
Effects of the Cotton Gin

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Effects of the Cotton Gin


Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin around 1763. At the time he invented the

engine Whitney lived with Catherine Greene, a widowed plantation owner. While staying with Greene, Whitney learned a lot about the production of cotton. He learned it was a tedious, time consuming and labor intensive job. Whitney was a graduate of Yale and was talented in the field of mechanics and inventive engineering. Eli’s solution was simple, an engine that separated the cotton after it was picked. The gin would assist farmers who had a difficulty making a living off of the crop because of the work that went into harvesting. Some history experts have shared the idea that Catherine Greene actually came up with …show more content…

South Carolina was the number one producer of cotton in the United States, and they were also the first to secede. The issue of slavery and the division it caused between the North and the South was a negative affect of the cotton gin. !

In conclusion, the cotton gin successfully increased the production of cotton. The

gin lessened the burden of harvesting the crop, making it more profitable to the farmers.
As the cotton gin evolved, the profits gained by the farmers increased exponentially. The gin had a positive lucrative effect on the farmers and plantation owners of the South. As production increased, the demand for labor became significant. The southern farmers now had the money to buy slaves which then assisted in further increasing cotton production. The Southern economy was booming a century after the gin was invented.
The North did not appreciate that the southern farmers maintained slavery, which led to significant political issues. Eventually the southern states sought to secede from the
Union. South Carolina, the leading producer of cotton, led the secession. The cotton gin had a tremendous affect on the Southern economy. This resulted in an increase of wealth and power throughout the South which was not well received by the North. The increase production of cotton, resulting from the cotton gin was a primary factor in the division between the North and the South. The impact of the cotton gin was not just

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