I’ll “Facebook” You Later: The Effects of Facebook in Young People’s Lives Cynthia Vasquez Northwood University Abstract In the past ten years, the breakthroughs of the Internet have lead to the creation of online social networks. Founded in 2004, Facebook has become the most popular social network in the past few years. It has created a new way for people to communicate and socialize. Either by “posting” on their friends’ “walls” or by videoconferencing, users can leave them a message. However, the nonstop use of Facebook is becoming a discussed issue among our society. Youth are using Facebook to procrastinate on their daily tasks. Checking their Facebook profile is now part …show more content…
Whether they are just waking up, lunching, or bored in class, they will take out their phones and post whatever comes to their minds on their “walls”. Facebook has become the platform where they can express themselves. Some of them may post their mood for the day or what made their day interesting. Others may post every ten minutes what they are doing. If they missed something in class, they can always post on their friends’ wall asking for what the homework was. Further, they don’t have to plan a game day anymore with their friends; Facebook applications offer young people the opportunity to play any online game with their friends and compete against them. They can also meet new people with different cultures and beliefs, and share with them what is happening. This social network has created another way to socialize. Young people may not only talk to their friends face-to-face, but also through their Facebook profile. Facebook helps young people stay connected with their friends and share everything they want. However, everything in life has a bad side. Facebook is not the exception. As said before, “facebooking” is a daily routine for young people, but they are often worrying about it too much. Sometimes they feel like updating their Facebook profiles every ten minutes. It doesn’t really matter whether they are in math class or walking to the computer lab, they won’t hesitate to
Facebook is a social networking site that is free of charge for its users. It allows the individual the opportunity to stay connected with friends and family, sharing updates, photographs and user status. The company grosses more than $1 billion per quarter in advertising revenue and online games (Ritholtz, 2014). In this respect, Facebook is much more that a social network. It is a versatile and sophisticated corporation that has revolutionized the way people share their lives and communicate. Their mission is “to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the
Over the years, Facebook has become a platform whose purpose has become questionable. In a letter to Facebook potential investors, Mark Zuckerberg - the creator of Facebook - addresses that “Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission — to make the world more open and connected.” He had the intention of informing the moneymaker investors that Facebook only makes money to improve its service and not to generate any type of income. For Mr. Zuckerberg, Facebook is non-profit company that provides a platform where people can build a social community to share ideas, memories and opinions. Therefore, it fulfills one of the most important life necessities: connection.
The use of social networking sites is rising at great rates. According to a report conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project in 2012, ninety-five percent of individuals aged 12-17 use the internet; and eighty-one percent of those use social network sites (Pew Interest). Although it is known that social media can have a useful impact on lives, often times people forget that with a positive comes a negative. The continual use of social network sites will impact teen lives more negatively than positively because they can cause huge distractions from valuable and critical pursuits like education; they can also cause mental health issues and a reduction in communication skills.
Because adolescents are growing up with more access to social networking, texting and instant messaging on various sites have become prime means of communication. While this is not necessarily bad, many people feel the need to over-share things about their personal lives online. More and more people are using Facbeook and more and more employers are using Facebook to scope out potential employees. If there are inappropriate pictures and comments all over someone’s Facebook page, they are more likely to not receive the job. Some students get in trouble for things they post on Facebook and Twitter. Some users are beginning to notice this and have started deactivating their accounts to regain a sense of privacy. CNN’s article “The anti-social network: Life without Facebook”, states that some students who are trying to maintain a professional image for future employment are deleting their pages.
At any given time of day, anyone can access an abundant amount of information at the click of a button. Men, women, kids, teenagers, adults and even the elderly are learning how to use the internet to their advantage. Among all the benefits the internet has provided to us, online communication has proven to be the most beneficial. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace have made it easy for everyone to stay in contact with each other. Regardless of how far apart a family member or friend is, everyone is just one click away. If someone is not having a good day, they can share their feelings with everyone in a matter of seconds. These social networking sites have become quite popular among adolescents. They allow teens to stay more connected with their friends outside of school. Now teens have become more obsessed with their friends Facebook or Twitter status than engaging in outdoor activities like football or
Nowadays, the new generation life without Facebook is almost unthinkable. Since its inception in 2004, this popular social network service has quickly become both a basic tool for and a mirror of social interaction, personal identity, and network building among students. Social network sites deeply penetrate their users’ everyday life and, as pervasive
Technology has had a great impact on the way the world communicates. Access to technology has become an integral part of education, socialization and industry related requirements, and accordingly Internet usage is evolving and growing rapidly. MySpace, Twitter, Skype, and Facebook are some of the online connections people use today to stay in contact with friends, coworkers, and family. Communicating in today’s society has become a lot easier with social networking sites allowing us to communicate with people with a simple click of the mouse. In this paper, I will address the strengths and limitations of social networking. I will look at the ways that social network can impact the social world of people and communities, especially those
