official aggregate statistics still pointed towards a “productivity paradox.” Now, such analyses shed light on how varied that relationship is across businesses, and how IT makes its impacts. This chapter focuses on research about businesses based on micro data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau. We highlight the kinds of questions about the use and
The importance of small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) in the economy of any country cannot be overlooked. In fact for nearly 15 years, most researchers dealing with economic planning have highlighted the significance of these enterprises stating that they are a key player in realizing any country’s economic goals. As such, governments as well as other organizations with interest in development are laying plans and strategies to promote the establishment of Small and Micro Enterprises. This is seen as a move to ensure that there is full participation of SMEs in the country’s economy. The Small and Micro Enterprises have been known to contribute to a large extend as a source of innovation, entrepreneurial skills as well as source of employment. For example, statistics in 25countries of the European Union show that 99% of the jobs provided to its citizens come from the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Rowe (2008) points out that the British economy relies heavily on the participation of SMEs. On the other hand, 99% of the UK’s economy is composed of small and micro enterprises.