
Effects of Facebook Essay

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I’ll “Facebook” You Later: The Effects of Facebook in Young People’s Lives Cynthia Vasquez Northwood University Abstract In the past ten years, the breakthroughs of the Internet have lead to the creation of online social networks. Founded in 2004, Facebook has become the most popular social network in the past few years. It has created a new way for people to communicate and socialize. Either by “posting” on their friends’ “walls” or by videoconferencing, users can leave them a message. However, the nonstop use of Facebook is becoming a discussed issue among our society. Youth are using Facebook to procrastinate on their daily tasks. Checking their Facebook profile is now part …show more content…

Whether they are just waking up, lunching, or bored in class, they will take out their phones and post whatever comes to their minds on their “walls”. Facebook has become the platform where they can express themselves. Some of them may post their mood for the day or what made their day interesting. Others may post every ten minutes what they are doing. If they missed something in class, they can always post on their friends’ wall asking for what the homework was. Further, they don’t have to plan a game day anymore with their friends; Facebook applications offer young people the opportunity to play any online game with their friends and compete against them. They can also meet new people with different cultures and beliefs, and share with them what is happening. This social network has created another way to socialize. Young people may not only talk to their friends face-to-face, but also through their Facebook profile. Facebook helps young people stay connected with their friends and share everything they want. However, everything in life has a bad side. Facebook is not the exception. As said before, “facebooking” is a daily routine for young people, but they are often worrying about it too much. Sometimes they feel like updating their Facebook profiles every ten minutes. It doesn’t really matter whether they are in math class or walking to the computer lab, they won’t hesitate to

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