Facebook is currently largest social networking site in the world based on monthly unique visitors – attracting 130 million unique visitors every day (Alexa Inc. 2012). The site’s popularity exploded in 2007 and it bypassed its social networking rival, MySpace, in April 2008 (Phillips 2007). Over the last few years Facebook has impacted people’s social lives in various ways. With its availability on modern smart phones, Facebook enables users to continuously stay in touch with friends, relatives and peers wherever they are in the world as long as they have internet access. It can also group people together who share beliefs and interests and has been known to even reunite lost family members and friends through its enormous social reach
As a teenager logs onto the internet for homework, the focus is lost. Why? Well, out of like infinite possibilities and opportunities of internet browsing and blogging, the teen is most likely on Facebook. Facebook, or as it was originally called www.thefacebook.com, is a website where users post and share photos, profiles, and basically anything that in a foreign world was considered “private”. Although, it is not only trendy teens surfing this site, business men marketing, musicians
Facebook, a social networking website, has changed the way people communicate with each other. A social networking website is an online platform that allows users to create a public profile and interact with other users on the website. Facebook has even changed our most personal and private conversations and how they are conducted around the world. Since the internet’s birth in 1983, this trend of online communication has been growing. Created in 2004, now registered with more than one billion participants, Facebook’s user numbers surpass even the top four social networking websites combined. According to Wikipedia statistics, Instagram has 300 million registered users, LinkedIn has 200 million users, Classmates.com has 50 million users, and Flickr has 32 million registered users. To be further convinced of the claim that Facebook indeed changes the way we communicate, you would only need to create your own Facebook account and start participating in their social networking experience. Technology and internet usage is fused into every aspect of our society including the style of communication. The launch of Facebook in 2006 also enabled other devices such as touch phones, interactive tablets, and even advanced cars with their own networking capabilities starting in 2007. Facebook is a multibillion-dollar company and is highly recognized for connecting more people than other networks. Facebook’s long-term success can be attributed to providing entertainment, world news, and
Facebook has become such a huge epidemic due to the way people can communicate with one and other through instant messaging and commenting too seeing photographs and uploading your personal information. Although there are many negative impacts that social media has on our youth’s lives; there continues to still be an uprising community of people who continue to use Facebook as their number one form of communication (Los Angles Times 2011).
In this 21th century, Facebook is one of close friend that we spend time with. Sometime I wonder if we see Facebook’s page more often than see our parents’ face. Every time, I sit in the computer, I see almost every student open their Facebook’s page. Or, sitting in the hallway, face down with their phone or walking with it. Last night, I was talking my younger sister about her friends on Facebook while driving from St. Cloud back home in St. Paul. She told me that she never be lonely because she could talk with her friend wherever she been to. I asked her if she is talking with her friend now while we drive home, then she said no. I told her that she should be back to the reality because when her Wi-Fi, phone, or iPad die she will a black screen friend. Anyway, Facebook is not that bad. It is a new world open an opportunity with other new story and it is fast to share news cross different place with different time. However, it is not always be good all the time. It is information cannot be 100% trust.
Facebook is one of the top grossing social media platforms today that is increasingly finding more ways to keep friends and family connected. Rather they use it or not, majority of teen today have a Facebook account at some point in their life. Facebook has its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of Facebook can lead to an unhealthy teen. Facebook affects the mental health in teens causing issues with self-esteem, depression, and create an unhealthy dependency on the social media platform.
In September 2006, Facebook is just a new born social networking site which has approximately 9.5 million users (Raacke and Bonds-Raacke, 2008). In November 2013, the users of Facebook have increased to 1,278 million (Facebook, 2013). Based on user number and traffic research, Facebook already become the world biggest social networking sites. The dramatic development of Facebook brings a series changes in people’s everyday life. There are a number of functions to satisfy different demand of their audience. For example, Facebook allow users to build up a personal profile and post their information on it. In addition, they can find some entertainment function, Games app supply thousands of games. Many researches begin to focus their attention on the relationship between Facebook and its audiences. These researches mainly use college students as survey subject. As one of the biggest user group, more than 90% college students have Facebook account (Wiley and Sisson, 2006; Ellison and Steinfield et al., 2007; Raacke and Bonds-Raacke, 2008). Some researches showed college students spend time on Facebook per day is about 30 minutes (Ellison and Steinfield et al 2007; Valenzuela and Park et al., 2009; Pempek and Yermolayeva et al. 2009). However, these researches have just evaluated the impact of Facebook on users, and no research analyses how the audience demand affect Facebook service. As one of the Facebook users, it is important to know the relationship between Facebook and me.
Facebook is one of website which facilities communication. By facebook, people become easy to communicate with their friend. Moreover, facebook can be accessed for all ages. For example, using facebook becomes a lifestyle for teenagers. Almost everyday they access their facebook account to chat with their friends or just to update their status. If they don’t have facebook, their other friends will say you are old-fashion people. Facebook also has advantages and disavantages. In this article, let’s try to disscuss the disavantages of using facebook. Some disavantages that we can mention here : making weak eyesight, wasting time and money, cyber crime and conflict rising.